How to optimize catalog sections in an online store: step-by-step instructions
- Tutorial
Categories, they are also sections of the catalog, sometimes play a key role in website promotion. Here visitors come directly from search engines. Almost 90% of the success of the promotion depends on how correctly and correctly you optimized these pages. Over the years, we at AlkoDesign have promoted dozens of such projects.
In this article, we decided to share our vision about the ideal optimization of the categories of the online store: we will analyze each item, and at the end of the article you will find a cheat sheet.

Title (Title) in most cases is created using the template generation.
For example this :
You can create your own.
* - as the second name use:
Be sure to check the main name for wordstat. He should have a lot of impressions.
** - more often used if there is a full second name so that the Title does not look “dirty”.

If these requirements are strictly followed, the clickability of the snippet will increase. Additionally, you can use quick links, they also seriously affect clickability.
If you will use them, be aware: the Yandex robot generates quick links automatically. Because of this, you cannot specify in the search which links should be displayed. Also, one of the conditions for their display is that the product card must be multi-page. That is, it should have various pages with their own URLs.
You can read more about the formation of quick links in the "Help" section in Yandex.Help.
The same navigation chain, which is the return path of the buyer to the main page.

Use MANDATORY . Otherwise, why is this all there is to it?
H1, to be honest, the most undemanding headline. But even with it, many SEO-specialists “mess up”.
Everything is clear here: this text is placed between the heading and the product catalog. May contain either text fragments or small plain text. Most often, it describes the benefits of a product or the online store itself.
If your section can be divided into subsections and tags (which can be parallel filters on the category page), then it is advisable to do this.
Our guys compose them in Excel. You can do it where it is more convenient for you.
So, we write out:
View the list and break it into additional groups. Sort products by them: from two products in one category.
After that, combine the resulting columns with each other.
For example:
Flower tags : green, black, blue
Product Tags : down jacket, coat, winter jacket
Combinations :
In most cases, they are derived from the content part. They must be inside there are links to the main tags.
You can also display the main tags in the sidebar in the sidebar.
An example of how tags are displayed on the category page, below the items:
For better filtering, use an SEO filter. About the filter of our development is written in detail here .
Usually the keywords that have not been used above are written here, and the characteristics of the category goods or their individual characteristics. The content of the lower text is highly dependent on the category under which the page is optimized.
And here is the same template that we talked about above:

Optimization of product categories is always an individual story and completely depends on the site’s field of activity, keywords, demand, etc.
In order to facilitate the work process, we recommend creating a template. Our article will help you with this.
In this article, we decided to share our vision about the ideal optimization of the categories of the online store: we will analyze each item, and at the end of the article you will find a cheat sheet.

Title for online store category
Title (Title) in most cases is created using the template generation.
For example this :
{Section name} - buy {* section name 2} in {city in the prepositional case}: price, sale {** section name in many in the genitive} in the online store {store name}
You can create your own.
* - as the second name use:
- brand or company name (if it is in English - we write in Russian)
- alternate name or synonym
- title with a modified preposition or form of the word
- singular name
- Sony laptops -> Sony laptop
- Bosch coffee machines -> Bosch coffee machine
- Kitchen Chairs -> Kitchen Chairs
- Tables for the kitchen -> Table in the kitchen
- etc.
Be sure to check the main name for wordstat. He should have a lot of impressions.
** - more often used if there is a full second name so that the Title does not look “dirty”.
Do not forget about the individual approach. In each subject, the basis may be different.
Snippet rules:
- keyword spamming is prohibited.
They do not affect the ranking. The keywords that you uploaded in Description are highlighted in the description and attract the attention of users; - write the price.
Or you can use other characteristics and variables, but surely attracting attention. For example, the same price can be written in the header. and in the description. - total volume - from 150 to 200 characters.
- the organization must be in Yandex.Directory.
If you add the company to Yandex.Directory, contact information will be displayed in the snippet. - we connect the markup
This will allow the snippet to be displayed correctly in search engines, including price and additional information.

If these requirements are strictly followed, the clickability of the snippet will increase. Additionally, you can use quick links, they also seriously affect clickability.
If you will use them, be aware: the Yandex robot generates quick links automatically. Because of this, you cannot specify in the search which links should be displayed. Also, one of the conditions for their display is that the product card must be multi-page. That is, it should have various pages with their own URLs.
You can read more about the formation of quick links in the "Help" section in Yandex.Help.
Bread crumbs
The same navigation chain, which is the return path of the buyer to the main page.

What are their benefits:
- simplify site navigation
- simplify search engine indexing
- help improve linking
Use MANDATORY . Otherwise, why is this all there is to it?
Header H1
H1, to be honest, the most undemanding headline. But even with it, many SEO-specialists “mess up”.
Remember: in the H1 Heading you need to insert the key that you added to the main title (title).
- there should be only one H1 on the page.
Yes, we remove even from the text part. And be sure to place it on top of the page. The title should only be there. And nowhere else. - add one, the most popular key.
Of course, he must also be competent. For example, if your brand is more searched for by the Russian name, and it sounds correctly in English, you can’t add such a keyword to H1 anyway.
Top text
Everything is clear here: this text is placed between the heading and the product catalog. May contain either text fragments or small plain text. Most often, it describes the benefits of a product or the online store itself.
If your section can be divided into subsections and tags (which can be parallel filters on the category page), then it is advisable to do this.
How to choose tags correctly
Our guys compose them in Excel. You can do it where it is more convenient for you.
So, we write out:
- Brands of goods presented in the online store
- Characteristics by which goods are distributed
- Queries from semantics (not all, but only those that can be converted to tags)
- Tags from competitors' site - sizes, colors and so on
View the list and break it into additional groups. Sort products by them: from two products in one category.
After that, combine the resulting columns with each other.
For example:
Flower tags : green, black, blue
Product Tags : down jacket, coat, winter jacket
Combinations :
- Green down jacket
- Black down jacket
- Blue down jacket
- Green coat
- And so on
How to display tags on a page
In most cases, they are derived from the content part. They must be inside there are links to the main tags.
You can also display the main tags in the sidebar in the sidebar.
An example of how tags are displayed on the category page, below the items:
What you need for good indexing and increased clickability:
- optimize the title and description of the snippet;
- make links to subcategories;
- analyze the issuance of contextual advertising for the primary key.
For better filtering, use an SEO filter. About the filter of our development is written in detail here .
Bottom text
Usually the keywords that have not been used above are written here, and the characteristics of the category goods or their individual characteristics. The content of the lower text is highly dependent on the category under which the page is optimized.
And here is the same template that we talked about above:

Optimization of product categories is always an individual story and completely depends on the site’s field of activity, keywords, demand, etc.
In order to facilitate the work process, we recommend creating a template. Our article will help you with this.
Fact: after the appearance of this template, in our company the amount of time to optimize 100 categories of the online store decreased by 2 times.