Excursion to the Global Seeds Vault or Doomsday Vault

    About this object there were already several publications on Habré, though all of them concerned not the main subject. It was either a parallel possibility of storing data, and not just seeds - once , twice , then that the Warehouse was flooding due to the melting of permafrost ice, then that the seed bank transferred earlier by Syria had to be returned .

    And so all publications were limited to posting a link to a Wikipedia article about this World Seed Store, and that’s all.

    I bring to your attention a short five-minute video about the object, shot by Motherboard for their YouTube channel a couple of years ago.

    Excursion to the World Seed Vault in Svalbard, Svalbard

    The roller, although short but quite informative, gives an idea of ​​what the Doomsday Vault is.

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