Homemade BigData. Part 1. Spark Streaming practice on an AWS cluster


In this article, we will install Apache Kafka, Apache Spark, Zookeeper, Spark-shell on the EC2 AWS (Amazon Web Services) platform at home and learn how to use it all.

Introducing Amazon Web Services

1.1. The link aws.amazon.com/console you have to register. Enter a name and remember the password.

1.2. Configure node instances for Zookeeper and Kafka services.

  • Select "Services-> EC2" from the menu. Next, select the version of the operating system of the image of the virtual machine, select Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS (HVM), SSD volume type, click “Select.” We proceed to configure the server instance: type “t3.medium” with parameters 2vCPU, 4 GB memory, General Purpose Click "Next: Configuring Instance Details".
  • Add the number of instances 1, click "Next: Add Storage"
  • We accept the default value for the disk size of 8 GB and change the type to Magnetic (in Production settings based on data volume and High Performance SSD)
  • In the “Tag Instances” section for “Name”, enter the name of the instance of the node “Home1” (where 1 is just a serial number) and click on “Next: ...”
  • In the "Configure Security Groups" section, select the "Use existing security group" option by selecting the name of the security group ("Spark_Kafka_Zoo_Project") and set the rules for incoming traffic. Click on "Next: ..."
  • Review the Review screen to verify your entries and launch Launch.
  • To connect to the cluster nodes, you must create (in our case, use the existing) a pair of public keys for identification and authorization. To do this, select the operation type “Use existing pair” in the list.

Key Creation

  • Download Putty for the client or use SSH connection from the terminal.
  • The key file .pem uses the old format for convenience, we convert it to the ppk format used by Putty. To do this, run the PuTTYgen utility, load the key in the old .pem format into the utility. We convert the key and save (Save Private Key) for later use in the home folder with the extension .ppk.

Cluster launch

1.3. For convenience, rename the cluster nodes in Node01-04 notation. To connect to cluster nodes from a local computer via SSH, you need to determine the IP address of the node and its public / private DNS name, select each of the cluster nodes one by one and for the selected instance, write down its public / private DNS name for connecting via SSH and for installation Software to the text file HadoopAdm01.txt.

Example: ec2-35-162-169-76.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com

Install Apache Kafka in SingleNode Mode on an AWS Cluster Node

2.1. To install the software, select our node (copy its Public DNS) to connect via SSH. We configure connection through SSH. We use the saved name of the first node to configure the connection via SSH using the Private / Public key pair “HadoopUser01.ppk” created in clause 1.3. We go to the Connection / Auth section through the Browse button and look for the folder where we previously saved the file “HadoopUserXX.ppk”.

We save the connection configuration in the settings.

2.2. We are connected to the node and use login: ubuntu.

• Using root privileges we update packages and install additional packages required for further installation and configuration of the cluster.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install wget net-tools netcat tar 

• Install Java 8 jdk and check the version of Java.

sudo apt-get -y install openjdk-8-jdk

• For normal cluster node performance, you need to adjust memory swap settings. VM swappines is set to 60% by default, which means when utilizing memory in 60% the system will actively swap data from RAM to disk. Depending on the version of Linux, the VM swappines parameter can be set to 0 or 1:

sudo sysctl vm.swappiness=1

• To save the settings during reboot, add a line to the configuration file.

echo 'vm.swappiness=1' | sudo tee --append /etc/sysctl.conf

• Editing entries in the / etc / hosts file for convenient resolution of the cluster node names kafka and zookeeper to private IP addresses of the assigned cluster nodes.

echo " host01" | sudo tee --append /etc/hosts

We check the correct recognition of names using ping any of the entries.

• Download the latest current versions (http://kafka.apache.org/downloads) of the kafka and scala distributions and prepare a directory with installation files.

wget http://mirror.linux-ia64.org/apache/kafka/2.1.0/kafka_2.12-2.1.0.tgz 
tar -xvzf kafka_2.12-2.1.0.tgz
ln -s  kafka_2.12-2.1.0 kafka

• Delete the tgz archive file, we will not need it anymore

• Let's try to start the Zookeeper service, for this:

~/kafka/bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh -daemon ~/kafka/config/zookeeper.properties

Zookeeper starts with default startup options. You can check the log:

 tail -n 5 ~/kafka/logs/zookeeper.out

To ensure that the Zookeeper daemon starts, after rebooting, we need to start Zookeper as a background service:

bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh -daemon config/zookeeper.properties

To check the launch of Zookepper, check

netcat -vz localhost 2181

2.3. We configure the Zookeeper and Kafka service for work. Initially, edit / create the file /etc/systemd/system/zookeeper.service (file contents below).

Description=Apache Zookeeper server
Requires=network.target remote-fs.target
After=network.target remote-fs.target
ExecStart=/home/ubuntu/kafka/bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh /home/ubuntu/kafka/config/zookeeper.properties

Next, for Kafka, edit / create the file /etc/systemd/system/kafka.service (file contents below).

Description=Apache Kafka server (broker)
ExecStart=/home/ubuntu/kafka/bin/kafka-server-start.sh /home/ubuntu/kafka/config/server.properties

• Activate systemd scripts for Kafka and Zookeeper services.

sudo systemctl enable zookeeper
sudo systemctl enable kafka

• Check the operation of systemd scripts.

sudo systemctl start zookeeper
sudo systemctl start kafka
sudo systemctl status zookeeper
sudo systemctl status kafka
sudo systemctl stop zookeeper
sudo systemctl stop kafka

• Check the functionality of the Kafka and Zookeeper services.

netcat -vz localhost 2181
netcat -vz localhost 9092

• Check the zookeeper log file.

cat logs/zookeeper.out

First joy

2.4. We create our first topic on the assembled kafka server.
  • It is important to use the connection to "host01: 2181" as you indicated in the server.properties configuration file.
  • We write some data in the topic.

kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list host01:9092 --topic first_topic
Как прошли выходные

Ctrl-C - exit the topic console.

• Now try to read the data from the topic.

kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server host01:9092 --topic last_topic --from-beginning

• View a list of kafka topics.

bin/kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper spark01:2181 --list

• We edit the kafka server parameters for adjustment under single cluster setup
# it is necessary to change the ISR parameter to 1.

bin/kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper spark01:2181 --config min.insync.replicas=1 --topic __consumer_offsets --alter

• Restart the Kafka server and try to connect consumer ohm again

• Let's see the topic list.

bin/kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper host01:2181 --list

Configure Apache Spark on a single-node cluster

We prepared an instance of the node with the Zookeeper and Kafka services installed on AWS, now you need to install Apache Spark, for this:

3.1. Download the latest Apache Spark distribution.

wget https://archive.apache.org/dist/spark/spark-2.4.0/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.6.tgz

• Unzip the distribution and create a symbolic link for spark and delete unnecessary archive files.

tar -xvf spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.6.tgz
ln -s spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.6 spark
rm spark*.tgz

• Go to the sbin directory and run the spark wizard.


• Connect using a web browser to the Spark server on port 8080.

• Run spark-slaves on the same node

./start-slave.sh spark://host01:7077

• Run the spark shell with the master on host01.

./spark-shell --master spark://host01:7077

• If the launch does not work, add the path to Spark in bash.

vi ~/.bashrc
# добавляем строчки в конец файла

source ~/.bashrc

• Run the spark shell again with the master on host01.

./spark-shell --master spark://host01:7077

3.2. A single-node cluster with Kafka, Zookeeper and Spark works. Hurrah!

A bit of creativity

4.1. Download the Scala-IDE editor (at scala-ide.org ). We start and start writing code. Here I will not repeat myself anymore, as there is a good article on Habré .

4.2. Useful literature and courses to help:

www.udemy.com/apache-spark-with-scala-hands-on-with-big -data

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