The digest of interesting materials for the mobile developer # 262 (July 16 - July 22)

    Our new digest hypotheses and A / B tests, self-combat in Pixonic, React Native and Rust, SDK analytics and application revenue.

    How we busted ordinary players and for DDoS or our servers: a practical guide

    In general, they began to recall fakap from the past, when the solution to one problem added new ones, got carried away and decided to share a couple. How to ban innocent players, kill their own servers, make a mistake in one letter and catch tons of negative feedback from users - that’s all we love.

    How to test hypotheses and make money on Swift using split tests

    The framework that will be discussed in this article was written for two purposes. Firstly, in order to avoid possible errors, it is better to have no data in the analytics system than incorrect data (or even data that can be incorrectly interpreted and broken into firewood). Secondly, to simplify the implementation of each subsequent test. But let's start with what split tests are.

    The digest is also available as a newsletter. You can subscribe here .


    • (+34) 3DTouch - Scales on iPhone
    2GIS earned on Apple Watch
    Run Loop 1: Maxim Efimov, engineer from Uber
    imageMaking a calculator camera for iOS with Vision and Tesseract OCR
    imageHi URLSession, my old friend
    imageA complete guide to hiring an iOS developer 2018
    imageCoffeeBot - Scikit, Core ML and Alexa to predict the right coffee
    imageEasy immersion in augmented reality with Swift

    Android memory leak tracker

    • (+6) MVIDroid: review of the new MVI library (Model-View-Intent)
    imageAndroid Dev Podcast. Issue 70. React Native. Saw or saw?
    • The European Commission fined Google € 4.3 billion for Android
    imageIntroducing Android Things 1.0
    imageProductivity tips for Android Studio
    imageWe create an Android application with Snapchat filters on the Firebase ML Kit
    imageImplement RxJava2 & Retrofit2 for better API work
    imageChange Gradle scripts for Kotlin
    imageHow to fail transition from Java to Kotlin in an existing Android application
    imageAnimated stars on Canvas for Android
    imageAndroid gives more choice, not less
    imageCampfire: a music application with chords and lyrics


    • (+81) Creator of the game while True: learn () about gamedev programming, VR problems and ML simulations
    • (+36) “Your game boring ”, or how to raise an already high Retention of the first day
    • (+7)User Memory Design: How to design for ages
    • (+7) 7 skills of effective designers. Powerful development tools in the profession
    How to make an HTML5 application on Corona
    Podlodka # 68: Rust
    Developer Diary: Snek Fite - an “indirect snake”
    User-oriented design guide
    Developer certification has been opened for Yandex.Dialogs platform
    image17 lectures on interface development Yandex School of Interface Development
    imageImproving games for the hearing impaired
    imageReact Native vs Flutter vs WebView - hybrid mobile development in 2018
    imageMobile giants continue to oppress indies
    imageCase Study: Design for Letter Bounce
    imageHow to wish a good birthday with augmented reality
    imageThe strength of a good UI and how it improves engagement
    imageHow to make a 7-year beta
    imageHow Riot Games defends itself against cheaters
    imageHow much make an application like Instagram
    imageHow I designed the first ride-hailing application in Algeria
    imageEverything you need to know about voice interfaces in 2018
    imageApollo 11: the source code of the lunar flight

    Analytics, marketing and monetization

    • (+2)A / B tests do not work. Check what you are doing wrong
    How not to analyze A / B tests. Peeping problem
    App Annie launched an analysis of installed SDKs in applications
    Money was stolen from stolen credit cards through Clash of Clans and Clash Royale
    Elad Nathanson in Mobio Talks about the CPI market and trends in the mobile application industry
    Incomes of applications in the first half of the year increased by 28%
    Most users do not understand how applications handle their data

    AI, Devices, IoT

    • (+29) Erlang for IoT
    • (+12) 10 summer machine learning courses
    • (+9)VR in our lives: travel, tours and pornography
    Microsoft and National Geographic provide grants for the development of environmental AI
    imageHow Supercell uses machine learning to sell cards in Clash Royale

    Previous digest . If you have other interesting materials or if you find a mistake, please send it to the mail .

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