The warmth of our homes


    Winter came unexpectedly, a lot of snow began to snow, and then it also became cold. So, what am I talking about? Yes, everything is simple, there is one village in the depths of Siberia, on the border of the Kemerovo Region and Altai Territory. Frosts there are crackling, but good people live there. In winter, there are not many cases, it’s time to remove the snow, but not a lot of it falls, then go to work in the city for 50 km to go.

    And here friends live in this village, it happens that you will come to them on Friday, a bathhouse, snowdrifts and a bio-toilet on the street at -40 Celsius. So I'm not talking about this, but about the fact that they have a coal boiler in their house with coal feed in buckets.

    Here we are sitting with Vadim and I ask the question:
    - Vadik, how many buckets of coal does your fire-breathing monster consume to heat your 200 square meters of pleasure.
    - Well ... somewhere before going to bed I will throw a bucket, in the morning I will cast a bucket freshen up, if necessary during the day, but this is at will or by the presence of someone in the house.

    And it became interesting to me how much time it is necessary to heat a house, and how to heat it specifically, and many other questions.

    I started to think.


    Hand soldering iron, Arduino nano with W5100 on the die, a few drawings and dependencies. A box of beer for a friend who knows how to write a code, a bottle of whiskey to a PCP wizard and now something has been created that will prompt answers to questions.

    The future has come: having

    screwed the DS18B20

    Draining everything into one, having bought a 3G modem, a router, and two-sided tape, I began to create the future.

    Of course, the router had to be upgraded, otherwise he stupidly refused to work:

    Hooking one sensor to the battery in the living room, the second in the same place, but in the air and connecting all the wires into a bunch, I squeezed my eyes:

    These are the first words to the world, so to speak, Hello World . This moment was unforgettable.

    Urgently taking the mobile phone in my hand, I went to the cherished link and began to receive the first testimony.


    So, I began to get graphs: The

    green line I indicated the temperature of the battery, which creates comfort in the observed room.
    The red line I have indicated the temperature of the air in the room, the one on the basis of which I can tell whether I am cold or not.

    Mark on picture 1: here everyone just cleaned the stove, and the sun was baking.

    Mark in picture 2: the sensor has come off from the battery, I had to re-mount it.

    Mark on picture 3: interval of one day, it can be seen that the furnace was heated exactly 3 times.

    Mark 4: This is a dream. The dream of the temperature that you need to achieve in the heat carrier. that is the ideal that you need to strive for, but alas, it is impossible to achieve a similar picture on a manual boiler.

    About the mark4

    A similar device was assembled by another friend, in his house there is an automatic coal boiler on bracketed coal.

    In this device, everything works stably and without special jumps, and the savings are significant. You can observe stability on the following chart:


    As an epilogue, I want to say that it is necessary to think about how to ensure stable slow burning of coal in boilers with manual fuel supply.

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