Why I threw away all the old DVD / CD or how my content consumption has changed

    Over the weekend, I accidentally climbed into the trash on a shelf and found a stack of neatly folded DVD / CD discs. There were more than a hundred of them. Among them were both purchased discs and recorded ones. They were movies, cartoons and music.

    I collected them because I hoped that someday I would review and listen to them. But more than 10 years have passed, and I never got the wheels. All this stuff went to the trash.

    Everything has changed. Now I have nowhere to insert them and nothing to reproduce. The development of high-speed Internet, cloud and streaming services has changed my world of content consumption. Now I use streaming services for subscription.

    Why exactly by subscription? Yes, because for a ridiculous monthly fee, I get access to all the new products in drop dead quality from all the devices available to me. In this article I want to talk about several services and applications that I use to consume content.

    Perhaps in a few years these ways of consuming content will become obsolete ... wait and see :)

    I am an avid Android lover, so the device
    is also a TV without SMART, but with the Android connected Minix NEO X7 set-top box,
    NEXUS 5 phone with Android
    , Samsung Tab 2 tablet with Android
    Therefore, we will talk about applications and services for Android. It is clear that there are other analogues, but I described exactly what I use myself.


    My choice was Google Play Music . For just 159 rubles a month, I get access to almost the entire musical heritage of the planet and musical innovations. You can listen to songs from both an Android device and a browser .

    Based on my preferences (likes of the songs I like), the service can play random collections. In 90% of cases, I like the choice of a system :)


    My choice was Google Play Movies . Many films in excellent quality are always available. A lot of new products. Rent a movie from 49 rubles. Buying a movie is always 3-4 times more expensive. I usually rent a movie, because the likelihood that you will return to watching it again is very small :) But I buy cartoons, children really like to watch the same movie many times. The film can be downloaded to Android devices for offline viewing with children on a long trip. And at home on the TV through Android I look at the prefix. You can also watch movies through the browser .

    Lifehack: Did you know that if you use a subscription to Google Play Music, you get a 10% discount on movies and applications on Google Play.


    Then my choice fell on Bookmate . You can read both in the browser and through the mobile application (including offline). A huge advantage is synchronization. Those. on the road I read books on the phone, and the house on the tablet. And I begin reading from the very place where I finished reading.

    I really liked the social component in the service, when you can watch what friends are reading, share their impressions of books read and look at the shelves of other readers, which feature a lot of interesting things.
    With a “standard” subscription for 150 rubles a month, you get access to most books, but with an “extended” one for 269 rubles you get access to all the best sellers and supernews.

    Lifehack: Better to pay by card or via Google Play. When paying through PayPal, payment is debited in dollars at a not very favorable rate :)

    For children

    There is an excellent application Zanimashki - educational games . Inside the application, dozens of interactive magazines on various topics for children from 2 to 6 years. For just 100 rubles a month, I get access to dozens of magazines. Children are very fond of dealing with them and learn something new from them about dinosaurs, our planet, the structure of the universe, time, days of the week and much more.

    Life hack: there is another cool application Tales and books for children . But my children grew out of fairy tales and therefore I unsubscribed from this application

    To summarize

    Total per month I spend:
    159 rubles. (Google Play Music) + 120 rubles. (2-3 movies Google Play Movies) + 269 rubles. (Premium Bookmate Subscription) + 100 rubles. (children's applications) = 648 rubles per month.

    Decide for yourself a lot or a little. A good book costs 300 rubles; a movie ticket 300 rubles. per person.

    But I have already made my choice. For only 648 rubles a month I get:
    • access to a huge selection of content music, books, films
    • quick and easy search for legal content
    • content synchronization between different devices
    • great quality video, music, books and applications
    • the ability to download content to view, listen and read offline

    • monthly payments
    • there is a chance that the services that I use will suddenly close and I’ll lose history and everything that I’ve acquired
    • need internet to download content to view offline

    What subscription services do you use? Share in the comments

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