New World Rail Speed ​​Record

    The record for rail transport speed of 574 km / h has been held since 2007.
    So far, in 2014, the Chinese experimental high-speed train CIT500 set a new speed record at 605 km / h in Qingdao's experimental section of the Qingdao track
    A little history, cost and development prospects Chinese railways - under the cut
    In general, the comment on the topic Mad__Max prompted me to write a topic , who asked a very reasonable question about the cost of Chinese railways. I tried to figure it out.

    Well, the background of the issue can, in principle, be omitted. Everyone already knows - the longest network of high-speed railways in the world, 2,200 km from Beijing to Guangzhou in 8 hours, a sharp jump from steam locomotives (the last steam locomotive was launched in 2005) to high-speed trains (the first trunk was commissioned in 2008) etc.
    To date, each capital of the province (except for very deaf western ones) is connected to a network of high-speed railways, about 45% are highways with a design speed of 200-250 km \ h, 55% - up to 350 km \ h. After the 2008 accident on the Wuhan-Guangzhou highway, the maximum speed of trains was reduced from 350 km / h to 300 to eliminate the causes of the accident and improve the trains. CIT500, in principle, should be the first train for which speed restrictions will be lifted in 2016 and it will ride at a speed of 350-380 km / h.

    As for the cost - the question was ambiguous. The undisputed leader in the cost of one kilometer of the road is, of course, the Shanghai Muggle- with a length of 29.83 kilometers, the total construction cost was about 9.7 billion yuan ($ 1 = 6.2 yuan), and, accordingly, the cost per kilometer is 325 million yuan.
    Well, the most expensive project in terms of total cost was, of course, the Beijing-Guangzhou high-speed highway project, which was put into operation gradually, in sections, and recently traffic from the final destination to the final opened on it. The total cost of 2,298 kilometers of road amounted to an astronomical sum of 400,000,000,000 yuan.
    The cost of roads differs tenfold depending on the structural speed, type of soil, the need for overpasses and so on. Approximate cost per kilometer:
    1) Qinhuangdao-Shenyang - 37,000,000 yuan per kilometer
    2) Hefei-Wuhan- 46,000,000 yuan per kilometer
    3) Wenzhou-Fuzhou - 60,000,000 yuan per kilometer
    4) Beijing-Shanghai - 167,000,000 yuan per kilometer
    5) Beijing-Tianjin - 180,000,000 yuan per kilometer.
    In general, as I understand it, it is unscientific to compare the cost of building railways with the Muggle one. There are dozens of railways, they were built in different conditions, and the Muggle is still one and only the cost of the line is known under specific conditions.
    Nevertheless, the project to extend the Shanghai Muggle to Hangzhou was finally closed, and experiments to achieve high speeds using a traditional rail train clearly indicate that in the near future we will not see other lines of trains on a magnetic cushion in China.
    And the planned increase in speed to 380 km \ h will make air transportation at a distance of up to 1000 km generally unprofitable. A Beijing-Shanghai trip by plane takes about 4 hours (2 hours of net flight time + hour to / from the airport + hour for check-in / check-in / baggage, etc.), and by train - 5. An increase in speed by 25% will equalize this time.

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