50,000 volts in accelerated shooting: how the taser acts on a person
“You’re running through the forest, branches whipping along your face, your legs bend, clinging to the sticking roots of the conifer - and a quadrocopter approaches three meters high with a cheerful rumbling. The robot is patiently waiting for the right moment to aim and shoot you in the back with an electric discharge from a police taser, ”begins alizar ’s article that North Dakota was the first US state to allow the use of non-lethal weapons on police drones.
How does it feel to feel fifty thousand volts? The volunteer experienced the effect of a police taser so that we could look at it in accelerated shooting.
Pain begins with multi-colored confetti.
The youtube channel team of The Slow Mo Guys found a volunteer

, who agreed to experience all the charms of a police non-lethal weapon - a taser, an electric shock, operating at a distance of several meters. The technology used in the taser is designed to minimize personal injury and death when an offender is detained.
The shooting speed is twenty-eight and a half thousand frames per second.
At the moment the taser is fired, we see pink and yellow confetti. They are not needed for laughter. If you once shot at home from crackers, you should know that it is very difficult to get rid of confetti, and sometimes they are in unexpected places six months after the New Year, including at the house of people who were with you on a holiday. Each circle contains a unique serial number that will allow the police to determine which device was used at the crime scene.
The frames show how the contacts penetrate the skin to conduct a current of fifty thousand volts through the human body. “I thought it would never end. It was a long five seconds, ”Dan said after recovering from shock. Dan Hafen works for the manufacturer of the Phantom v2511 camera, which The Slow Mo Guys use for shooting.
Dan added that he did not feel the probes themselves, but immediately felt a muscle contraction.

Frame from the video.
The Taser X26 uses compressed nitrogen to send two small probes over a distance of five meters at a speed of about fifty-five meters per second. The probes are connected to the stun gun using wires. An electric charge of 26 watts and a voltage of 50,000 volts is enough to neutralize "the largest of the attackers, " the manufacturer writes . The victim (or rather, the attacker) immediately loses the ability to coordinate actions - neuromuscular control disappears.

Harpoon in the body.
The taser is considered a non-lethal weapon, but according to the American Civil Liberties Union since 2001, more than five hundred people have died in the United States after law enforcement officials used an electroshock pistol.
In 2000, in the United States, 7% of police departments had tasers; by 2013, 80% of the sites were equipped with them. NYPD will spend four and a half million on the purchase of tasers for officers.

, who agreed to experience all the charms of a police non-lethal weapon - a taser, an electric shock, operating at a distance of several meters. The technology used in the taser is designed to minimize personal injury and death when an offender is detained.
The shooting speed is twenty-eight and a half thousand frames per second.
At the moment the taser is fired, we see pink and yellow confetti. They are not needed for laughter. If you once shot at home from crackers, you should know that it is very difficult to get rid of confetti, and sometimes they are in unexpected places six months after the New Year, including at the house of people who were with you on a holiday. Each circle contains a unique serial number that will allow the police to determine which device was used at the crime scene.
The frames show how the contacts penetrate the skin to conduct a current of fifty thousand volts through the human body. “I thought it would never end. It was a long five seconds, ”Dan said after recovering from shock. Dan Hafen works for the manufacturer of the Phantom v2511 camera, which The Slow Mo Guys use for shooting.
Dan added that he did not feel the probes themselves, but immediately felt a muscle contraction.

Frame from the video.
The Taser X26 uses compressed nitrogen to send two small probes over a distance of five meters at a speed of about fifty-five meters per second. The probes are connected to the stun gun using wires. An electric charge of 26 watts and a voltage of 50,000 volts is enough to neutralize "the largest of the attackers, " the manufacturer writes . The victim (or rather, the attacker) immediately loses the ability to coordinate actions - neuromuscular control disappears.

Harpoon in the body.
The taser is considered a non-lethal weapon, but according to the American Civil Liberties Union since 2001, more than five hundred people have died in the United States after law enforcement officials used an electroshock pistol.
In 2000, in the United States, 7% of police departments had tasers; by 2013, 80% of the sites were equipped with them. NYPD will spend four and a half million on the purchase of tasers for officers.