Friday's challenge for testers

    The link is gaining popularity on the network, following which the participant is given the opportunity to test the input field. You can take the test here . The site says that you need to find all the checks for the input field.

    What to do

    Identify all the test required for the scenario bellow. Based on the data you input in the First Name field the tests will be evaluated.

    What not to test: different browsers, extremely big requests, "nasty words". Do not use automation tools. The server will cut access at over 30 requests per second per IP.


    The user has to fill in the required data in order to get access, as a standard user in forum.

    Only the First Name field can be tested right now. The field has a max length of 30.

    Free translation:

    What to do
    Find all the checks for the scenario described below. Based on the data you entered in the First Name field, the checks will be evaluated. What you do not need to test: different browsers, very large queries, "bad words". Do not use automation tools. The server will close access when the limit of 30 requests per second is exceeded from one IP address.

    Task The
    user must enter the necessary data in order to gain access to the forum as a regular user. Only First Name is suitable for testing at the moment. The maximum field length is 30 characters.

    From myself I want to add, do not focus only on the field itself, think wider.

    Well, as a tester, I found another bug. After you find all 18 checks, each subsequent attempt to send data for verification will increase the counter of users who completed the task by 1. That is, you can do cheats.

    Good luck everyone.

    List of all vulnerabilities
    Maximum values
    Non ASCII
    Minimum value
    Space in the middle
    You used html tags
    Basic XSS
    Basic Sql injection
    More than maximum values
    Space values ​​at the end
    Space values ​​at the begining
    You made the user admin
    Empty value
    Other chars then alphabetic
    You looked at the page source
    Average value
    You looked at the cookie
    Missing css

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