On “Kinopoisk” you can watch movies and TV shows

The Yandex company a year ago became the owner of Kinopoisk , the largest resource with movie trailers and reviews on them. Now the company’s management announced its intention to launch an updated version of “Kinopoisk” with the ability to view videos from partners. Partners include major online movie theaters and well-known television channels.
According to company representatives, the video can be watched directly on Kinopoisk, but traffic will be taken into account for partner sites. And Yandex will receive its share for the sale of advertising in the materials shown to viewers. In addition, a subscription to a new service will be launched, which will also bring profit to the domestic company. As for the launch dates, nothing is yet known. “We do not discuss the details of future launches and do not disclose the terms,” said Asya Melkumova, spokeswoman for Yandex.
Among the partners of the company in broadcasting video content are the cinemas Tvigle.ru, Megogo.ru, Rutube.ru, Zoomby.ru, Now.ru, Ivi.ru, Ayyo.ru and the STS TV channel. According to RBC sources , different partners will receive a different percentage of profit.
As for the platform for posting video, it may be Pladform, whose player is hosted on more than 217 sites, including social networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki, online movie theater Megogo and some other resources. When demonstrating their content using Pladform, the copyright holder gets about 60% of the profit. So far, there is no confirmation from Pladform's management.
“As far as we know, Yandex is constantly engaged in an active dialogue with video market participants, and we cannot comment on the status until the final restart of the Kinopoisk project,” said Pladform General Director Armen Gulinyan.
According to the project manager of the Afisha project, Danila Nikolaev, Yandex will transform Kinopoisk in accordance with the concept previously proposed by Ilya Segalovich. “When you search for a movie, Yandex will most relevantly respond to a request for a video. This is the concept laid by Ilya Segalovich - to get the final service, and not just the path to this service, ”Nikolaev comments on the situation.