Roskomnadzor refuses Telegram fan locks
Roskomnadzor promised to stop making large subnets in the register of banned information in attempts to block the Telegram messenger. The department will move on to "more targeted" actions. Following a closed meeting in Roskomnadzor, it was decided that ROCIT will continue to receive complaints from users affected by the actions of the department. Also earlier, due to attempts to block Telegram, many scientific and educational sites were inaccessible. At the moment, about 20 million IP addresses are blocked, which led to failures in many services. The obligation to provide the special services with an algorithm for decrypting correspondence is contained in the “anti-terrorism” package of laws (known as the “Spring Law”) adopted by the State Duma in June 2016.
Telegram blocking complicates the digitalization of the Russian economy. The ex-Minister of Finance, the head of the Center for Strategic Research Alexei Kudrin said this in an interview with Interfax. The decision to block the messenger, according to the Head of the Center for Strategic Research Alexei Kudrin, was unworked. “I think this is a decision; this operation was carried out without sufficient preparation. It was impossible to create a situation that entailed such consequences for users, ”Kudrin said. According to him, the consequences have become "really too serious."
Flexbby, a software development company, estimated that within a few months, Russian companies that suffered from Roskomnadzor’s massive blocking due to restrictions on access to Telegram could lose $ 1 billion. American companies, Google and Amazon, could also lose about the same amount.