The digest of fresh materials from the world of the front-end for the last week No. 303 (February 19 - 25, 2018)
We bring to your attention a selection with links to new materials from the frontend area and around it.
Media | Web Development | CSS | Javascript | Browsers | Entertaining
Radiojs podcast Issue 51: MiniBeerJS with Sergey Rubanov and Grigory Shekhet
Web Standards podcast # 109: Where to listen to us, events and breakfasts, old and new engines, npm caught up with yarn, grids from scratch, custom or system fonts , outdated recommendations, dangerous aliases in the console.
Podcast “Frontend Weekend” # 41 - Vitaliy Kharisov on creating a Simferopol office and the Ukrainian development of Yandex
Podcast “Frontend Youth (18+)” # 39 Improving Javascript contrary to divine intent
Podcast “Five-minute Angular” # 10 - AngularKyiv, AngularPiter, Habrarr strikes back
Devschacht podcast:Night Frontend # 23 - SPb Frontend Meetup: Space, Jenkins and TCP Problems
“ALL YOUR HTML” # 37: “Earth, coordinates, quaternions, Lida”
Video from OdessaFrontend Meetup # 5
Vulnerabilities in your application
• Salary market for front-end developers
• Guide for passing front-end interviews
SEO status in 2018
Prepare your skillset for interviews with web developers - Part 1
Creating the perfect responsive configurator
Things you need to know to work with SVG in VS Code
Progressive Web Apps come on all Chrome platforms
Progressive Web Apps (PWA) can be a great balancer for Microsoft, Google and Apple
We measure the impact of third-party resources on productivity using WebPageTest
Media queries in responsive design 2018
• Satirical sketches on the topic of CSS, or surprises in front-end development
• How to use the order property in flexboxes without causing chaos
• “Battle city” layout on grids
Development of new typography for the GOV.UK front-end
Learning CSS Variables in 5 Minutes
Styling Blank Cells with Generated Content and CSS Grid Layout
Revising Collin Margin
Want to learn CSS variables? Here is my 8-part free course
Understanding web fonts and getting the most out of them
[bookmark] Tools for testing JavaScript projects
Jake Archibald: everything I know about Event Loop in JavaScript (2018)
How to work with JavaScript in 2018
Landscape for learning JavaScript in 2018
This.JavaScript - state of current frameworks and libraries in JavaScript
Beginner's Guide to the GreenSock Animation Platform
Setting up a project with ES6 javascript using webpack and babel
Detect and refactor JavaScript copy-paste code
Chrome 68 will mark all HTTP sites as “unsafe”
• The Google Chrome mobile browser has automatically cut off the “tracking” endings of the URLs that the user shares using the Share menu
• A beta version of Opera 52 with an accelerated ad blocker has been introduced
6 popular headless browsers for Web Testing
Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 50
• GitHub stopped supporting weak encryption methods
• Emoji, descriptions, previews: GitHub received updated labels
• Microsoft shared thoughts on the development of mixed reality technologies
• 10 breakthrough technologies of 2018 according to the MIT Technology Review
• Google experts said that one of the latest patches for Windows 10 inefficient
• 13 of the strangest cryptocurrencies that really exist
• Microsoft and Xiaomi have become partners in the work on artificial intelligence technology and smartphones
Gmail has got advanced analytics
Last week's digest .
Material prepared dersmoll and alekskorovin .
Media | Web Development | CSS | Javascript | Browsers | Entertaining








Web development

• Salary market for front-end developers
• Guide for passing front-end interviews







- Tools:
• Mastering Chrome Developer Tools: a new level of technology in front end development
•Webpack 4.0.0: Legato was released. Up to 98% faster build time, sideEffects, First Class WebAssembly support, # 0CJS - mode, auto-common-chunking and much more
•Release npm v5.7.0 . Keep in mind: A critical problem in NPM 5.7 that leads to a change in access rights to system directories
•How to speed up CI build using the new NPM CI and package-lock.json
•Online CSS gradient generator using GradPad
•kuker - browser extension for debugging applications on React, Angular, Vue & Vuex, Redux, redux-sage, HTML, Stent, Machina.js, MobX
- Accessibility:
•Available videos from the January London Accessibility Meetup
•Tables, CSS Display and ARIA properties
•Compatibility tests for accessibility tools
- Spectacular web:
• Weekly selection of beautiful effects on CSS / SVG / JS # 71
•Creating an elastic Range Input using SVG and anime.js
•Modeling liquids with volumetric lighting
•Stunning hover effects using CSS variables
•Creating an animated SVG avatar for the form login using trigonometry and GSAP
•Creative slider with animation of fragments contained in it

• Satirical sketches on the topic of CSS, or surprises in front-end development
• How to use the order property in flexboxes without causing chaos
• “Battle city” layout on grids














- Теория:
•Актуальные и потенциальные свойства ECMAScript 2019 в блоге Axel Rauschmayer
•Exploring ES2018 and ES2019. Бесплатная онлайн-версия книги Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
•Элегантные шаблоны в современном JavaScript: RORO
•Начинаем работать с TDD и Vue.js
•Vue Enterprise Boilerplate — постоянно развивающаяся архитектура и окружение для разработки новых проектов Vue SPA с использованием Vue CLI 3
•VueJS Talks Digest Q4 2017 — последние записи с митапов по VueJS
•Действительно нативные приложения с помощью Vue.js и NativeScript
•Single Page Apps с помощью Vue.js и Flask: State Management с Vuex
•Новый шаблон state reducer
•Что такое Redux и зачем он нужен
•Объединение вместе экосистем React и D3
•Почему я переключаюсь с Angular на React и Redux в 2018
•Демистификация принципа инверсии зависимостей в Angular
•Подробная шпаргалка по Angular + Prettier

• The Google Chrome mobile browser has automatically cut off the “tracking” endings of the URLs that the user shares using the Share menu
• A beta version of Opera 52 with an accelerated ad blocker has been introduced


• GitHub stopped supporting weak encryption methods
• Emoji, descriptions, previews: GitHub received updated labels
• Microsoft shared thoughts on the development of mixed reality technologies
• 10 breakthrough technologies of 2018 according to the MIT Technology Review
• Google experts said that one of the latest patches for Windows 10 inefficient
• 13 of the strangest cryptocurrencies that really exist
• Microsoft and Xiaomi have become partners in the work on artificial intelligence technology and smartphones

We apologize for any typos or broken / duplicated links. If you notice a problem - please write in a personal email, we try to quickly fix them.
Last week's digest .
Material prepared dersmoll and alekskorovin .