Little-small anniversary

    Ilf and Petrov have a feuilleton about how writers go on instances and ask to organize anniversaries. Excessive attention to them, indeed, is a funny thing, but looking back is useful. Formally, my first popular science material about astronautics came out in the summer of 2013, but I prefer to count from the beginning of 2014, when I switched to the regular content creation mode. So now it turns out nano-five years. And by chance it turned out that in 2014 they allocated Hiktimes from Habrahabr, and this year they poured it back. And you can look at how the numbers have changed, reflecting the behavior of users. Also under the cut are traditional reflections on GTD and a report on the past year.

    Posted by: Rina Zeniuk


    The fact that I consistently wrote at least on the publication per week of the last five years, gives a pretty good statistical base. Alas, since it is difficult to objectively assess the quality of materials, it is necessary to make the assumption that they were of the same quality.

    Of course, the mechanical recovery "as it was" after the merger of Hiktaimes with Habrahabrom did not happen. Forgotten, I think, already by many, the interface of Habr of the sample of 2014 worked as a hub - interesting materials for users could be on the main page a day, collecting huge ratings. Now, with the options for sorting on the main, the ratings have become lower. At the same time, if you look at the best materialsfor the year of all users, it is clear that the ratings are at least two times lower than the record holders of previous years, but to write material that will be highly appreciated is real.

    From the graph of views it is clear that the initial audience for five years has been preserved and is approximately twice as high as the best performance of Hiktatimes. From 2015 to 2017, the real attainable maximum was around 60 thousand, now the situation has returned to the figures of 2014, when the publication could be read by one hundred and fifty thousand people.

    At the same time, relative indicators say that the perception of materials on average so far remains at the level of Hiktimes.


    In Live Journal, I publish copies of materials from here and from other resources, and, despite sometimes shouting out that he died, the numbers do not confirm this yet - attendance is almost stable.

    At the same time, LJ has a curious effect - a completely clear seasonality. Attendance sags in the summer and rises at the beginning and end of the year. Of course, last year was the beginning and end of the year marked by more vivid events, but this is not enough. In addition, about 80% of my audience is from 25 to 55 years old, who have two weeks of vacation as lucky instead of three months of summer holidays.

    It should be noted the efforts of the LiveJournal team - they had a lot of useful and interesting events this year and are working closely with bloggers.

    GTD Thoughts

    I do not use any complex technique. This year I structured time several times according to Pomodoro, then I abandoned it. At the same time, I have useful principles or even habits.

    Discipline. There is not always a state of "oh how I want to write about it." But even when I don’t want to do anything at all, the established habit of writing helps regularly.

    Planning. I have a list of potentially interesting topics, and, thinking about what to write, I choose something from there or watch the news - there is always something interesting. And then there are materials that can wait for the right moment for a very long time - for example, “How the solar system moves” was conceived much earlier and came out during the parade of the planets, so that the illustrations were visual and visible in the sky.

    Motivation. Life is too short a thing to do. And in any lesson, most of it is routine, and without interest it will be very bad.

    About done

    The year was more intense than before, and that's fine. In April, I visited the LiveJournal Livesite , in May I was a reserve speaker at SQA Days 23 and looked at Minsk , in June I participated in the Neuforum bloggers in Tyumen (absolutely amazing blog-tour in Technopolis of the Tyumen Industrial University and on a drilling rig ), in July-August a great workaholic holiday at the Sirius educational center in Sochi , and in November he organized the eclecticism of astronautics and software testing on SQA Days 24 . There are a lot of plans for 2019, and I only regret that I cannot break into five (or already six?) Parts and do everything that is interesting at the same time.

    Thanks for reading me this year. Ideas, comments, questions, thanks, curses and other feedback are accepted in any way you like - in the comments, in a personal, Vkontakte or FB. During the day, I will be mostly online; if you wish, you can at least arrange an AMA session in the comments.

    Happy New Year!

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