Registration for NeoQUEST-2018 is open: steampunk expedition to Atlantis

Registration for the annual NeoQUEST-2018 cybersecurity competition is open !
Individual CTF will last from March 5 to March 16 , and this year the NeoQUEST team will send you on an expedition for the treasures of Atlantis! Welcome to kat: there we will reveal a secret about the topic of tasks and tell you what will be new at the “Face to face”!
Who still does not know what NeoQUEST is?
NeoQUEST is an annual cybersecurity event hailing from the banks of the Neva! Once NeoQUEST was only a competition for information security experts, but the last few years, the competition (hackquest) is only part of an exciting program.
NeoQUEST includes 2 stages:
- Online-stage - a competition for all comers, in which participants registered on the site for several days remotely go through tasks from various areas of cybersecurity;
- “Face-to-face bid” - an event in the format of the conference, including:
- interesting reports from information security practice;
- modeling of the most significant and sensational cyberattacks;
- demonstration of ways to protect against cyberattacks;
- workshops and master classes that teach working with modern security mechanisms;
- Twitter quiz "Unified State Examination"
- hackquest - the final of the competition for the best participants in the online stage: 8 hours of real-time assignments, and at the end of the day the winner is announced who received the main prize - a trip to one of the international conferences on cybersecurity!
Online Stage NeoQUEST-2018
This year, the online stage will be held from March 5 to 16 , and anyone can take part! Some tasks are beyond the power of even beginners, and some obey only experienced specialists. The only condition is an individual , not a team, passage of tasks!
Points for assignments are awarded in accordance with a dynamic scale: the “cost” of an assignment is determined by the number of participants who completed it and the time it took to complete it. The participant who completed the task first receives 10 additional points, the second - 9 points, and so on. There can be several keys in one task, points are awarded separately for each key.
The three winners are awarded with cool prizes and, together with several other best participants of the online stage, are invited to the “Face-to-face bid” in St. Petersburg!
In addition to prizes, the best NeoQUEST participants are entitled to an “educational” bonus: their success in the competition is taken into account when enrolling in magistracy and postgraduate studies at the Cybersecurity Department of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University!
Legend of NeoQUEST-2018
We are adults, held people, and we need this

According to legend, you have to go on an expedition for the treasures of a mysterious island. The team has almost been recruited, but there is not enough information security specialist who can crack a steam computer, take control of a submarine and decipher the riddles of the ancients. And yes, it is YOU !
NeoQUEST 2018 Quests
For 11 days of competition, you will encounter tasks of various cybersecurity areas. The journey will be long and stressful, so we will prepare you a little for what to expect from a lost civilization and underwater wanderings!
1. In one of the assignments, you will find yourself on a distributed website. You have to show off knowledge of web technologies and cryptography to get two keys.
2. Atlantis is an ancient civilization, so do not be surprised to meet a support desk administrator using only Internet Explorer!
3. Practice evading advanced security technologies such as DEP , ASLR, and CFG.. We highly recommend recalling various tricks used to operate JavaScript engines! We also advise you to read the analysis of tasks of past NeoQUEST ( here - about the attack on CSRF, here - about the search and exploitation of the vulnerability)!
4. And what do you know about such a device as an accelerometer ? On a long journey you will have to tinker with it, and knowledge of the basics of physics and mathematics will help you with this!
5. Android / Linux? - Did not guess! iOS? - Not! Windows Embbedded? - No no and one more time no! Mmm ... eCos ? - YES! Break an unusual OS, you programmer!
6.See what a cool Android game with 3D graphics and cool textures! Here are just a bunch of weird pictures. Perhaps you should study them in detail ...
7. Free and use! What are we talking about? Of course, about the use-after-free vulnerability . Use it and get
8. How good are your search abilities? Can you find the
There is something to smash your head! However, who said that these are all the tasks that await you? Some secrets will be revealed only during the trip. But you should not worry: throughout the competition the NeoQUEST team will be in touch at support@neoquest.ru!
And then what?
And then we will reward the top three winners, select the best participants in the online stage and invite them to the “Face-to-face bid” in St. Petersburg! And then the fun begins - for everyone, not only for the participants of the competition ...
Everyone is accustomed to the fact that the “Full-time bid” is held in the summer. This year it will be held in the golden autumn and will be held for the first time in a new format! The final hackquest will remain, practical reports too. What's new here?
New is that in parallel with NeoQUEST a scientific and technical conference "Methods and technical means of ensuring information security" will be held! In addition to the reports and workshops of the NeoQUEST Confrontation, our guests will be able to visit the scientific section, where they will learn about how science helps in the development of modern security mechanisms, and why scientific research is important and interesting!
More information about upcoming events is available on the event’s joint website and in the VKontakte group . And now is the time to start actively replenishing the supply of cyber knowledge, because before the start of the online stage of NeoQUEST-2018 there is not much time left!