Fairloris - Comment on Everything, Anytime, Anywhere

    The main purpose of the project is to give the user a single tool for adding comments to any web page available to him on the Internet. It doesn’t matter if there is comment functionality on the page, whether they are available to the current user or not, he will still have the opportunity to leave a comment and read the comments of other users registered in the Fairloris system .

    About the idea

    Often, using one or another web service, reading an article or looking for product reviews, I was visited by the thought of some centralized service where you could read reviews or comments of people or leave your own. Of course, there are a lot of sites with various reviews about what got on the Internet, but you still need to find them, and then find information on them exactly what you are looking for. It would be much easier and more convenient to be able, being directly on the page of a product, service or information of interest to you, click on a button and get a list of comments about it right here, as they say: “without leaving the cash desk”.

    The same applies to the functionality that allows you to leave a review yourself. I don’t want to go somewhere to another site, register there and only then be able to leave a comment. I want to do it right here and now. At the same time, having registered once, I want to be able to leave a comment everywhere, regardless of what kind of site it is.

    All these thoughts led me to the idea of ​​the Fairloris project , although of course the idea is it, but the implementation is completely different and this will be discussed below.

    What is at the moment

    I will try not to spread too much thought and outline the main points:

    1. I got a partner who, in principle, initiated the transition from an idea to its implementation. In my area of ​​responsibility lies the technical part, namely the preparation of the MVP , recruitment of the team and control over further development. The partner's area of ​​responsibility is primary funding and organizational matters.
    2. Implemented by MVP , which is:

      • An extension for the Google Chrome browser that allows you to add and view previously added comments to any web page on the Internet.
      • A server backend that accepts, stores, and posts comments.
      • HTTP API that connects backend and extension.
    3. The project is fully prepared to attract investments through ICO with the following schedule:

      • Pre ICO: from 14:00 GMT October 10, 2017 to 14:00 GMT October 24, 2017.
      • ICO: from 14:00 GMT November 10, 2017 to 14:00 GMT December 4, 2017.

    4. A good international team of developers, QA, SMM specialists and managers who are waiting for the end of fundraising in order to get started.

    Future plans

    If the fundraising for the ICO is successful, then the company will immediately be opened, the Fairloris trademark will be registered and the team will be equipped, and in early 2018, work will begin on the project, which will be divided into stages, which are described in more detail below.

    April 2018

    This month, it is planned to complete the development of a scalable backend, which will be able to store an increasing number of comments and process requests for working with them. Also at this point, it is planned to complete the development of the RESTful API to communicate with the new backend.

    Technically, the backend will be implemented using: GoLang, PostgreSQL Cluster, Redis, RabbitMQ and Load Balancer.

    July 2018

    This month it is planned to complete the development of a full-featured extension for browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla FireFox, Opera, Safari and Microsoft Edge.

    July 2018

    This month, it is planned to complete the development of a mobile application for the iOS and Android platforms, which will implement the functionality of a mobile browser with an addition in the form of the functionality of the Fairloris system. The base is planned to use a ready-made open source mobile browser engine.

    August 2018

    This month, it is planned to complete the development of its own CDN system for storing and distributing images that users can attach to their comments.

    October 2018

    This month, it is planned to launch a large-scale public relations campaign, both on the Internet and beyond, namely on TV, radio and in specialized paper publications.

    December 2018

    This month, it is planned to complete the development of an advertising network that provides advertisements based on: the context of the commented pages, user parameters, his preferences and interests.

    Also this month, it is planned to complete the development of a Desktop browser based on Google Chromium with Fairloris built-in functionality, a project cryptocurrency wallet (FLR) with built-in algorithm mining (PoS) with reference to the time of using the browser in online mode, the ability to customize the look and platform for extensions of the functionality of Fairloris by network users. Read more about the cryptocurrency of the project next.

    Using cryptocurrency in a project

    In any system where the amount of content has exceeded a certain limit, the task of its moderation turns into a very non-trivial, and often practically impossible. Users of various social networks and other systems with a large amount of user content are initially weakly motivated to generate high-quality content that is useful to other users. The main incentive for them is only the approval or censure of community members, which in most cases is expressed in the assessment of their content in the form of votes.

    Our project to solve this problem involves the use of its own cryptocurrency, which will motivate the creators of the content to improve its quality, and the rest of the users to a more thoughtful assessment and even self-moderation.

    In more detail, the project involves the following areas of cryptocurrency application:

    1. By charging cryptocurrency, comment authors will be rewarded for each positive vote of other users.
    2. With cryptocurrency write-offs, comment authors will be penalized for every negative vote of other users.
    3. Based on the vote for comments, their authors will form a rating for the size of which users will either be rewarded or penalized on a daily or monthly basis.
    4. Each user of the project will be able to become the initial moderator and moderate the comments of any web page to which he has access. All comments moderated by him will be checked by moderators of higher levels and, if confirmed, the initial moderator will be rewarded with the cryptocurrency of the project.

    The more users there will be in the project and the more actively they will behave, the more project cryptocurrencies they will receive, therefore the more cryptocurrency wallets will be installed on users' computers and the more stable and popular the project cryptocurrency will become.

    That's all for me, I thank everyone for their interest.

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