Usability Google Chrome: MRU tabs switching

    I came across a completely demonic discussion (in English) about the type of switching tabs in google chrome. I was amazed how neglected everything is.

    A completely obvious and very widely used solution - switching tabs in the order of recent use - is completely unobvious to chromium developers. And even extensions are not able to help due to the internal limitations of Google Chrome (extensions do not work on special pages, for example).

    And now I would like to understand what general principles are guided by the developers of chromium? As I understand it, they do not care deeply about users, so for whom is the browser done? You can, of course, write a patch and build it yourself (open source), but such an incomprehensible and inexplicable obstinacy does not honor the product.

    Therefore, I suggest that anyone who wants to see this bug fixed, go to the specified link and vote for this bug. There is no (generally no) justification why this feature will not be implemented by the developers; however, the number of comments clearly says that the feature is in demand. It’s even better to leave a comment with a justification why it needs to be fixed precisely inside the chrome (there is a very detailed comment at number 79 about this). A large number of "stars" on a bug is already more difficult to ignore.

    btw, do not pay attention to the minuses, these are some embittered children who crap on the page while it was hanging on my personal blog.

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