The most successful ICOs in the history of their conduct

    Initial public offering of tokens or ICOs is becoming an increasingly popular means of attracting investment for your business. Despite the fact that in some countries ICOs are prohibited (China, South Korea), a variety of companies continue to raise funds for projects through the ICO. For someone this is worse, for someone it's better. Below are examples of the most successful ICOs. The main factor here is the amount collected, because it is about fundraising, and not about the success of the project itself. It also happened that despite the large number of investments received, the project burned out. But this is the topic of another article.

    By the way, the very first ICO was held in 2013 (it was conducted by Mastercoin, it raised $ 5 million), that is, the initial placement of tokens by companies that need investments is not a novelty at all. Yes, they began to talk a lot about ICOs in 2016-2017, but they began to be conducted quite a long time ago.

    I must say that before the ICO raised a maximum of 10-20 million US dollars. Now, in some cases, the bill is already about hundreds of millions. It is about such large-scale ICOs that we will discuss in the current article.

    EOS: $ 185 million, a company registered in the long-established offshore Cayman Islands, was able to raise about $ 185 million in July 2017. Fundraising was for the implementation of the EOS project. The goal of the project is the automation of business processes in the financial sector, the development of applications and services to assess the volume of transactions and other things business needs. The goals are realized thanks to the new blockchain architecture designed for vertical and horizontal scaling of decentralized applications.

    In turn, such a scheme is achievedby creating a structure in the form of an operating system on the basis of which applications can be built. Users get accounts, authentication, databases. Asynchronous communication and all the other delights of decentralized architecture. The new blockchain architecture can scale up to millions of transactions per second, and there are no user fees, but there is the possibility of quick and easy deployment of decentralized applications.

    The head of said that the main task of EOS is to create a solid foundation for business applications in the blockchain ecosystem.

    Status: $ 108 million

    This ICO was conducted by an organization that developed a decentralized application of the same name, which is an analogue of Telegram (with certain assumptions, this is the case), the basis of which is Ethereum. This platform does not have a single operator; messages are processed by the blockchain network itself when sending. On the plus side, you do not need a phone number for registration, you only need a cryptographic key generated by the system. A browser, a specific currency exchange, plus an application for concluding smart contracts are built into the messenger. There is also the possibility of working with any ICO - for this, an appropriate application has been developed.

    Thus, to work with the blockchain, you do not need to be a specialist in programming; everything is implemented using a graphical system and software modules.

    Bancor: $ 153 million

    The project managed to raise the first $ 140 million in just three hours. The essence of the project is the ability to exchange ERC20 tokens (on the Ethereum blockchain) directly, without cryptocurrency exchanges. This, according to experts, will increase the liquidity in the market of ether tokens, plus eliminate commission in the system. Transactions between different tokens, according to the developers, should be carried out using smart contracts. In addition, participants in the system will be able to invest in various tokens, allowing you to create “baskets” with several investment instruments.

    For ordinary users, the advantage of Bancor is that you can attach an account in any tokens to your bank card. And one more thing is the opportunity for each participant in the system to issue their own tokens, which will be quoted already from the moment of release.

    Tezos: $ 232 million

    One of the most successful ICOs in history has been conducted for the Tezos smart contract system. The company office is registered in Switzerland. In just five days, the organizers were able to raise more than $ 137 million.

    Tazos call themselves the “new digital community,” and the platform itself is positioned as an alternative Ethereum network protocol for smart contracts. Many companies use the Ethereum infrastructure in their work, but a safer alternative is offered here. What are the benefits? For example, Tezos can update the decentralized circuit protocol without a hard fork.

    This is the first blockchain that allows you to manage everything and everything at the protocol level. To do this, we developed our own language of smart contracts, which is designed to facilitate formal verification. Interestingly, Tezos developers can make changes to the system, but for this they will have to pay.

    Filecoin: $ 257 million

    The Filecoin project was launched by Protocol Labs not now, but in 2014. The goal is to create an effective solution for storing any data. At the heart of everything is the IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) decentralized network protocol. According to its creators, this protocol can replace HTTP with a peer-to-peer hypermedia communication protocol.

    What is the idea of ​​the project? By design, users install special software that allows you to store data on computer hard drives. It is clear that few people want to do it just like that, so the organizers provided for the possibility of paying remuneration. It is produced as Filecoins tokens. They can be exchanged for other cryptocurrencies or fiat currencies.

    By the way, the ongoing ICO was regulated. That is, access to participation in it was available only to those participants who went through the verification process. And these are large firms, banks and wealthy individuals. Thanks to a regulated ICO, the organizers managed to fulfill the requirements of the US Security Exchange Commission, which announced in July that it was necessary to oversee a series of ICOs.

    As already mentioned, ICOs are attracting more and more investors, huge amounts are collected even for large companies. Perhaps ahead are new records and new projects that will bring a lot of new things both to ordinary life and to business activities. It is now clear that the blockchain is unlikely to be able to stop something, progress continues.

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