Digest MBLT DEV :: release №200

    Digest MBLT DEV is a weekly selection of news from the world of iOS development. Every Friday we deliver useful materials directly to the post office with comments from top iOS developers. Already 200 issues = 200 weeks.

    The first issue of the digest released by the e-Legion team in 2015. Since then, new rubrics and authors have appeared, and the number of subscribers is growing every week. If you still do not read our iOS digest, then we sincerely do not understand why. It's time to fix it.

    A gift from Dear Editors and Skyeng

    We decided to please our most loyal subscribers and calculated 6 people who first subscribed to the digest and continue to read each issue so far. A gift is sent to them in the mail - 4 individual lessons from Skyeng. The rest of our readers will be able to get two free classes on the mbltdev1 promotional code when they purchase the first lesson.

    Bundles and Packages

    So that you no longer confuse the concept of "bundle" and "package", Mat wrote an article about what is what and what are the differences between them.

    Analyzing Complexity

    An instructive story about how to turn on the head, analyze the existing solution and improve performance when working with collections using a specific example.

    Avoiding Callback Hell in Swift

    Simple tips for getting rid of "spaghetti code" by using guard, promises, OperationQueue, or Swift's ability to pass functions as arguments.

    Advanced UIView shadow effects using shadowPath A

    guide to creating shadows and the effect of the shadowPath parameter on the final result.

    Slot-based UI development in Swift

    Should I develop elements when designing an interface that can adapt to different data and display conditions, or is it better to create a specially “sharpened” type for each case? The author suggests using a balanced approach that takes the best from these implementations.

    How to create a custom gauge control using UIKit

    Step-by-step creation of a new UI element in the form of a circular scale.

    Unbreakable reference cycles in Swift no one is talking about

    Describes the complexity of using closures and structures that lead to memory leaks.

    Read the full issue and subscribe to the newsletter. Subscription is free. And no spamming, honestly!

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