The digest of fresh materials from the world of the front-end for the last week No. 280 (September 11 - 17, 2017)

    We bring to your attention a selection with links to new materials from the frontend area and around it.

        Media     |    Web Development     |    CSS     |    Javascript     |    Browsers     |    Entertaining


    podcastPodcast "Web Standards" # 86: How to fit into iPhone X, code editors, inverse theme in 153 bytes, life after git --force, grid history, layout and programming, ES-modules in Node and in battle.
    podcastPodcast “Five Minutes React” # 35: FrontFest 2017
    podcastPodcast “Frontend Weekend” # 19: Yuri Artyukh teaches how to become the most beautiful layout designer of Runet
    podcastPodcast “Frontend Youth (18+)” : FrontTalks - the best conference in the galaxy
    podcastenPodcast “Web Web” Standards ”, Episode # 85: Aha Naploha, Harry Roberts, Eva Lettner, Zack Lezerman and Hugo Giradel in a special issue of“ Web Standards ”
    podcastPodcast“ Drinkcast ”,Issue # 8: “What is FrontOps”
    video“ALL YOUR HTML” # 14: “We animate the graphics on SVG and Canvas, + perlin noise”
    videoHTML Shorts: Mathematics for the programmer , plus the text version
    videohabrReports from Frontend Mix: optimizing site loading and design system for BEM and React

    Web development

    Errors and contentious issues in HTML-CSS layout
    Weekly compilation of beautiful effects on CSS / SVG / JS # 53
    enHow to remove white bars in Safari on iPhone X (background-color, viewport-fit, safe-area-inset- *)


    Access to CSS variables and changing them using Javascript
    Locked buttons sucks
    enCSS-in-JS is how to replace a broken screwdriver with your favorite hammer
    enComplete Flexbox Guide - Learn by Example
    enNew CSS Support Guide in letters from campaignmonitor
    envideoVideo about creating CSS Grid . See how CSS Grid Layout has gone from an idea to a real spread in all major browsers in 2017.
    enRemove unused rules of the CSS
    enDevices.css - a selection of modern devices, recreated in the "pure CSS»


    Why the Facebook SDK occupies about 16% of JavaScript code on websites and what it means
    enBabel: changes planned for version 7.0
    enHow to reduce the impact of third-party JS scripts on the performance of the entire site
    enHow JavaScript works: memory management + how deal with four common memory leaks
    enAre search engines other than Google ready for crawling and indexing JavaScript?
    enWhat I love and hate about Flow
    enDoes it make sense for people who can't write JavaScript?

    • Libs & Plugins:
      enGithubp-progress — создание промиса, который сообщает о прогрессе.
      enGithubpunchcard — jquery плагин для создания графиков в стиле GitHub перфокарт
      enGithubclasswrap — js утилита для конкатенации имен CSS классов по заданным условиям
      enGithubellipsed — JS библиотека для добавления троеточия в многострочных текстах


    ChromeChrome 64 will stop the automatic playback of video with sound , and FTP will be flagged as an insecure protocol
    FirefoxMozilla has introduced an extension with the implementation of contextual containers for Firefox
    FirefoxIn Firefox 57, the appearance of tools for developers will be updated


    iPhone X, iPhone 8 and 8 Plus, Apple Watch Series 3 and Apple TV 4K
    Russian designers and developers about iPhone X, iPhone 8 and other Apple presentation announcements
    W3C developed an API for cryptocurrency payments in browsers
    Neural network of the day: 3D mask faces based on photography
    Vagrant 2.0 release, tools for creating virtual environments
    The casino network was compromised through a smart aquarium
    Oracle chose the Eclipse Foundation to transfer Java EE development
    • The human brain is planning to connect to the Internet of things
    Why Silicon Valley is criticized by everyone more often and what de amb

    We apologize for any typos or broken / duplicated links. If you notice a problem - please write in a personal email, we try to quickly fix them.

    Digest last week
    Material prepared dersmoll and alekskorovin

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