Roskomnadzor plans to introduce a new blocking system worth 20 billion rubles

Image source: VladTime
According to the Air Force, next year Roskomnadzor plans to introduce a new system of blocking prohibited resources, which will cost the budget (or providers) about 20 billion rubles. The Air Force found this information thanks to a source who is familiar with the details of the project’s development and the interlocutor who received information from one of the system developers, as reported by Vedomosti.
It became known that the new system is based on technology DPI (deep packet analysis). This type of equipment analyzes the traffic, extracting packets from it that are typical for certain sites and applications, and then blocks unwanted traffic.
At present, Roskomnadzor, when blocking third-party resources, uses a system of blocking by IP addresses. It is not very effective, and in some cases it does not work at all, as the situation with the attempt to block Telegram proved. To bypass the blocking system, the messenger began working with cloud services that allow changing IP.
The new system with DPI will allow Roskomnadzor to cope with this problem. The equipment for blocking will be purchased at the state expense and installed on the networks of large operators. The equipment has already been tested in August. The project launched an interagency commission of representatives of the Federal Security Service, the Ministry of Communications and Roskomnadzor. Then the commission chose equipment from one of the seven manufacturers of DPI systems, trying to find the optimal solution for the tasks. In November-December, additional tests were conducted in one of the million-plus cities in Central Russia.
The program will be launched on the basis of the law, the draft of which is submitted to the State Duma on December 14. It has already been reported that the document proposes to endow Roskomnadzor with special powers. In particular, the agency will determine the rules for routing Internet traffic of Russian operators, monitoring their compliance. Roskomnadzor will also ensure that domestic traffic remains inside the country, passing through at least foreign points. The authors of the bill believe that in order to ensure the autonomous work of the Runet, it is necessary to create a special center that will take over the management of communication networks in critical situations.
The project prescribes installation on the networks of telecom operators of a certain kind of technical means that will determine the source of the transmitted traffic. Unfortunately, the document does not indicate what exactly these will be for technical means. The explanatory note, however, clarifies that they will have the ability to restrict access to resources not only by network addresses, but also by prohibiting the passage of passing traffic. The state will create this system on its own, operators will be relieved of their respective duties. Funds will be allocated from the internal resources of the RKN at the expense of the Digital Economy program.
The new project will give Roskomnadzor the opportunity to directly intervene in the routing of operator traffic and large Internet services. In particular, the agency will be able to selectively block the transfer of traffic in the Russian segment of the Internet. In this case, it is also about the international traffic of international services and companies like Google, Facebook, and others. It may well be that the installation of DPI-equipment will give Roskomnadzor the opportunity to put into operation a nationwide system of deep filtering of Internet traffic.
In late November, it was reportedthat the Russian government plans to raise fines for Internet companies that do not seek to transfer their servers to Russia to 1% of annual revenue, or 1.5 million rubles. In the first case, large companies will suffer, the proceeds of which are measured in billions of rubles, in the second case - relatively small ones (like Telegram), which have no revenue in Russia. In 2017, Google LLC, the Russian division of Google, reported revenue of 45.2 billion rubles. It turns out that for this company the fine may well amount to 452 million rubles.
The administration of the president and Roskomnadzor are working on the development of new amendments to the legislation. The introduction of amendments implies a modification of the Code of Administrative Offenses in Russia.
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