LibGDX + Scene2d (programmed in Kotlin). Part 2

    Hello. Today I will talk about the atlas of textures, skins, and we will go through work on layout again. Further internationalization and finally a couple of subtleties in working with color. And in the next lesson, let's move on to the game model and the linking of game logic and UI elements.

    Texture atlas

    One of the most important parameters of the "comfort" of the application is the download time. The bottleneck in this regard is reading from the drive. If we use such designs everywhere
    then we create excess latency. In this case, the texture “backgrounds / main-screen-background.png” will be read from the drive in synchronous mode. This is not always evil. As a rule, downloading one background image does not spoil the impression of working with the program. But if we read each element of our scene in this way, the speed and smoothness of the application can seriously subside.

    To optimize the work with textures, it is much cheaper for us to upload one large picture once and use fragments of it in our work. This approach is called the texture atlas.
    Atlas example

    And although I am a big opponent of premature optimization, working with the atlas of textures offers great advantages both in terms of speed of the application and in terms of readability. To ignore the texture atlas is more expensive. We already have the AtlasGenerator class in the project, which itself can combine images from a folder into an atlas. Here is his code:
    object AtlasGenerator {
        @JvmStatic fun main(args: Array) {
            val settings = TexturePacker.Settings()
            settings.maxWidth = 2048
            settings.maxHeight = 2048
            TexturePacker.process(settings, "images", "atlas", "game")
    In principle, everything is simple. Parameters: name of the source folder, name of the folder for placing the atlas, and the name of the atlas itself. In large applications, it makes sense to make several atlases. For example, the level of "ancient Egypt" - some pictures, the level of "space" - others. They are not used at the same time. It is much faster in time to load only the part that is needed at the moment. But in our application there will be at least graphics, you can do with one atlas. Loading the atlas and reading the texture looks like this:
    val atlas = TextureAtlas(Gdx.files.internal("atlas/game.atlas"))

    In our application, loading the atlas is implemented in a slightly different way using the AssetManager, but at the moment it does not matter.


    One of the features of the LibGDX library is the tight coupling of logic and presentation code. We create elements, specify sizes, position, color directly in the code. At the same time, visual style requires multiple repetitions of the same lines of code (violation of the DRY principle). It is very expensive. Not even the copy-paste itself, but the synchronization of changes. For example, you wanted to change the text color from black to bronze. And in the case of hardcode, you need to go through the entire application, change one color to another. You’ll skip part, change where it should not change. To solve this problem, LibGDX implements a skins mechanism. Here is an example of ours:
      "com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Label$LabelStyle": {
        "default": {
          "font": "regular-font"
        "large": {
          "font": "large-font"
        "small": {
          "font": "small-font"
        "pane-caption": {
          "font": "large-font",
          "fontColor": "color-mongoose"
    Here is an example of using skins
    Label("some text here", uiSkin, "pane-caption")

    How does it work inside? To the commonplace is simple. Inside the skin lives an ObjectMap> resources = new ObjectMap (); For each class, named sets of instances are stored. The json above just populates this map with values. Through reflection, an object is created and fields are also filled through reflection. Here is an example of creating and working the skin:
    val atlas = TextureAtlas(Gdx.files.internal("atlas/game.atlas"))
    val skin = Skin(atlas)
    Label("some text here", skin , "pane-caption")


    The result of today's work will be the appearance of the expedition panel when you click on the “Boot” button. In this example, we will see how to expand the layout of the application while maintaining the basic idea, adding / removing actors to the scene, a couple of new layout containers. So our past code:
    row().let {
        add(Image(Texture("backgrounds/main-screen-background.png")).apply {
    In the center of the window we placed a picture. Now we want to use this central part as a container. There are two options. Use Container with background or use Stack. Stack is a layout container that draws all its children on top of itself in the order they were added. Element sizes are always set as Stack dimensions. We will focus on the first option, because the picture is again a "stub". In the final version, we will use the TiledMapRenderer to draw the map.
    val centralPanel = Container()
    row().let {
        add(centralPanel.apply {
            background = TextureRegionDrawable(TextureRegion(Texture("backgrounds/main-screen-background.png")))
            pad(AppConstants.PADDING * 2)
    In this case, we declare the centralPanel variable outside row (). Let {...} since we will pass it as a parameter. The idea is that the CommandPanel (the panel with buttons at the bottom) should not know where it is located and where to insert new elements in the general scene. Therefore, we pass the centralPanel to the constructor and inside the CommandPanel we hang the handler on the button:
    class CommandPanel(val centralPanel: Container) : Table() {
    add(Button(uiSkin.getDrawable("command-move")).apply {
        addListener(object : ChangeListener() {
            override fun changed(event: ChangeEvent?, actor: Actor?) {
                when (isChecked) {
                    false -> = null
                    true -> = ExplorePanel()
    Since the parameter has the val keyword in the constructor, this final field will be available anywhere in the class. If it were not, this parameter would be available only in the init {...} block. Instead of if-then I used when (analogue of java-switch) since It gives better readability. When a button is pressed, the ExplorePanel is embedded in the panel; when pressed, the central panel is cleared.
    Layout Dice Terrain

    Expedition panel layout

    We will use two new layout containers for layout of the terrain plate. VerticalGroup and HorizontalGroup. These are “lite" versions of the table, which, among other things, have one advantage. Removing an element from them removes the row / column. This is not true for the table. Even if you have a single-row table, deleting an item in a column simply makes the cell empty. Also, expand / fill / space / pad modifiers for Container, VerticalGroup, HorizontalGroup apply immediately to all elements. For a table, these values ​​apply to each cell.
    class ExplorePanel : Table() {
        init {
            background = uiSkin.getDrawable("panel-background")
            row().let {
            row().let {
            row().let {
            row().let {
            row().let {
                add().expand() // для подпружинивания элементов
    In this case, ExplorePanel is implemented through the table, but no one bothers to do through the VerticalGroup. This is basically a matter of taste. The lowest element is adding an empty cell with the expand modifier. This cell tries to occupy the maximum space, thereby "springing" the first elements up.

    And here is the terrain plate:
    class TerrainPane : WoodenPane() {
        init {
            add(VerticalGroup().apply {
                addActor(Label(i18n["terrain.meadow"], uiSkin, "pane-caption"))
                addActor(HorizontalGroup().apply {
    For now, do the “see” internationalization (i18n) and just pay attention to the layout. WoodenPane is actually a Table (actually a Button, which as I mentioned is the descendant of the Table). It adds two actors. Terrain picture and vertical group. In the vertical group there is one cell text, the second cell is a horizontal group of five pictures. Similarly made action dice - Search, Move and Return to the city. As I already mentioned, we will attach the logic and bind to the data model in the next part.


    Anyone who has worked with internationalization in any way will be nothing new. Internationalization works exactly the same. There is a basic .properties file in which key-value pairs are stored. There are auxiliary files,, Depending on the locale of the device, the appropriate auxiliary file (if defined) or the base file (if there are no matches) is loaded. In our case, the internationalization files look like this: I put the name i18n in the global namespace
    ... содержимое ...
    explore.move=ИдтиИскатьПортал в Город

    val i18n: I18NBundle
        get() = assets.i18n
    class MedievalTycoonGame : Game() {
        lateinit var assets: Assets

    class Assets {
        val i18n: I18NBundle by lazy {
    Again, the download goes through the asset manager. The classic I18NBundle boot option looks like this:
    val i18n = I18NBundle.createBundle(Gdx.files.internal("i18n/fifteen-puzzle"), Locale.getDefault())
    Further, instead of text, we simply insert i18n.get ("")

    A couple of subtleties when working with color

    I really want to use color constants in skins. But if you try to write like this, the program will crash with an error.
      "com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Label$LabelStyle": {
        "pane-caption": {
          "font": "large-font",
          "fontColor": "color-mongoose"
    It's not even that LibGDX knows nothing about the color “mongoose”, skins by default do not even know about “black” & “white”. But when creating the skins, we can pass the parameter ObjectMap(), into which the running colors and base colors of the application palette are placed. It looks like this:
    Adding text color identifiers
    private val skinResources = ObjectMap()
    private val skinDescriptor = AssetDescriptor("default-ui-skin.json",,
            SkinLoader.SkinParameter("atlas/game.atlas", skinResources))
    private fun loadColors() {
        skinResources.put("color-mongoose", Color.valueOf("BAA083"))
        skinResources.put("clear", Color.CLEAR)
        skinResources.put("black", Color.BLACK)
        skinResources.put("white", Color.WHITE)
        skinResources.put("light_gray", Color.LIGHT_GRAY)
        skinResources.put("gray", Color.GRAY)
        skinResources.put("dark_gray", Color.DARK_GRAY)
        skinResources.put("blue", Color.BLUE)
        skinResources.put("navy", Color.NAVY)
        skinResources.put("royal", Color.ROYAL)
        skinResources.put("slate", Color.SLATE)
        skinResources.put("sky", Color.SKY)
        skinResources.put("cyan", Color.CYAN)
        skinResources.put("teal", Color.TEAL)
        skinResources.put("green", Color.GREEN)
        skinResources.put("chartreuse", Color.CHARTREUSE)
        skinResources.put("lime", Color.LIME)
        skinResources.put("forest", Color.FOREST)
        skinResources.put("olive", Color.OLIVE)
        skinResources.put("yellow", Color.YELLOW)
        skinResources.put("gold", Color.GOLD)
        skinResources.put("goldenrod", Color.GOLDENROD)
        skinResources.put("orange", Color.ORANGE)
        skinResources.put("brown", Color.BROWN)
        skinResources.put("tan", Color.TAN)
        skinResources.put("firebrick", Color.FIREBRICK)
        skinResources.put("red", Color.RED)
        skinResources.put("scarlet", Color.SCARLET)
        skinResources.put("coral", Color.CORAL)
        skinResources.put("salmon", Color.SALMON)
        skinResources.put("pink", Color.PINK)
        skinResources.put("magenta", Color.MAGENTA)
        skinResources.put("purple", Color.PURPLE)
        skinResources.put("violet", Color.VIOLET)
        skinResources.put("maroon", Color.MAROON)

    This is an example using AssetManager. You can do this as well (the main thing is to do before loading the skin.json file):
    uiSkin.add("black", Color.BLACK)

    And finally. Label can be “painted” in two ways. Right and wrong.
    color = Color.BLACK // неправильно
    style.fontColor = Color.BLACK // правильно
    I do not have enough knowledge to explain the mechanics of rendering. On fingers, it’s something like this: any actor can be drawn with a touch. Take a picture made in shades of white-gray, set the color and instead of a white-gray image you get, for example, yellow-dark yellow or red-dark red. The problem is that the final shade is "multiplication". And if instead of a white-gray base there is a red picture, and the hue is blue, the result will be black. In fact, this is a very bad and time-consuming option to get a good result. To choose the intensity of gray so that the red-green-yellow-blue options look reliably very difficult. Plus, if I'm not mistaken, there is some kind of problem with maintaining transparency.

    The second option works fine. The font is generated white, in my case with a translucent dark stroke.
    val largeFont = FreetypeFontLoader.FreeTypeFontLoaderParameter()
    largeFont.fontFileName = "fonts/Merriweather-Bold.ttf"
    largeFont.fontParameters.borderColor = Color.valueOf("00000080")
    largeFont.fontParameters.borderWidth = 4f


    In the final example, there is no normal layout for action dice. You can try to implement it yourself by analogy with TerrainPane.


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