HostTracker integration with Slack. Site stability: how to keep everyone informed

    Slack is increasingly gaining popularity as a tool for communication within teams. The site monitoring service HostTracker provides the ability to add alerts about the work of trust IT systems directly to Slack chat for more convenient control and quick response.

    What is the essence of this? Now about many problems associated with sites, servers and other IT infrastructure objects, you can get an alert directly in Slack. In a chat of developers, admins or any other group of interests. To do this, there are special predefined templates in the parameters of the POST request:

    However, who really needs it, they also have access to a set of variables that can be used to compose your personal templates:

    Like many other features of the HostTracker website monitoring service, integration with Slack took place thanks to several customer requests. Therefore, let me remind you - we are always happy to comment and suggestions!

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