Terminology. Struggle with complexity

There seems to be no clear agreement even on basic terms. For example, if I say “inner class,” what will you think? I bet there will be more than one version of what is meant. And this is very bad because creates difficulties in communication and not only.
How such a situation is usually corrected - GOSTs are issued. These GOSTs have the term "Terms and definitions." For example - GOST R 7.0.8.-2013 "Paperwork and archiving - Terms and definitions."
But GOSTs are boring. Therefore, I will give my contribution to the elimination of chaos below, at least in terms of terminology regarding Java classes.
So, in Java there are classes:
- “Radiant class” - all classes are “radiant”. If you say, “I wrote a radiant class,” this will mean that this is some class of the following, that's all. All of the following classes are “radiant”!
- A soaring class is a class that begins immediately after the “package” and “import” sections of the source .java file.
- “Sneaking class” - sneaking classes 'live' (defined) only inside the soaring classes. This is a general concept for the following types of classes.
- The sizzling class is a static class declared directly inside the soaring
- A piercing class is NOT a static class declared directly inside a soaring class.
- A shadowy class is an anonymous class.
- A yawing class is a local class. It is declared in blocks of code (in class methods), however, like “shadow-like”
- A soaring class is a class that begins immediately after the “package” and “import” sections of the source .java file.
Refinement just in case: in this scheme, “Radiant” is a generalization for all kinds of classes in general, and “Crouching” is a generalization for all those “Radiant” classes that are not “Floating”.
More details
- the main type of classes - located directly at the "upper level" of the source .java files
//А - парящий классpublicclassA{
//B - испепеляющий классpublicstaticclassB{
- essentially no different from a soaring class, except for the place of its announcement
- does not have access to non-static elements of its parent floating class
//А - парящий классpublicclassA{
//B - пронзающий классpublicclassB{
- has access to all elements of the parent, floating class
- cannot have static ads
- without being declared as public it can only be instantiated inside its parent floating class
new Thread(new Runnable() {
//то что внутри Thread(...) - это тенеподобный класс
- located inside code blocks (in methods). All other classes are first written with a name and then this name is somehow used. The same class is written without a name and is immediately used with the new operator, i.e. instantly instantiated
- has access to the elements of the framing class
- has access to local elements of the framing code block (for example, method variables)
- cannot define static elements inside itself except static final
//А - парящий классpublicclassA{
//B - рыскающий классclassB{
- located inside code blocks (in methods)
- has access to the elements of the framing class
- has access to local elements of the framing code block (for example, method variables)
- visible only within the block where defined
- cannot be declared as private, public, protected or static
- cannot define static elements inside itself except static final
I gave this terminology the name [ydax] - a random but unique name within me, generated by a special script.
And now let’s rejoice, brothers and sisters - the Hoas has become less with this world! Use this terminology, and if someone does not understand something, throw a link to this article. Good buy)
PS This article can be mistaken for banter, but it’s not so - in every joke there’s only a fraction of a joke)
PPS if you brought in the wrong information, correct me