MyTaskHelper online database constructor: create relational databases without programming knowledge

  • Tutorial

Greetings! Today I want to talk about the functions of our online service MyTaskHelper , which can be used to create relational databases.

Let me remind you that at the time of creating a web form in the MTH service, a database is automatically generated in which the information added to the project through the form will be saved. But if the majority of our competitors are limited to this, then we went further and implemented a relational data model .

I will not rant for a long time and will show examples of connections ( one to one, one to many, many to many ) implemented in the MyTaskHelper system.

For clarity, we create several tables with data. Let it be:

1) The "Clients" form with the fields:

  • Name (data type - String of text);
  • Address + index (data type - Test string);
  • Postal Code (Data Type - Integer);
  • E-mail (data type - Email address).

2) The form "Personal managers" with the fields:

  • Name (data type - String of text);
  • E-mail (data type - Email address);
  • Work phone (data type - text string).

3) The "Orders" form with the fields:

  • Date of creation of the order (data type - Date);
  • Product Description (data type - Multi-line text);
  • Number of units (data type - Integer);
  • Date of shipment of the goods (data type - Date);
  • Payment mark (data type - Radio button with two values: “Paid” and “Shipped for sale”).

4) Form "Suppliers" with the fields:

Supplier company (data type - Text string);
Name of representative (data type - String of text);
E-mail (data type - Email address);
Work phone (data type - text string).

The ability to connect forms with each other in is implemented very simply: for this there is a separate type of field having the data type “Connection”.

Communication "one to one" , we will create between forms "clients" and "Personal managers." To do this, go to the menu Fields => Add a new field to the form, enter the field name (let it be “Communication between customers and personal managers”) and select the “Communication” data type on the “Advanced” tab.

In order for everything to work as we intended, on the “Choose a form” tab, select “Personal Managers” from the drop-down list, indicate in the drop-down list which column to show (we will have a full name) and select “ One-to-one "(drop-down list).

In MTH, all this is as follows (Fig. 1):


Fig. 1

Similarly, we configure the connection "many to one . " Such a relationship will have the “Customers” and “Orders” tables, i.e. for one client several orders can be issued. Go to the “Orders” form, go to the Fields => Add a new field on the form menu, enter the field name (let it be “Communication between customers and orders”) and select the “Communication” data type on the “Advanced” tab. We select the “Clients” form, indicate the column “Name” and the type of communication “many-to-one” (Radio button).

A many-to-many relationship will be configured between the Customers and Suppliers tables, as each customer can have several suppliers, as well as each supplier has several customers. We go to the "Clients" form, go to the "Fields" menu and add a field with the "Communication" data type. Next, enter the name of the field (let it be “Communication between customers and suppliers”). We select the form “Suppliers”, indicate the column “Name” and the type of communication “many-to-many” (Checkbox).

What do we have as a result?

And the results of our manipulations are as follows.

1. To check whether the one-to-one relationship works correctly , go to the “Clients” form and click “Add a new record”. We enter the client’s personal data, in the field “Communication between customers and personal managers” from the drop-down list, select the personal manager attached to this client, and in the field “Communication between customers and suppliers” check the boxes with which suppliers the client cooperates (Fig. 2) . That's all, we easily and simply added a record to our relational database.


Fig. 2

2. In order to test the “many to one” relationship , go to the “Orders” form, click “Add Entry” and in the “Relationship between Customers and Orders” field, select the client who owns this order (Fig. 3).


Fig. 3

3. Many-to-many relationships can be tested in two ways. First, adding a new client to the database through the “Clients” form, we see that the form has a field “Communication between customers and suppliers”, where, ticking off, we indicate which suppliers a particular client cooperates with (Fig. 4).


Fig. 4

The many-to-many relationship works similarly when adding a new provider. In this case, the page for adding a new record is as follows (Fig. 5):


As you can see, in the "Select Clients" field, you can specify which clients cooperate with the supplier added to the database.

Benefits of MyTaskHelper as a designer of relational databases:

  • reasonable cost of accounts (there is even a free subscription);
  • saving money on refusing database administrator services;
  • the ability to create databases without knowledge of any web technologies in general and programming languages ​​in particular;
  • all information is reliably protected from possible losses and illegal actions of malefactors;
  • If necessary, you can easily and quickly create a variety of reports. For example, in order to find out which clients are assigned to a particular manager, we go to the “Clients” database, enter the name of the desired manager in the “Search” menu and click “Find”. Search results can easily be saved in a separate report by clicking the “Save Report” button. Similarly, e-mails or SMS messages are created, etc.

And you can look at the material about what constitutes MTH as a whole in this habratopika .

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