Free IP Camera Software
Over 11 years of work in the video surveillance market, we had to face many programs for managing video surveillance systems, some we worked with, some we tested, some we wanted to test, but we didn’t have time to do it, we just read about some in the reviews like what you read.
As a result, it seems to us that we have obtained the most complete list of software for video surveillance systems.
All software is divided into three groups:

1) iSpy
The most popular open source video surveillance application in the world. It is compatible with the vast majority of IP and web cameras. Developers claim 2 million users worldwide. Source code is available, as well as compiled versions.
Rebranding - makes it easy and simple to customize software for your brand. Paid and free plugins expanding functionality.
Operating Systems - Windows , Android
Official website: www.ispyconnect.com
Download: www.ispyconnect.com/download.aspx
2) ZoneMinder
Free open source software for video surveillance. It works on any Linux distribution that supports Video4Linux.
Operating systems - Linux (Ubuntu, RedHat, Debian, Gentoo), paid mobile applications on Android and iOS from the friendly project zmNinja are available .
Official site: zoneminder.com
Download: zoneminder.com/downloads
3) Veyesys Rapidvms
Rapidvms is a simple client server software from Chinese developers. Rapidvms consists of RapidStor (server) and RapidClient (client)
The source code is open for most components, some components are available only in binary form.
Operating systems - Windows, Ubuntu, Centos, macOS
Official website: www.veyesys.com
Download: github.com/veyesys/version
4) OpenALPR
Open source software for license plate recognition
Operating systems - Debian, CentOS.
Download: github.com/openalpr/openalpr
In this section, software manufacturers that limit the functionality, but do not limit the duration of use
5) XProtect Go The
Danish company Milestone is a recognized world leader in the development of software for video surveillance systems. The software is Russified. Maximum number of IP cameras - 8
Operating systems - Windows, Android , iOS , Windows Phone
Official website: www.milestonesys.com
Download: www.milestonesys.com/solutions/platform/try-our-software/xprotect-free-download
6 ) SecurOS Lite
Software product from the Russian developer of ISS.
The size and shelf life of the video archive is unlimited The
maximum number of IP cameras is 32 channels of video + audio
Operating systems: Windows
Official website: iss.ru
Download: iss.ru/media/859
7) Axxon Next
High-performance new-generation video surveillance system on an open software platform with an intuitive user interface, from the Russian company ITV.
It is interesting that the conditions for free versions differ depending on the language choice.
For English-speaking citizens
No more than 4 cameras, 1 server (unlimited number of clients), maximum archive size - 1 TB
For Russian and Ukrainian speakers The trial
version works from 8:00 to 18:00 - 1 month after the first installation, any number of cameras, servers and remote workstations (URM), without archive size limits
Download: www.itv.ru/products/axxon_next/price.php
Operating systems: Windows, Android, iOS, Windows Phone
Official website: www.itv.ru , www.axxonsoft.com
8) VideoNet Prime
Software product from Skyros Corporation for building small video surveillance systems using IP and web-cameras.
Connect up to 16 IP cameras in 25 fps mode, up to 2 web cameras in 25 fps mode, up to 4 remote workstations, archive depth 1 TB or 14 calendar days.
Operating systems: Windows
Official website: www.videonet.ru
Download: www.videonet.ru/index.php?id=223
9) Line
Devline Company positions itself as a developer of low-cost video surveillance systems.
Connecting up to 16 IP cameras
Operating systems: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, iOS, Android
Official website: www.devline.ru
Download: www.devline.ru/demo , www.devline.ru/beta_version
10) Xeoma
Free mode allows you to use no more than 8 video sources and no more than three modules. 5 days of archive storage. Full comparison of features of free with paid functionality
Operating systems: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, iOS, Android
Official site: felenasoft.com/en
Download: felenasoft.com/xeoma/en/download
11) AVReg
It is an audio creation software / video recorders based on personal computers or servers running Linux and is a continuation and development of the LinuxDVR project.
for non-commercial use (with a restriction of recording up to 4 cameras per client and without guaranteed technical support);
Official website: www.avreg.net
12) Tracer - No more than 30 minutes in one session, in total no more than 4 hours a day.
13) Alnet Systems Netstation - 4 channels, 7 days video archive.
14) Argus DVR - Fully functional, watermark - not registered.
15) Arteco Me - 2 channels.
16) ATVideo VMS - No restrictions
17) GeniusVision NVR - 16 channels
18) Herospeed VMS - 64 channels
19) ipConfigure Orchid - 4 channels
20) Luxriot Evo Maximum resolution 1920 × 1080 pixels
21)March Networks Command Lite 6 channels, one week recording.
22) NovoSun - 64 channels
23) Pelco DigitalSentry - 4 channels
24) Vipaks - 6 hours of recording to the archive
25) Ivideon - without restrictions
26) Globoss
number of video capture channels - up to 4; (video from video capture cards and / or IP cameras);
number of channels received over the network - up to 16 (video from other GLOBOSS FREE servers);
Webcast module is not supported;
the number of connected clients to one server - no more than 4
27) Aimetis Symphony - 30 days
28) Avigilon Control Center - 30 days
29) Axis Camera Station - 30 days
30) Blue Iris - 15 days
31) CathexisVision - 5 channels, 60 days
32) Digifort VMS - 30 days
33) Exacq - 45 days
34) IDIS Solution Suit - VMS - 70 days
35) IndigoVision Control Center - 5 channels, 45 days
36) Logiware go1984 - 30 days
37) Ksenos - 90 days
38) Macroscop - 30 days
39)Milestone XProtect - 30 days
40) Netavis Observer - 30
41) Network Optix nxWitness - 4 cameras, 38 days
42) OnSSI Occularis - 30 days
43) SecuritySpy - 30 days
44) SeeTec Cayuga - 30 days
45) Sony RealShot Manager 30
46) Vicon Valerus - 30 days
47) VideoInsight VI Monitor - 60 days
48) Wavestore VMS - 30 days
Each manufacturer of video surveillance equipment has its own software that usually works only with its equipment, so it seemed to us not very interesting to provide links to it as part of this review.
You can watch it on manufacturers' websites about the largest manufacturers of video surveillance, we wrote here .
Now that we have a choice of 46 programs for video surveillance from different developers, it is possible that the issue with software is closed.
If you can’t say anything about the issue of hard, you are welcome to visit our site in the section with surveillance cameras with the best filter for choosing cameras.

As a result, it seems to us that we have obtained the most complete list of software for video surveillance systems.
All software is divided into three groups:
- Open source software
- Free software with limited functionality
- The software is free during the trial period.

Open source software
1) iSpy
The most popular open source video surveillance application in the world. It is compatible with the vast majority of IP and web cameras. Developers claim 2 million users worldwide. Source code is available, as well as compiled versions.
Rebranding - makes it easy and simple to customize software for your brand. Paid and free plugins expanding functionality.
Operating Systems - Windows , Android
Official website: www.ispyconnect.com
Download: www.ispyconnect.com/download.aspx
2) ZoneMinder
Free open source software for video surveillance. It works on any Linux distribution that supports Video4Linux.
Operating systems - Linux (Ubuntu, RedHat, Debian, Gentoo), paid mobile applications on Android and iOS from the friendly project zmNinja are available .
Official site: zoneminder.com
Download: zoneminder.com/downloads
3) Veyesys Rapidvms
Rapidvms is a simple client server software from Chinese developers. Rapidvms consists of RapidStor (server) and RapidClient (client)
The source code is open for most components, some components are available only in binary form.
Operating systems - Windows, Ubuntu, Centos, macOS
Official website: www.veyesys.com
Download: github.com/veyesys/version
4) OpenALPR
Open source software for license plate recognition
Operating systems - Debian, CentOS.
Download: github.com/openalpr/openalpr
Free with limited functionality
In this section, software manufacturers that limit the functionality, but do not limit the duration of use
5) XProtect Go The
Danish company Milestone is a recognized world leader in the development of software for video surveillance systems. The software is Russified. Maximum number of IP cameras - 8
Operating systems - Windows, Android , iOS , Windows Phone
Official website: www.milestonesys.com
Download: www.milestonesys.com/solutions/platform/try-our-software/xprotect-free-download
6 ) SecurOS Lite
Software product from the Russian developer of ISS.
The size and shelf life of the video archive is unlimited The
maximum number of IP cameras is 32 channels of video + audio
Operating systems: Windows
Official website: iss.ru
Download: iss.ru/media/859
7) Axxon Next
High-performance new-generation video surveillance system on an open software platform with an intuitive user interface, from the Russian company ITV.
It is interesting that the conditions for free versions differ depending on the language choice.
For English-speaking citizens
No more than 4 cameras, 1 server (unlimited number of clients), maximum archive size - 1 TB
For Russian and Ukrainian speakers The trial
version works from 8:00 to 18:00 - 1 month after the first installation, any number of cameras, servers and remote workstations (URM), without archive size limits
Download: www.itv.ru/products/axxon_next/price.php
Operating systems: Windows, Android, iOS, Windows Phone
Official website: www.itv.ru , www.axxonsoft.com
8) VideoNet Prime
Software product from Skyros Corporation for building small video surveillance systems using IP and web-cameras.
Connect up to 16 IP cameras in 25 fps mode, up to 2 web cameras in 25 fps mode, up to 4 remote workstations, archive depth 1 TB or 14 calendar days.
Operating systems: Windows
Official website: www.videonet.ru
Download: www.videonet.ru/index.php?id=223
9) Line
Devline Company positions itself as a developer of low-cost video surveillance systems.
Connecting up to 16 IP cameras
Operating systems: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, iOS, Android
Official website: www.devline.ru
Download: www.devline.ru/demo , www.devline.ru/beta_version
10) Xeoma
Free mode allows you to use no more than 8 video sources and no more than three modules. 5 days of archive storage. Full comparison of features of free with paid functionality
Operating systems: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, iOS, Android
Official site: felenasoft.com/en
Download: felenasoft.com/xeoma/en/download
11) AVReg
It is an audio creation software / video recorders based on personal computers or servers running Linux and is a continuation and development of the LinuxDVR project.
for non-commercial use (with a restriction of recording up to 4 cameras per client and without guaranteed technical support);
Official website: www.avreg.net
12) Tracer - No more than 30 minutes in one session, in total no more than 4 hours a day.
13) Alnet Systems Netstation - 4 channels, 7 days video archive.
14) Argus DVR - Fully functional, watermark - not registered.
15) Arteco Me - 2 channels.
16) ATVideo VMS - No restrictions
17) GeniusVision NVR - 16 channels
18) Herospeed VMS - 64 channels
19) ipConfigure Orchid - 4 channels
20) Luxriot Evo Maximum resolution 1920 × 1080 pixels
21)March Networks Command Lite 6 channels, one week recording.
22) NovoSun - 64 channels
23) Pelco DigitalSentry - 4 channels
24) Vipaks - 6 hours of recording to the archive
25) Ivideon - without restrictions
26) Globoss
number of video capture channels - up to 4; (video from video capture cards and / or IP cameras);
number of channels received over the network - up to 16 (video from other GLOBOSS FREE servers);
Webcast module is not supported;
the number of connected clients to one server - no more than 4
Free during the trial period
27) Aimetis Symphony - 30 days
28) Avigilon Control Center - 30 days
29) Axis Camera Station - 30 days
30) Blue Iris - 15 days
31) CathexisVision - 5 channels, 60 days
32) Digifort VMS - 30 days
33) Exacq - 45 days
34) IDIS Solution Suit - VMS - 70 days
35) IndigoVision Control Center - 5 channels, 45 days
36) Logiware go1984 - 30 days
37) Ksenos - 90 days
38) Macroscop - 30 days
39)Milestone XProtect - 30 days
40) Netavis Observer - 30
41) Network Optix nxWitness - 4 cameras, 38 days
42) OnSSI Occularis - 30 days
43) SecuritySpy - 30 days
44) SeeTec Cayuga - 30 days
45) Sony RealShot Manager 30
46) Vicon Valerus - 30 days
47) VideoInsight VI Monitor - 60 days
48) Wavestore VMS - 30 days
Video Surveillance Equipment Manufacturers
Each manufacturer of video surveillance equipment has its own software that usually works only with its equipment, so it seemed to us not very interesting to provide links to it as part of this review.
You can watch it on manufacturers' websites about the largest manufacturers of video surveillance, we wrote here .
Now that we have a choice of 46 programs for video surveillance from different developers, it is possible that the issue with software is closed.
If you can’t say anything about the issue of hard, you are welcome to visit our site in the section with surveillance cameras with the best filter for choosing cameras.