BCP and DRP. The difference is sometimes not obvious.

    Hi, Habr! This is rather not an explanation article, but an article discussing continuity and the pulp itself, I hope, will be in the comments.

    Due to the fact that business continuity has become a fashion trend, something like nanotechnology, innovation and import substitution, it's time to decide what BCP is and what DRP is, what is the difference between them and why BCP and DRP are like “not a husband and a wife, and four completely different people. "

    BCP (business continuity plan) - business continuity plan. It contains a detailed plan of what needs to be done to restore business processes.

    DRP (disaster recovery plan) - disaster recovery plan. Contains a detailed infrastructure restoration plan. Usually, it means IT infrastructure, but it can be a variety of mechanisms, vehicles and buildings.

    Both plans will be used immediately after a crisis or disaster. Both plans contain a set of instructions and a description of the people who must follow these instructions. Both plans should be tested periodically to ensure that the plan is viable. Both plans should be developed based on business requirements *. Perhaps the similarity ends and the differences begin.

    DRP is a recovery plan. If the warehouse burned out, that is, a spare warehouse for such a case. If mask shows have come to the data center, there is a backup data center. If the car breaks down, there are spare parts for repairs. Or a backup car. Depending on the requirements of the business, which we will talk about in another article.

    BCP is a business continuity plan, or rather, a specific business process. BCP allows you to continue the business process after a disaster or crisis as quickly as necessary for the business.

    When an office building fails, DRP will describe how to quickly launch a new office building. BCP will describe how to organize the remote work of employees. In case remote work is not possible, BCP will include DRP, but not vice versa. And somewhere at this moment there will be a feeling that this is one and the same, but it is not.

    In the event of a data center failure, for example, of a telecommunications company, the BCP plan will describe the process of moving to the backup data center and the associated communications. DRP will describe the relocation of each system. In fact, in this case, the BCP plan includes many DRP plans.

    BCP is created and tested jointly with business representatives. DRP is created and tested within the IT department.

    Very interested in the opinion of practitioners who have overcome the confusion in terminology in continuity.

    - * - business requirements - these are exactly the requirements from the business, not the thoughts inside the IT department, what the business requirements might look like.

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