MBLTdev 16 Mobile Developers Conference Preliminary Program Published

    The conference will be held November 17 in Moscow at Digital October. For the first time, the business program will take place in 4 streams to accommodate hardcore presentations, live coding and workshops for mid + mobile developers, as well as a UX / UI track for mobile designers. The preliminary program of the event is published on the MBLTdev website . The schedule will be gradually supplemented by new performances, stay tuned.

    17 speakers have already confirmed their participation - foreign and Russian experts from international food and service companies.

    God Girtler, Developer, Dropbox

    We at Dropbox are committed to creating a robust and testable architecture that reliably stores our users' information, learns quickly and requires minimal maintenance. At MBLTdev 16, I will give a talk on “Architecting for the Win” and talk about how Dropbox makes complex decisions within Swift and Objective-C through a consistently designed data exchange. It doesn’t matter if you work with MVVM, MVC, Rx or others. The presentation will be uniquely useful for developers who want to create a solid architecture for working with an abundance of data that needs to be shared.

    Keith Moon, Lead iOS Developer, Just Eat

    He will give a presentation “Thinking in Swift” and help developers actively using Objective-C to comfortably switch to Swift 3. He will talk about the strengths of the language: about the type system, working with structures and classes, protocols and generics. It will teach you how to prevent common mistakes, and will show the features of testing.

    Mario Bodemann, Android and Java Evangelist, Contentful

    On MBLTdev, Mario will talk about the Google Cardboard and Daydream SDK in Java, how to use them, what chips they offer developers, and also show everything with an example that can only be obtained using the VR SDK.

    Daniel Haight, iOS Indie Developer, Many Things

    Daniel will make a presentation on AsynConcurrency and its main points:

    - Improving the readability of the code through the competent organization of callbacks,
    - Ensuring the integrity of stored data using access synchronization,
    - Handling dependencies asynchronously,
    - Working with data that does not yet exist when creating interfaces .

    Andrew Deacon, co-founder, Android Iasi

    Let's compare cloud testing technologies with best practices — all from the point of view of a developer, not a tester. The Android ecosystem is very fragmented, all devices have different screens. It seems impossible to test at all at once. But if we write automated tests, we will get the opportunity to run them on hundreds of real devices in the cloud. Let's compare Expresso with Appium and Amazon Device Farm with Firebase Device Lab and see which ones we like best.

    Evgeny Shishkin, Android Developer, Aviasales

    Google recommends using fragments to build a flexible UI. In cases where we need to optimize the interface for tablets or implement work with ViewPager, this is really the easiest solution. At the same time, integration of fragments is not such an easy task. Anyone who has ever seen a diagram of their life cycle understands the seriousness of what has been said. Potential memory leaks, complex APIs and bugs (the number of questions on StackOverflow exceeds 100,000). And all this does not seem such a good decision. We will discuss what alternatives are.

    Dmitry Kostyrev, Leading Android Developer, Avito

    My talk at MBLTdev will be about Robolectric, a framework for running tests on a local Android-specific JVM. We will look under the hood of this tool and find out its internal structure in detail, study the existing Shadow implementations and write our own. We also evaluate the performance of Robolectric compared to alternative solutions.

    Dmitry Obukhov, macOS and iOS developer at Realm and co-founder of CocoaHeads Moscow

    The talk on MBLTdev 16 will be about building applications on the Realm Mobile Platform. I will also tell you how to use it in existing applications, about various features and non-trivial scenarios. There will be many examples.

    Alexey Lavrenyuk, stress testing engineer, Yandex

    At MBLTdev 16, I’ll tell you how we measure the performance of mobile applications at Yandex: what metrics and how we collect, how we run test scripts, how our reports look. And there will be a great story about how we drilled the iPhone in order to measure the current consumption from the battery.

    You can familiarize yourself with other speakers and the topics of their reports on the site .

    Please note that from November 1, the ticket price will rise to 7500 rubles. Hurry up to buy a ticket now on the official website of MBLTdev 16.

    Conference organizers: e-Legion and RAEC.
    Partners: Google, Aviasales, Avito, British Graduate School of Design

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