We start the container with unit tests in Azure DevOps (VSTS)
- Tutorial
With the advent of .Net Core, we have a great opportunity not only to run our code on different operating systems, but also to test it on different operating systems. And what can be better than Docker when working with different operating systems?
Testing is more valuable when you have no difference between the test environment and the target media. Imagine that you support your application on multiple operating systems or versions of the operating system. With Docker, you can test your application in each of them.
In this article, we will look at how to create a separate image in which the unit tests your application will run and configure for all this a CI / CD pipeline in VSTS which is Azure DevOps for some time now.
If you are working with Docker, you are probably using multi-stage builds to build your containers. In this case, you combine the creation of binaries (using the build image) and the creation of the final image (using the runtime image) within the same Docker file.
If your system consists of a single container, in this case, the most common approach may be to run the tests as part of the process of building the final image. That is, the launch of tests in the Dockerfile.
To do this in a multi-
For now, let's not worry about what the web application does. On the other hand, we have a single test that checks behavior
Now create a Dockerfile that will create a WebApplication image and run the tests at the same time:
This Dockerfile should be placed in the directory with the solution file (СiCd.sln). To create an image, use the command:
Our test fails (an error in
Now let's see how to run this process in Azure DevOps.
Our build definition at the moment is a single “Docker” type task:
As a result of the launch, the build fails, because the test fails. In addition, we do not have test results (the Test tab is empty), because testing is not performed in the understanding of VSTS:
Running tests as part of an image assembly is not that bad, but it will prevent VSTS from learning about the result. . This is due to the “limitation” of Docker, which does not allow to create volumes in time
We will take a different approach and use an excellent alternative
The parameter
Here we run the image created in the previous step, and through the volume we match the container's " tests " directory with the host's directory (in my case D: \ CiCD \ tests). As a result, test results appeared in my D: \ CiCD \ tests.
In order to build the final image run:
The advantage is that, thanks to the Docker layer model, there is no need to re-execute all the other steps (that is, there is no need to recompile the application).
Well, let's apply all this to Azure DevOps pipelines now. To simplify the build and avoid a large number of parameters, we will use docker-compose. Our docker-compose.yml has the following content:
Here we define two images (webapplication and webapplication-tests). So that everything is according to the canon, let's add the docker-compose.override.yml file:
Great, now we just need to run the tests:
This command runs the tests and creates the output trx file in the directory specified by the environment variable
Now you can edit our CI process in Azure DevOps. To do this, we define the following steps:
Let's start with the first step, which is the Docker Compose task in Azure:
Next, run the container with the unit tests:
Here you need to select
The third step is “Publish test results”:
It is important to specify
The last step will push the images into the repository. To do this, you need to specify the Azure subscription, as well as the Azure Container Registry. Everything is ready to create a new build. We save. We start. If the tests fail, the build will fail, but now we see the results in VSTS:
I hope this material was useful. You can find my yml configuration file here .
Thanks for attention!
Testing is more valuable when you have no difference between the test environment and the target media. Imagine that you support your application on multiple operating systems or versions of the operating system. With Docker, you can test your application in each of them.
In this article, we will look at how to create a separate image in which the unit tests your application will run and configure for all this a CI / CD pipeline in VSTS which is Azure DevOps for some time now.
If you are working with Docker, you are probably using multi-stage builds to build your containers. In this case, you combine the creation of binaries (using the build image) and the creation of the final image (using the runtime image) within the same Docker file.
If your system consists of a single container, in this case, the most common approach may be to run the tests as part of the process of building the final image. That is, the launch of tests in the Dockerfile.
To do this in a multi-
docker build
step process, at startup you run tests as one more step in building the final image. Let's look at a simple example. Suppose we have two projects: web applications and unit tests:For now, let's not worry about what the web application does. On the other hand, we have a single test that checks behavior
and looks like this:[Fact]
// Arrange & Actvar provider = new GuidProvider();
var id = provider.Id;
// Assert
Assert.NotEqual(Guid.Empty, id);
Now create a Dockerfile that will create a WebApplication image and run the tests at the same time:
FROM microsoft/dotnet:2.1-aspnetcore-runtime AS base
FROM microsoft/dotnet:2.1-sdk AS build
COPY CiCd.sln .
COPY WebApplication/WebApplication.csproj WebApplication/
COPY WebApplication.Test/WebApplication.Test.csproj WebApplication.Test/
RUN dotnet restore
COPY . .
WORKDIR /src/WebApplication
RUN dotnet build --no-restore -c Release -o /app
FROM build as test
WORKDIR /src/WebApplication.Test
RUN dotnet test
FROM build AS publish
WORKDIR /src/WebApplication
RUN dotnet publish --no-build -c Release -o /app
FROM base AS final
COPY --from=publish /app .
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "WebApplication.dll"]
This Dockerfile should be placed in the directory with the solution file (СiCd.sln). To create an image, use the command:
docker build -t webapplication .
Our test fails (an error in
which it always returns Guid.Empty
), so the image build fails:output
Step 15/22 : RUN dotnet test
---> Running in 423c27696356
Build started, please wait...
Build completed.
Test run for /src/WebApplication.Test/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.1/WebApplication.Test.dll(.NETCoreApp,Version=v2.1)
Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version 15.9.0
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Starting test execution, please wait...
[xUnit.net 00:00:00.96] WebApplication.Test.GuidProviderTests.Never_return_a_empty_guid [FAIL]
Failed WebApplication.Test.GuidProviderTests.Never_return_a_empty_guid
Error Message:
Assert.NotEqual() Failure
Expected: Not 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Actual: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Stack Trace:
at WebApplication.Test.GuidProviderTests.Never_return_a_empty_guid() in /src/WebApplication.Test/GuidProviderTests.cs:line 17
Test Run Failed.
Total tests: 1. Passed: 0. Failed: 1. Skipped: 0.
Test execution time: 2.8166 Seconds
The command'/bin/sh -c dotnet test' returned a non-zero code: 1
Now let's see how to run this process in Azure DevOps.
Our build definition at the moment is a single “Docker” type task:
As a result of the launch, the build fails, because the test fails. In addition, we do not have test results (the Test tab is empty), because testing is not performed in the understanding of VSTS:
Running tests as part of an image assembly is not that bad, but it will prevent VSTS from learning about the result. . This is due to the “limitation” of Docker, which does not allow to create volumes in time
docker build
, so we cannot provide a file with test results (which can be generated using dotnet test
), this file remains in an intermediate container, and we cannot easily get it from there.We will take a different approach and use an excellent alternative
docker run
. At first we will lift the separate container and we will start tests in it. For both containers we will be able to use the same Dockerfile. First of all, you need to delete the line that launches dotnet test
from the Dockerfile, since now we will run them separately. Ok, now let's use the command docker run
that allows you to run the Dockerfile before a certain stage. In our case, this is the testing phase:docker build -t webapplication-tests . --target test
The parameter
indicates which stage to collect. Note that the generated image will be named " webapplication-tests ". Now you can run our tests and at the same time save the file " test-results.trx " with the results of their execution in the container 's " tests " directory :docker run -v/c/tests:/tests webapplication-tests --entrypoint "dotnet test --logger trx;LogFileName=/tests/test-results.trx"
Here we run the image created in the previous step, and through the volume we match the container's " tests " directory with the host's directory (in my case D: \ CiCD \ tests). As a result, test results appeared in my D: \ CiCD \ tests.
In order to build the final image run:
docker build -t webapplication .
The advantage is that, thanks to the Docker layer model, there is no need to re-execute all the other steps (that is, there is no need to recompile the application).
Well, let's apply all this to Azure DevOps pipelines now. To simplify the build and avoid a large number of parameters, we will use docker-compose. Our docker-compose.yml has the following content:
version: '3.5'
image: webapplication
context: .
dockerfile: Dockerfile
image: webapplication-tests
context: .
dockerfile: Dockerfile
target: test
Here we define two images (webapplication and webapplication-tests). So that everything is according to the canon, let's add the docker-compose.override.yml file:
version: '3.5'
- "8080:80"
- dotnet
- test
- --logger
- trx;LogFileName=/tests/test-results.trx
Great, now we just need to run the tests:
docker-compose run webapplication-tests
This command runs the tests and creates the output trx file in the directory specified by the environment variable
or the default value is used ./tests
. The final image is done like this:docker-compose build webapplication
Now you can edit our CI process in Azure DevOps. To do this, we define the following steps:
- Collect all images [build]
- Run unit tests [run]
- Publish test result [publish]
- Push images into the storage (Registry) [push]
Let's start with the first step, which is the Docker Compose task in Azure:
Action: Build service images
and specify the path to docker-compose.yml. Next, run the container with the unit tests:
Here you need to select
Action: Run a specific service image
and specify the name of the container Service Name: webapplication-tests
. Also, don't forget the path to docker-compose.yml and docker-compose.override.yml. The value for Run in Background
must not be set, otherwise the container will be launched in “Detached mode” and the task will not wait for the results of the tests, but will proceed to the next step. The “Publish Test Results” task will attempt to publish results that may not yet exist, since the launch of tests takes some time.The third step is “Publish test results”:
It is important to specify
Run this task: Even if a previous task has failed, unless the build was canceled
. This parameter is important because otherwise the results will never be published unless the tests pass. Search folder: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
The last step will push the images into the repository. To do this, you need to specify the Azure subscription, as well as the Azure Container Registry. Everything is ready to create a new build. We save. We start. If the tests fail, the build will fail, but now we see the results in VSTS:
I hope this material was useful. You can find my yml configuration file here .
Thanks for attention!