What is China ahead of the rest?

    At CES in Las Vegas, one third of exhibitors were from China. Company executives during the interview did not talk about their companies as national, they thought on a scale of 30-50 countries, calling them their market. And if you think that it was Lenovo or Huawei, then you are mistaken - not only they. The fact is that while we laughed at the ridiculous imitations and were angry with smartphones sighing exactly one year later, the Celestial Empire developed in all directions: from the apogee of Xiaomi consumerism to quantum computers and prototypes of a flying taxi. On the quantum computer, we will not talk today, but let's talk about what makes it easier and more comfortable (and sometimes worse, the lives of ordinary consumers).

    A source

    Why Korea is no longer China, and Russia will never be

    Since the end of the 70s, Asia has kept the primacy in technology, but the country situation is changing. First surprised the world of Japan: Sony, Panasonic, Toshiba, Seiko, Yamaha, Toyota, Mazda, Honda, Nissan. Japan’s technological wonders delighted the whole world and were the most desirable commodities. Success was due to the high concentration of scientists, the lack of costs for the army, exceptional diligence and management system, which is still considered a classic and model. But at the end of the 90s, Japan lost its position and the leadership passed to its neighbor, South Korea.

    Korean cars, telephones, and televisions marked the first half decades of the 21st century. The absolute leader appeared in the country - Samsung and its powerful competitor LG. Thanks to the development of technology, Korea has brought many goods to the world, including cosmetics, household chemicals, etc. But no matter how beautiful Samsung is, the best phones at the moment look like Huawei (And not only phones - have you seen new tablets? Fire!). And Huawei is a Chinese brand, a brand of a new leader, which we still don’t fully trust, but actively buy, use and praise.

    So, the second and third decades of the XXI century will remain with China. We already conquered OnePlus and Xiaomi, we were inspired by the rise and hit the fall of LeEco, we are interested in new brands Doogee and Alfawise, we are in love with DJI drones. In terms of consumer electronics, the Celestial Empire will bypass all and securely secure in the first place, there is no doubt about it. So why not South Korea or Russia (resources, potential, engineers, development - everything is there)?

    • In China, a huge domestic market that can be controlled (already on big data), where you can test and sell. That is, technology companies have guaranteed sales. South Korea lost here.
    • China has a high level of savings and investment, both in the large sector and in private households. The population hates to live in debt and in every way tries to save up and save. Individually, these are small family stocks or business budgets, and in aggregate, huge national capital that goes hand in hand with technological growth. And here Russia has lost, in which capital is extremely fragmented, citizens bear a huge debt burden, medium and large businesses often face bureaucratic obstacles.
    • In China, there is competition - dozens of brands, of which 3-5 are stable and very strong, ready to tear local and foreign markets. In such conditions, the development of technology occurs very quickly.

    And yet, for a long time, China has actually been an intern (or an apprentice) of the global technology market, collecting other people's ideas in its factories. Agree, it was silly not to learn and not to surpass the masters.

    Mobile phone - Chinese everything

    Once the Chinese invented the first paper money (banknotes). In the XXI century it is time to leave them.

    If we pay with a mobile phone on the cash desk, it is still suspicious to the cashier, and sometimes the perplexed looks of others, then in China this is the most common action. Joke to say, the Chinese pay using cell phones 50 times more often than Americans. In fact, China "skipped" the card era and became the first. However, the history and reasons for this transition are interesting in their own right.

    The infrastructure of the Chinese state-owned banks was cumbersome and complicated (which is what remains), so card transactions caused problems. But this is not the only reason. The Chinese do not like any loans other than mortgage (75% of the credit market) - this is due to national dislike and superstitions regarding any debts. Therefore, the idea to impose credit cards on the population at the banks did not work.

    However, a non-cash loan was needed - and from scratch something had to appear. AliPay was the first at the very end of 2004 - the largest payment system that was first associated with an online store, and since 2017 it has stopped servicing it. Today it is the largest platform, which has 520 million users (for comparison, Apple Pay has 127 million users). However, this is not the only mobile payment operator in China - there is a competitor with 900 million users and an unusual history.

    We are talking about WeChat. For a long time, WeChat was the number one application in China and still remains the main messenger and partly a social network. The payment function in WeChat appeared in 2014 during a festive event dedicated to the Lunar New Year. The holiday tradition calls on the Chinese to give their relatives and friends red envelopes with money. The messenger offered to send virtual envelopes with a given amount, which was distributed among users depending on the speed of opening the envelope. On the first day, the function processed 16 million ethereal envelopes. And yes, this turned out to be a good (and later the main) way of sending money to friends. And there and before mobile payments were close.

    The use of QR codes maximally simplifies making any payment, thereby increasing their number and total amount

    Mobile payments through WeChat Pay and AliPay are now accepted everywhere - from restaurants and luxury shops to tiny shops, taxis and even street shops. Moreover, using a mobile phone, you can give alms or thank street musicians. The secret is not that everyone has terminals - all of China is totally hung up and painted with QR codes.

    We also could not bypass the topic of QR codes and made our own.

    But mobile payments have a reverse side of the coin: Chinese retail collects a huge amount of personal data. And given that the payment services are associated with the largest trading platforms, this unleashes the hands of sellers of virtually any goods.

    It is no coincidence that the next invention of Chinese businessmen are festivals such as World Shopping Day (11.11), mono-brand pages of products and brands inside the online store (yes, the first was not Amazon), O2O integration (online-to-offline) and even brand / brand days which, by the way, is particularly well established in perfumery networks around the world. However, Chinese shops also did not disdain Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday, they all donate huge promotions and sales (sometimes not very honest) to these days of unbridled consumer debauchery. So we made a super section for those who have not yet managed to come up with New Year's gifts. (This time the action is very long, do not forget to look into the basement of this post).

    By the way, the culture of using cell phones as active assistants has come to all countries of the world and has found both common and national features. For example, in Russia a mobile phone is a reader, many people load books and textbooks into it, breaking their eyes on the subway and long ground journeys to work. This is also a navigator, a scheduler (you can even drive out the schedule for taking medicines - do not miss it), a tape recorder, a work computer and much more. If you or your friends, children, younger and older need a mobile phone for the new year, look at what we have for the action on Black Friday :
    Xiaomi Mi 8 - 6.21 inches, 128 GB ROM , dual camera - the top flagship for business, games and reading. Very durable and comfortable.

    Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro is a simple but powerful smartphone, ideal for the student. 32 GB ROM, dual camera, perfectly folded lightweight body

    HUAWEI Honor 10 is an interesting flagship with a 128 GB ROM, a powerful 20 + 16 megapixel dual camera, and a 5.8-inch display. Excellent model from the top brand

    UMIDIGI Z2 PRO is a powerful and inexpensive smartphone 6 GB RAM 128 GB ROM, dual camera, stylish durable case. Perfect for gaming processor Helio P60 Octa Core 2.0GHz

    Bicycle rental, car exchange and smartphone charging

    Thanks to the domination of mobile payments, it was possible to easily realize the idea of ​​renting bicycles. All the conditions were perfect: 160 million cities, dense traffic jams and terrible ecology. Bicycle is an outlet for quick and environmentally friendly travel, and renting bikes from Mobike brought a startup 20 million orders a day after the first 10 months of existence. The experience of the Chinese company is actively adopted by other countries of the world.

    Another option to find a budget way of transportation is the DaSouChe used cars exchange service. In addition, you can try to ride on the car that you are going to buy or dreamed about.

    However, the Chinese thought did not stand still and was not limited to transport. Once a mobile phone for the Chinese is a means of payment, a card, a way to get additional information about the products and, among other things, a tool for communication and entertainment, it means that the phone sits down as quickly as possible. To help those who are discharged, Laidian start-up came - service stations for renting power banks (about 1 yuan per hour, something about 10 rubles).

    In the meantime, Laidian did not reach us and no one took the idea (although the charging stations already have phones in large malls, train stations and airports), it's time to stock up on your own power bank so as not to be without connection and connection at the most inopportune moment. Moreover, the best power banks are definitely Chinese.

    Laidian terminals are located in more than 50 cities at train stations, in shopping centers and even in restaurants.


    You do not think that we are advocating here, our team does not smoke and does not advise you. But you need to pay tribute to the historical truth and an important part of progress: the electronic cigarette is the most famous and popular purely Chinese invention among consumer gadgets.

    The first e-cigarette was invented by the Chinese pharmacist Hon Lik (韩) in 2003. Devices quickly captured the world and became the subject of endless disputes among users, and among scientists and physicians. Hon Lick got his patent in the USA. The basis of the electronic cigarette is the use of the piezoelectric element to evaporate the solution of nicotine (and other solutions, aerosols that do not contain nicotine).
    Very popular vap with 1650mAh battery - float wherever you want without any restrictions.

    Price $ 15.99 at a discount

    Stylish vape for those who appreciate quality and ergonomics

    Price $ 37.99
    Heaped vape for connoisseurs and understanding in the subject

    Price $ 119.99
    Very elegant, light and modern vape

    Price $ 24.05

    We have a wide range of various electronic cigarettes in Gearbest , so if you choose this habit, you can look at interesting things.

    But, of course, China could not claim for world leadership if it were limited to consumer electronics. Today it is a member of the largest international projects, a country with scientific potential and high education requirements.

    Here are just a few projects that are actively developing in the Middle Kingdom today.

    • Artificial Intelligence. China is literally obsessed with this - now all the companies working in this field form a single “thinking” space and are working on robots, drones, neural networks, and roaming mobiles. The state is very active in supporting this area and declares that in 12 years China will be the leader in the field of (including commercial) artificial intelligence.
    • In May 2017, the world's first quantum computer was created, significantly exceeding ordinary computers in its parameters. This laid the foundation for the introduction of quantum computing.
    • In May 2017, China launched the first Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope space X-ray telescope to monitor black holes, pulsars and gamma-ray flashes.
    • In 2015, China launched the mass production of artificial corneas. This is the first man-made cornea in the world that has passed clinical trials and is licensed.
    • China has already launched the first satellite for quantum communications and continues to work on it. It should be the most resistant to hacking communication technology.
    • By 2020, Chinese researchers promise to show the world the first exaflops computer Tianhe-3, which will perform at least one quintillion calculations per second.

    It is not easy to live in China, it is not easy to work. This country requires full returns, especially from people of intellectual labor. More precisely, this requires a growing economy. It seems that this approach will bear fruit not only for science and consumer corporations, but also for the social sphere, ecology and the cause of peace on Earth. This is how a supernova power is born.

    We love to focus on an advanced and intelligent geek audience, so we included in the sale the most popular and high-quality products that are consistently in demand. This time the sale will be big and very diverse. In order not to forget to enter the page in time, put a reminder :)

    Huge sale by Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday.

    BlackFriday-GB - remember this magic coupon. It will be valid during the entire sale (from 15:00, 14.11 to 00:00, 26.11) on all Gearbest products when buying from $ 10 (except for flash sales).

    Home sale in Russian

    ! A bunch of useful stuff literally for a trifle ( $ 1 ).

    November 14-21

    Fit interactive with nice prices

    November 21-26 (follow the landing!)

    • Computer equipment: get a super-coupon of 100 from $ 500 and pick up a Xiaomi TV box for $ 55 (only 300 pieces every day)
    • Incredible flash-sale: every day - a selection of 12 products with a minimum price. Cheaper not even find competitors.
    • Sale of smartphones for a pittance: the first 10 pieces of OnePlus 6T at 299, Mi 8 at $ 199.
    • Create your own smart home: all for a penny
    • Wearable electronics: take away the coupon for 3 from 30 dollars and do not forget about the Mi Band 3 for 10 bucks (only 25-26 of November)

    November 26 - December 3

    • Discounts for RC toys and drones: 3D printer for $ 100, drone - for 10. Read more here
    • Lighting and home gadgets: one more coupon for 3 from 30 dollars and the lowest prices. Everyday! Have time to decorate the house for the New Year.
    • And don't forget about Cyber ​​Monday discounts! They will be interesting.

    Gearbest warns: this sale is a great chance to buy gadgets as a gift to friends and family. The snow has already fallen, holidays are just around the corner.

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