Collect your tank

    A man collects tanks from pieces, like Lego. Already collected 20 pieces.


    Sergey Chibineev is a resuscitator, he knows how to sew a man a couple of torn pieces. (“Sew red with red, yellow with yellow, white with white”) . And his hobby is to reanimate tanks. In the best traditions of Jagged Alliance and Fallout.

    The assembly of his tank takes from 6 months to 6 years. This work requires a strong man of strong - it is necessary to carry rusty pieces up to 6 tons.


    T-34-76 August 1941. Stalingrad Tractor Plant.


    KV-1 (s). 42-43g release. 76mm cannon.


    The hits are highlighted in red.


    Armor could not penetrate.


    Round dents on the back - perfect for the size of a German anti-tank mine. It is likely that they hung three mines and hit a tank.



    And this is a field kitchen.

    Once Sergey Chibineev came to visit a familiar "searcher" and found in the backyard piles of metal with German crosses. And a piece of iron with the inscription "Brave", which got from the bottom of the pond.

    In the book, Sergey read that this and another tank broke through to the rear of the German army and made a rustle, even as the army headquarters was destroyed. One tank was showered with mines, and the second stood by the pond and for a long time fired back, until aircraft was called up.

    And Sergei wanted to "collect" this heroic tank.



    A device for assembling towers. There were collected 18 towers from the T-34 and 2 from the HF.


    Made from scrap material. Lifting capacity up to 4 tons


    Installation for launching missiles. The design was laid out and the Andryusha rockets launched from the ground (in the people - Luka Mudishchev, for the characteristic shape of the rocket). Periodically, the rocket flew away with a wooden box - “the Russians were completely stunned, they began to shoot furniture”.


    Tank end of 42 years.


    Caption: "People's Avenger"


    Frontal armor of the KV-1 tank.


    Here are missing parts missing. But so that the tank was "true" - the original parts should be more than 75%.


    In my opinion, the man made an excellent choice of two options: to plump, or to collect tanks.

    If at your dacha, suddenly, an unnecessary tank is lying around (as, for example, I had in Vladivostok) - write to Sergey, suddenly it will come in handy.

    Video about the tank collector.


    Soon there will be a release about the jetpack and about me. With quests-contests.




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