DataArt RTB Demo

    Programmatic trading has existed since the beginning of the XXI century, from the moment the first advertising exchanges appeared. Initially, the development of advertising exchanges was a difficult and expensive pleasure, but their appearance on the world market marked the advent of a new era similar to the era of stock exchanges, but for operations in the field of marketing and the advertising industry.

    RTB (real-time bidding) as a form of programmatic advertising is a fairly new technology that emerged from decades of active work by companies such as X + 1 and Lucid Media. Today they form the so-called LUMAscape, a community of companies operating on the Ad Exchange trading platforms and included in the list of investment banking firm LUMA Partners. LUMA Partners work at the intersection of media and high technology. RTB itself has become a necessary product that allows you to participate in online evaluation and bidding for displaying real-time advertising. It also provides an opportunity to contact various online publishers who sell advertising inventory.

    Simply put, advertising inventory is a certain part of a web page that can be purchased to display your ad. Inventory publishers and sellers often come together in SSP (Sell-Side Platforms) networks.

    RTB technology offers buyers and ordinary users access to SSP services through DSP (Demand-Side Platforms) resellers and purchase ad impressions at a price that suits them. DSPs play an extremely important role in the existing ecosystem, providing marketers with wide access to advertising inventory, vertical and lateral targeting with the ability to provide ads, trade in real time, track ads and optimize the process using one convenient interface. Immediately after installation, the entire auction process that takes place in a split second during page loading is displayed on the user's screen.

    There is a reason that the advertising models PPC (Pay per click, pay per click) and CPC (Cost per click, cost per click) disappear from the advertising space. Publishers cannot make a reasonable profit by selling their inventory, and most of their ad impressions are not sold. Software RTBs not only solve this problem, but also allow buyers of advertising displays to target it to a specific audience, based on information about billions of daily Internet users. Although RTB began to develop only in the second half of 2009, now it accounts for more than 40% of all online advertising in the United States, and the annual growth rate is 42%.

    The DataArt development team, as a software vendor for a number of prosperous US media companies, is not far behind the trend. Over the past few years, we have successfully launched several programmatic trading and RTB projects. To present all the advantages of implementing these complex solutions for your business, we have developed a visual prototype of a working application based on the open source platform RTB kit, and its integration with one of the leading digital exchanges.

    To show the mechanics of our RTB demo kit, we decided to deploy buy-side functionality as an example. In short, our prototype allows the user to create their banner and see it while browsing the web pages integrated with our advertising exchange. Alternatively, the application can be modified to target specific groups of people, and it allows you to view the statistics of user clicks to the page after the launch of the banner campaign.

    Now let's take a closer look at the mechanics of this system. Now the RTB installer runs as a separate application hosted on Amazon S3 and allows the user to go to the toolbar, create their own banner based on existing templates of standard sizes, and determine the CPM budget that suits them. As soon as the banner is ready, it is automatically assigned a tracker, a small pixel with a personal code, which is determined by the system of the advertising exchange of our partners and allows the RTB Kit to participate in affordable auctions on thousands of websites integrated with the advertising exchange.

    With the start of the campaign, real-time statistics become available, which are displayed in the application panel showing the budget, the amount of money spent, and the user conversion rate in the form of graphs.

    Another important feature of our RTB Demo Kit is that it allows the campaign owner to choose the target audience, and thereby participate in the most profitable auction. In this case, information about users who visited the publishers' pages is collected and processed by our partners advertising exchange.

    All in all, our RTB Demo Kit performed very well. We had the opportunity to involve colleagues in the testing process, which gave us the opportunity to get the most objective assessment of the product. Our Demo Kit can be easily changed to integrate with other DSP and advertising exchanges, which we demonstrated in similar projects for customers.

    The demo itself is not yet available to the general public.

    Posted by Gregory Gore, Senior Vice President, Media & Entertainment

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