If a freelancer were a seller in a grocery store, or what is a service

    Good afternoon, dear readers of Megamind! Between my articles on creating a company, I got the idea to write a small satirical story, what a typical freelancer would look like in the place of an ordinary grocery store seller, and what kind of conversation would take place between him and the buyer.

    Situation: a passerby on the street suddenly suddenly sucked in the spoon and he decided to eat something.
    A man looks around and at that moment the thought appears in his head:
    “So where can I eat now?” Then in a short period of time a list of options is created:

    1. I can go to friends / relatives.But now it’s 2 o’clock in the afternoon and many of them are at work and they don’t care about me. And without warning, my visit right now may confuse them. The option is not worth it.
    2. I'll see what I already have / what I can do myself. There are several seeds in the pockets, and cooking at home takes at least 2 hours, and you still need to get to the house. Not an option.
    3. Maybe buy fast food? But last time I felt bad after him, so I do not trust them.
    4. Grocery store. Yes! This is what you need. There is a seller who will tell you what is fresh and what to take is not worth it. Right I’ll go to the store.

    After these thoughts, the customer visits the nearest grocery store, and a dialogue with the freelancer seller begins .
    * The door opens. The silent seller is looking at the visitor in anticipation of questions.
    Visitor : I want to buy food, how much will it cost?
    Salesman : I will tell you the price after you answer my questions. What exactly do you want to buy? How many grams? How should it be packaged?
    Visitor : well, I don’t know ... I wanted to buy food and I decided to come to you.
    Salesman : That won't work. To write you a check, I must know exactly how many grams and what exactly you want to take. For example, my previous clients bought from me: 2 kg of bananas, 10 kg of onions, 3 liters of milk. And also (in a low voice) there were even those who took 15 kg of dog food! Well, this is the whole price so-and-so. What to sell to you?
    Visitor : You know, I came to you to buy food to eat, as I want to eat.
    Salesman : So what have you not said before? Well, in this case, I will ask you, what do you usually eat in the afternoon at 14.00?
    Visitor : Usually I eat a business lunch, but today the plans have changed a bit and I came to you. Advise something!
    Salesman : You know, we don’t have business lunches. But there is a set of "Sushi for home", it costs so much rubles. Will you take it?
    Visitor : You misunderstood me. I want to eat right now, and I need something ready. And fresher. What do you have from this?
    Seller : From fresh, we have grilled chicken. Already finished.
    Visitor . Here's the money, get me a grilled chicken.
    Seller : Yes, please, here is your purchase.
    Visitor : (looking in a bag of chicken) But she’s not finished!
    Seller : We also have knives for sale ... Will you buy?
    Visitor : Thank you very much. I eat at home. Good luck.
    Seller : (to himself) Oh my God ... How many more will there be such buyers who do not know what they need?


    What phrases and actions do we see most often when communicating with a performer?

    Firstly, each contractor expects that the customer who has just had the idea to buy something has the exact parameters that he needs. Of course, there are such clients, but there are very few of them, and it’s very dangerous for a business (especially a beginner) to do its entire business process, focusing on such clients. First of all, you need to see your customers, and know whether they understand what they want to buy. If not, then it’s time to ask a lot of clarifying questions to find out the need. But you will object: there is no time for a conversation with the client. Yes exactly. But all clarifying questions should be asked after the first: "What is important to you?" At this point, the customer will say what exactly he expects from the purchase. And the contractor will offer the option that the client will be able to use and satisfy their needs.

    Secondly, the contractor is trying to fulfill exactly the instructions given by the customer, so that in case of problems say: "You yourself have chosen it." But a good seller should always worry about whether the purchase was useful to the customer. Compliance with this rule is vital for start-up firms, and is a prerequisite for competition. In addition, the experience is not worth the money.

    And how was it with you? (waiting for answers from both freelancers and customers)
    Ps a fictional story.

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