Work as a competitive process


    Let's talk about the principles of task allocation for workers, in order to increase labor productivity. In a way, a new way of non-material motivation is proposed. Quite a lot has been written about employee motivation methods (for example, here and here ). The main task of the employer is to organize such working conditions and the psychological atmosphere in the workplace so that the work is performed efficiently, without unnecessary clutter and in compliance with the deadlines.

    When I talked about the idea of ​​organizing labor to my acquaintance, an old joke came to mind:

    A man comes to the doctor and complains:
    “You know, doctor, I have such hard work.” I get very tired, write me something.
    “Where do you work and what are you doing?” - the doctor asks.
    - I work in the basement. There is a gutter on which oranges roll. They need to be sorted into small and large.
    - And what is difficult in your work? - the doctor asks.
    “I have to make decisions all the time, and it's so complicated!”

    The idea of ​​“creative hunger”

    At Google, employees are given the opportunity to spend 20% of their time on their projects - it's just great! Workers comprehensively develop within the company, thereby raising its level to heaven. But how to motivate people to do the main job perfectly, with enthusiasm, plunging into it with your head? How to create and direct this passion into the right direction? Creative hunger can effectively cultivate passion!

    I would like to clarify right away that this idea is most relevant for work containing at least a small fraction of creativity and having the ability to be stored in an organized manner in task distribution systems (in a professional slang, just a task). I am pleased to read about the possibilities of applying this approach in other areas.


    Imagine a typical developer day. Came in the morning, opened his list of works, was sad to himself, took the most important task, and set to work. Having managed, he closed the task. He looked again at the list of works that had not diminished and proceeded to the next. It happens every day. In this case, the employee very quickly loses interest in the work, becomes lethargic and unproductive, the spark that was at the beginning of the work disappears. How to avoid this?

    Denote some supervisor for the project. Let it be the same project manager, team leader or architect. The duties of which include the distribution of work in the system of tasks.

    Then the labor flow of the employee changes. He came in the morning, opened his list of works, discovered one single task. I got to work. After a while, I closed the task and found another one. Opened a task and started work. Completed the work, closed the task and again review the list of tasks. And there they are not! None! You sit for an hour, two, three, maybe even a day, but there are no tasks. You understand that you can read something at this time, learn new technology, relax or play sports. By inertia you constantly check, a new task has not appeared. And she appears, interesting work appears! Her solution does not seem to take much time, but there is work! And with new strength you can rush into battle.

    After some time, the employee understands that in his free time, in the absence of tasks, he can relax, go about his business or do self-training.


    This method works on the principle of social networks, when the user continuously updates the page to see the changes! Immediately updating the task list turns into a ritual.

    Pros and cons

    This approach has both positive and negative points. But there are more positive aspects, in my opinion.


    • The employee does not plan his workflow;
    • He has free time that he can spend to his advantage;
    • Tasks turn from routine work into a game of chance, where the prize is free time;
    • Interest in long and long projects is not lost;
    • The company acquires another process of employee development and its loyalty to the company.


    • The supervisor needs to monitor the performance of work by each employee and plan when to give new ones;
    • The method is not applicable in projects without clear design documentation;
    • The bosses have to work individually with each employee.


    This method combines well with existing workflows. It can increase the productivity of both individual workers and the company as a whole.

    Having a well-established process, it is possible to effectively solve complex problems and cope with force majeure. At the same time, flexibility and predictability in business appears.

    What do you think of this?

    PS: Put a rating - argue the decision in the comments. And then it turns out a silent minus ... I want to know if such an idea of ​​organizing work has the right to life.

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