Frequency Dictionary of Prohibited Sites

    The study was conducted in order to create a corpus of words on sites blocked by government bodies of the Russian Federation.

    A list of links in the registry at the time of the study was obtained from open sources. A total of 24,515 links are listed.

    For each url, we made a get-request from a country that does not have legislative restrictions on such acts.

    The answers of the servers were distributed as follows:

    Most sites are fully functional and are not going to overestimate their own views on life. Many people use firewalls, cutting off potentially dangerous (in their opinion) visitors. A significant amount simply redirects to a fresh white domain.

    A few words about “bulletproof”. Take a look at the tld distribution (only 200 OK):

    The distribution by countries where the resources are physically located is no less interesting:

    Interactive visualization of the dictionary The

    article is not aimed at promoting anything, but only reflects the existing reality. The resulting material may be useful to someone to conduct their own research.

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