To be successful in IT or what kills IT's?

I wrote this article, based on my personal experience, so everything that is mentioned in it, I tried it myself!

Why did I even decide to write about it? Backache!

It is important to consider this question deeply enough because it concerns not only physical health, but also joy, family well-being, success in business, internal energy, and therefore work, and even longevity! (and after all it would be desirable to enjoy retirement longer well-being, and therefore health)
Health outweighs all the other benefits of life, that a truly healthy beggar is happier than a sick king - Arthur Schopenhauer
And what do we do at work, in the physical plane?

We drive with the mouse and “poke buttons”

In general, forgive us the wrist. You will ask why? Yes, because over time, it starts to hurt terribly, deliver a lot of inconvenience, and even drop items. (My grandmother did exactly that, she drove not a mouse, but a brush.) I

’m not talking about tunnel syndrome.

Somewhere on the Internet, I saw a yo-yo mouse, unfortunately, I did not find where to buy one, and during the search I found that it is unlikely to save our wrist from suffering.


In the office of an Israeli IT company, I saw a mouse, which follows the following logic: if you cannot turn your hand to the plane of the mouse, then you need to turn the mouse to the natural position of the hand.


Another cheaper (almost free) solution I liked was a
gel pad under my arm. He straightens his arm and partially relieves the joint.


"Pyelim" in the monitor

Sometimes for 5-8 hours without a break. You already know what vision drops, but you probably didn’t know that headaches more often arise not from overwork, but from eye strain and constant “sticking” into the monitor. Not about any pleasure in alliance with a migraine can not speak. And although it’s still flowers, I don’t feel like thinking about what it might mean. When I was 14, I lay with chronic migraine in the hospital - I do not advise anyone of this, especially if you are afraid of injections.
Overwork from long work at the computer or being in a room with artificial lighting can cause severe eye fatigue. Eye strain causes inflammation of the optic nerve. This is what can cause pain in the frontal part of the head and temples. If you ignore the pain symptoms, the headache only increases and may have more serious consequences - Wikipedia
In the evening, the blue filter is a must! There are many programs that include it with the sunset, in Windows 10 it is already in the section “Options” - “Special features” - “Display”. It will be easier to fall asleep because the blue color blocks melatonin production.
Blue light prevents sleep - Science and life
If you use the built-in filter in Windows 10, then during the screenshot, the filter is not fixed - and this is a big plus! If you are skeptical about this, then you greatly underestimate the importance of sleep quality!

Longevity, productivity say ... Very!


Matte finish really saves! (* and we remember that I have a migraine since childhood) I also use the auto brightness control. Most often, " sandy eyes " occur when the screen brightness is greater than the brightness of the lighting.

I highly recommend to follow this, you need to remember that all factors add up!

The distance from the monitor to the eyes should be half a meter - a meter, just the distance of an outstretched arm.

Every 15-20 minutes it is recommended to be distracted by the window for at least 10 seconds.

There are still special computer glasses, but I am skeptical about this “technology” (IMHO).

And now to the berries.

We are sitting

More precisely, you need to ask the question: “ How do we do it?” The

secret of longevity is not only in a healthy dream. When a child is just born, it is folded into a fetal position. Look at old men, as a rule, the older they are, the closer they are to the ground (it hurts to see).

Posture is one of the most important factors affecting life expectancy!
Amy Cuddy conducted a two-minute experiment - It turned out that even in this short time, the level of testosterone in those who were in the correct posture increased by 20%,
while those who did not have it decreased by 20%. The level of cortisol was also significantly different: for the former it fell by
25%, and for the latter it increased by 15%.
For a programmer, a “gaming” chair can be a salvation, or maybe not, because in the Internet it is very easy to come across an expensive chair with ponts, which does not have a “healthy” anatomical shape. I do not want to make a story for a TV shop from an article. In short, what should be in this chair:

  • The lumbar cushion should not be too hard.
  • Lateral back support should be more than a lower back pillow.
  • The head should not be leaning forward (note the headrest).
  • A neck cushion should support the head, rest against the shoulders and provide lateral support for the head.

* I will not tell you about adjustments and Ponto husk - your back doesn’t need it

. What else can help your back is posture trackers. They come in the form of “pills”, fasten under the collarbone and vibrate whenever you are in the wrong position. It must be said - I personally did not use it, but my friend used it during rehabilitation. Applications on the phone are not far from the banal timer.

* This white rectangle is a tracker. This is not my girlfriend.

Posture is worth more, but I want to fit the article in the "three sheets". Seriously, this is very important! Our emotions, our mental abilities and not only follow our posture.


Metabolism is deteriorating, vigor throughout the day and productivity decreases, there is no pleasure from work. And what could be more important than the pleasure of work or after it? It is difficult to realize how important all these moments are from the point of view of psychology, physiology, our social interactions, how much it affects the quality of life.
Nothing depletes and destroys the human body, as physical inaction - Aristotle.
It is proved that 80% of the productivity falls on the first 45 minutes after the start of work, then you need to take a break, but for more than 5 hours you will not save your productivity. Of course, "coffeemen" may argue. Stop! It will end badly! Verified!


With regard to nutrition, it is enough to make your diet only from healthy
foods and give up semi-finished products, soda and coffee, or at least reduce their number.

But as far as productivity is concerned, it directly depends on physical activity, so that you can increase the resource of your body with the help of sports. I studied at the Institute. N.E. Bauman, and there, attention! Physical education is given almost the same value as higher mathematics.
If you do physical exercises at least 15 minutes a day, it will have a very positive effect on your well-being, especially since some companies provide subscriptions to the gym at corporate prices or for free.

* gym in Avito

's office. So, in one short article there were recommendations and tips on how to increase the quality of life by an order of magnitude.
And no matter how long you look for the names of all the listed programs, trackers and other things, I made a separate list
with all ((names) -> {lambda}); just kidding -> list
How do you think, how well do modern IT companies care about the health of their employees?

Tell us about your experience in the comments!

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