And let's collect something else? The designer 3 in 1 "Lunar fleet"

    It's getting cold. Family leisure activities from the street are transferred under the roof of the house and preferably closer to the battery.

    And among all kinds of games and entertainment, designers are still leading.

    The manufacturer of Cute Sunlight is familiar to the readers of this blog: almost a year ago we collected the most famous designer - 14 to 1, even earlier we had a “falling robot” in our hands. This fall, we have a simpler model, but not entirely without interest - a 3 in 1 Lunar fleet designer .

    Despite the fact that the kit is “small” and involves only three models, there are pluses and minuses here. Of course, the simulation logic, the main components will be “as if” common to the entire range. The kit is:

    • Several plates with details

    Each such plate has its own letter designation, which corresponds to the instruction at the time of assembly:

    Similarly, every detail has its own number for the same reason:

    So, despite the fact that the instruction is not localized, it’s not difficult to navigate here.

    • Great details

    Part of the details, the frame of the future transport, is delivered in finished form, something like enlarged parts from Lego Junior. This is the hull of the lunar rover, station and aircraft.

    • Electronic components

    And traditionally there is also a small set of "electronics": a simple motor, a solar panel, a compartment for "little finger" batteries and a miniature battery.

    It should be noted that this model, unlike even 14 in 1, provides power from both solar energy and batteries. The battery, which will save energy, can be attached to the panel and to the compartment with two batteries, if there is no natural lighting. In this sense, the model compares favorably.

    Assembly steps

    The designer, with all its simplicity, is well thought out. The assembly consists of three parts: first, it is proposed to assemble a space station. True, before all the same you will be distracted by the assembly of the design of the driving mechanism.

    The station is assembled from two large parts, inside which is placed a compartment with batteries.

    For all its "Chineseness", the details are quite practical, fixed inside, nothing dangles anywhere and does not threaten to come off, to break at the wrong moment.

    In fact, this element of the constructor will remain immobilized all the time: a motor is not provided for it, because according to the logic of this model it is a docking station for charging. It includes two batteries: one from batteries, and a solar panel is mounted on top.

    Actually, at one of the stages, it is also to be assembled and installed:

    You will no longer have to climb inside. All other design elements are already on top of the case. When assembled, the space station should look like this: The

    battery clings either from the back side - there will be a special adapter. Or to the solar socket. There will be a special compartment.

    After that two other models gather. According to the instructions - should start with the moon rover . The main part of the body also consists of two large elements, inside which a motor with wheels is already installed.

    A small remark should be made here: both “additional” models (moon rover and shuttle) suggest the presence of a motor, but it is one for two. At the same time, the shuttle can be assembled as a separate ordinary toy. This is the second advantageous difference of this model. Typically, such "multiple" designers allow you to assemble one model at the expense of another - some of the details are common. Immediately for each toy - your own set of necessary details, and as a result, as a result, you can play with all three!

    Collect moon rover easy. After hanging the wheels, what else may take some time, the rest is one-two-three.

    The wheels, though scrolling, do not reach the ground: the movement gives another element.

    Two models behind.

    Details are large, the instruction is visual. The process of assembling the entire designer takes an hour and a half. It is assembled without glue and any special means: the only thing that may be needed is a nipper or a paper knife to separate the parts. Batteries not included.


    The simplest part: in fact, all that is needed is to simply connect the two parts - gray and white.

    Before you fasten the parts, you need to think about whether you will rearrange the mechanism: it has its own compartment at the bottom of the model.

    It is also necessary to add one of the elements to the white part before bonding. Everything else is already added to the assembled shuttle. There are not many such elements - one of them is a chassis.

    That's all:

    It remains the case for small: in the complete set there is a set of stickers with which to decorate new toys.

    You can also do this according to the instructions - all stickers are numbered.

    By the way, in some cases, the stickers help to hide the “seams” of the structure:

    A brief summary

    For your price (490) the designer is the “Lunar fleet”done well. At the same time, there are a number of features that further distinguish it favorably: all models can be assembled and obtained from one box at once 3 toys. The ability to "power" from conventional batteries with battery. And, of course, traditionally nothing extra is required (except for batteries). Well, nail scissors, which can be dragged from her mother's beautician.

    Additionally, the

    Designer is going pretty quickly, and if you are a fan of such gizmos, then you can pay attention right away to the kit in which it is included.

    The kit includes
    Конструктор 3 в 1 лунный флот. Тот самый, про который мы сегодня говорили подробно. Стоимость отдельно 490 рублей. А также:

    7 в 1. Автомобильный парк

    Конструктор позволяет создать 5 транспортных средств, зарядную станцию и трамплин. Стоимость отдельно 299 рублей.

    4 в 1. T-Rex

    Разнотематический набор, куда входят динозавр, буровая машина, краб, робот. Стоимость отдельно 399 рублей.

    Поезд — «моноконструктор»

    Данный набор предполагает только одну модель в итоге — состав из трех вагонов. Стоимость 299 рублей.

    299 + 399 + 299 + 490 = 14871350 рублей.

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