The US Department of Homeland Security seized reconstituted Apple laptop batteries, calling them fake

About "the right to repair" on Habré many materials are published . Usually, large corporations, such as Apple, seek to earn money on repairing and maintaining their own devices, so companies often put poles into wheels for independent service centers. The most common method is to not provide access to service software and documentation. All of this is received by certified centers, but not by independent repairmen.
Now, it seems, the confrontation between the same Apple and independent service centers continues to evolve. Not so long ago, Luis Rossman, a qualified specialist in repairing Apple equipment, saidthat soon the difference between reconstructed and fake devices will become an apple of discord. And as he looked into the water - last month, the US Department of Homeland Security seized the old battery models for obsolete Apple notebooks for about $ 1,000. The reason - the declaration of the entire party fake.
In addition, the ministry also seized a whole batch of displays for iPhones from a Rossman colleague named Jess Jones. The state took the batteries back on September 6, and the owner of the batteries received a document about the accident a month later - in early October of this month. In the container, which was taken by representatives of the Ministry, there were not so many batteries - only about 20. But their total cost reached $ 1000. As far as you can understand, these were the recovered batteries that were planned to be used to repair past Macbook models, and not just sell.
The batteries were shipped to the USA from China. Interestingly, Apple itself refuses to repair many of the battery models of its devices, stating that they are so morally obsolete that they simply have no reason to repair them.
According to representatives of the Ministry, they all carefully studied the entire batch of batteries, and the results of the analysis turned out that the batteries were fake, which means that all batteries must be removed. It was also stated that the problem was not in the batteries themselves, but in the Apple logo on them - the logo allegedly violated the rights of the corporation, therefore, according to the law, the batteries had to be picked up on the way to the recipient.
According to Rossman, the batteries were removed from Apple's demonstration devices, which were used to attract the attention of visitors. After the devices themselves became morally obsolete and ceased to fulfill their goal, they were removed from the display case, and the batteries were taken out for sale. He also added that the representatives of the Ministry did not admit the idea of the legal origin of the batteries.
In the US, the problem with accusations by third-party services is that they use fake, counterfeit parts are becoming more serious. So, seized batteries - just a drop in the sea of everything that happens. It was mentioned above that the Ministry ordered the removal of iPhone screens from Rossman’s colleague. The total cost of the non-buyer batch of displays was $ 1,727.
However, several years ago the situation was even worse - then representatives of the Ministry conducted a raid on repair services without an Apple certificate and seized all sorts of parts for $ 300,000. One charge was brought - all this was a fake. The problem is relevant not only for the US - in Norway, for example, the police regularly withdraw parts arriving in the country on the basis that they are fake.
Rossman is now at the center of the struggle he predicted earlier this year. By the way, he is one of the most advanced iPhone and Mac repair technicians in the United States. Rossman is often quoted by the media, and his channel, where he shows how to repair equipment (along with other topics), has gained more than 600 thousand subscribers.
According to Rossman, he is willing to pay for using recovered batteries. But, in fact, the problem is not in the batteries themselves, but in principle. He simply does not understand how to remove batteries, which no one produces, and which were sent for repairs.
He says that even if becoming an official partner of Apple corporation to get outdated parts fails, the company simply states that the old modules cannot be used, which means that all this has long been out of warranty.
By the way, Apple does not sell parts to unauthorized centers, mentioned above. But even for official partners, there are certain limitations that must be met in order to maintain access to specialized software and devices.
Experts believe that sending a batch of original parts for repair is not an illegal act. Moreover, the US Department of Justice stated earlier that “gray” products can be imported without problems, since they differ slightly from the original product, if there are any differences at all.