Do you know how to use online services?

         In honor of the anniversary of the project “Philolinguia”, a humorous linguistic contest “ correct online translator ” with cash prizes was announced on the site . However, lovers of foreign languages ​​and other humanities did not cope with it, because they do not know much about modern online technologies. The only hope for the regulars of Habrahabr, in whose ability to use search engines and online translators, I have no doubt. Moreover, I already described these jokes here six months ago.
         So, you just need to determine what these exclusive products sold in one online store really are called:
    interior decoration
    abdominal devices for fitness
    coach, and tips to get the solvent
    DVD virgins - blank DVD discs;
    Flash Memory Board - Flash Memory;
    Baby Food - Baby Food;
    Computers Pikokulon - PC computers
         The prize is small - $ 10 or an end-to-end link from all pages of the site, but the task gives an excellent workout for the brain and trains not only logical thinking, but also creative imagination. Answer options can be left both in Philology and here in the comments.

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