Nokia believes Apple is manipulating Siri's performance

    It would seem that a funny circumstance , discovered a couple of days ago when the Apple Siri system to the simple question “What is best smartphone ever” frankly paid tribute to the competitor’s device, calling it Nokia Lumia 900 4G, and then suddenly changed its mind, leading to The Finnish phone manufacturer, however, in the words of the manager of the Australian division, seriously accused Apple of manipulating the results of Siri.

    A day after Siri's “generous” behavior was discovered, the system didn’t answer so directly to a sacramental question, but tried to laugh it off like “You're kidding, right?” or "The one you're holding". Considering the fact that Siri’s answers are based on Wolfram Alpha’s expert system, which is based on store ratings and user ratings collected by Bing, it turned out that, according to Nokia, Apple intervened in its system’s behavior, probably counting that excess advertising to a competitor is not a good idea. At the same time, the opinion of Siri regarding the best tablet is quite predictable - iPad.

    Nokia Australia Manager Tracy Postill) stated as follows: "Apple positions Siri as an intelligent system of user assistance, but if they do not like the answer, they change its behavior." One CNET expert explained the following point - Best Buy Lumia leads with a rating of 5 stars, delivered by four buyers, while the iPhone 4S 16 GB has a rating of 4.7, put up by 86 users. Obviously, the behavior of the automated system could hardly change in such a short time, and Apple’s comment is needed here, which the company hasn’t given yet.

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