WEB 3.0
For over a year now I have been working on an interesting and controversial project in the field of e-commerce. Work on a particular case of a very global task, as well as a periodically arising misunderstanding of the results even among experienced professionals, led to the idea of creating some generalization of the accumulated ideas.
In my generalization, I aim at defining WEB 3.0 technology no less! After the success of the principles of WEB 2.0, it would be strange if the nameplate 3.0 was not pulled by a variety of visionaries. However, in their attempts they drew the typical “Better 2.0”. An attempt to increase the version number with the help of such epithets as “beautiful”, “professional” is nothing more than a marketing husk!
An example of such nonsense is the current version numbering of Firefox. I rarely use it, only to view the layout of new versions of projects. At each launch, it turns out that the version has changed and some buttons in the menu have swapped.
The recognition of the new version can be justified solely by a technological leap in a key area for web services - the creation and processing of information (content). This leap cannot be “more beautiful” or “more professional”, it can only be fundamentally different technologically.
My belief is that the key feature of WEB 3.0 will be “content transformation”, which will change not only the principles of designing and developing web applications, but also the concept of copyright, and will lead to the transformation of business models of existing services.
Already wanted to argue? Then feel free to cat!
Before you look into the future, you need to understand what we have.

The good old Web that created created the foundation and all the terminology based on the concepts of client - server. There is a consumer of information - a client, there is a producer of information - a professional journalist (writer, director, producer, archive). The producer decides what may be of interest to the consumer. The consumer can write his review by e-mail, and more often he just votes with his feet leaving for another resource.
In 2000, I worked as a news editor for a computer site. Each news was read by about 1000 visitors, but e-mail response was a rarity and a real holiday! It was comforting that classic writers could count on recognition only after death.
Electronic libraries, news sites, online newspapers - these are classic examples of the good old WEB services.
As the development and expansion of the world wide Internet network absorbed all new users. Educated professionals, the so-called creative class, were among the first to enter the network. They began to create communities of interest - the community that formed around web-forums. These active groups could not put up with the fate of passive content consumers for a long time and made a revolution - they created WEB 2.0.

The key difference between the new version of the Web was the principle of creating content, instead of the tyrannical Editor-in-Chief - the inconspicuous Moderator. In the best projects, the Moderator became as invisible as the UFO.
Successful examples of webdwanol projects include LiveJournal, Wikipedia, and of course, the much-loved Habrahabr. Social networks became the quintessential idea of the community.
The existing growth of the global Internet is fueled by two factors:
The first trend objectively dictates the need to create personalized versions of the display of various sites. This task even gave rise to the term content adaptation , which is defined as a way of transforming content to adapt to the technical capabilities of the reproducing device .
The second trend leads to the emergence of "cultural adaptation", the most obvious version of which is a translation into a foreign language. However, there are other adaptation options, such as filtering obscene content. The most famous example of such an adaptation is the great Chinese firewall .
What should technology look like that meets WEB 3.0 challenges?
A short commentary on pseudo-liberals who were certainly excited to mention Chinese censorship. In my interpretation, WEB3.0 does not cut or filter any source information; instead, a new projection is created - a new site with adapted content. Thus, instead of restricting or sharing the Internet, another degree of freedom is created - for example, the freedom to receive and read information in the language that is available to the reader, and with those restrictions that he considers acceptable. The new projection honestly and openly competes with the original and other interpretations.
I would venture to depict this in the diagram:

In full accordance with the complexity of the simulated reality in the new scheme, an intermediate layer appears, which I called the term Mediation. This term has extensive experience in the field of telecommunications and law and fully discloses the essence of the action. Mediation server based on the source content (text) forms a different projection of reality . This can be either a translation of a journal article from English into Chinese, or a correction of the obscene blog of Theme Lebedev into Russian literary, or the language is accessible to younger students.
Mediation server can be controlled through the influence of machine intelligence, for example using Summly(an innovative startup for web-text processing created by the 15-year-old British child prodigy that the 89-year-old Chinese billionaire invested in) or Abby Compreno .
An alternative way to form Mediation using mediators, whose work is based on crowdsourcing and scoring Web2.0.
Brains are boiling? No problem! Leave Hi-tech slang and try to draw Wikipedia 3.0 with your finger.
The one who read the article to this place is a hero who deserves a reward!
Dear Habrauser! Imagine that a good genie will fulfill one of your wishes - he will launch the Web 3.0 service, but with the condition! It should be an amazing, vibrant and cool project. So that anyone who went to the project page immediately exclaimed “Wow, cool!” and sent the link to his 33 friends.
Below is an incomplete list of ideas, with a commentary of a grouchy genie.
When the genie disappeared, some obscure entries were found: Nginx, Lua, PCRE, Redis NoSQL, persistent cache, hash map, key-value, 10K requests. Looks like some kind of weird spell!
In my generalization, I aim at defining WEB 3.0 technology no less! After the success of the principles of WEB 2.0, it would be strange if the nameplate 3.0 was not pulled by a variety of visionaries. However, in their attempts they drew the typical “Better 2.0”. An attempt to increase the version number with the help of such epithets as “beautiful”, “professional” is nothing more than a marketing husk!
An example of such nonsense is the current version numbering of Firefox. I rarely use it, only to view the layout of new versions of projects. At each launch, it turns out that the version has changed and some buttons in the menu have swapped.
The recognition of the new version can be justified solely by a technological leap in a key area for web services - the creation and processing of information (content). This leap cannot be “more beautiful” or “more professional”, it can only be fundamentally different technologically.
My belief is that the key feature of WEB 3.0 will be “content transformation”, which will change not only the principles of designing and developing web applications, but also the concept of copyright, and will lead to the transformation of business models of existing services.
Already wanted to argue? Then feel free to cat!
Before you look into the future, you need to understand what we have.
WEB 1.0

The good old Web that created created the foundation and all the terminology based on the concepts of client - server. There is a consumer of information - a client, there is a producer of information - a professional journalist (writer, director, producer, archive). The producer decides what may be of interest to the consumer. The consumer can write his review by e-mail, and more often he just votes with his feet leaving for another resource.
In 2000, I worked as a news editor for a computer site. Each news was read by about 1000 visitors, but e-mail response was a rarity and a real holiday! It was comforting that classic writers could count on recognition only after death.
Electronic libraries, news sites, online newspapers - these are classic examples of the good old WEB services.
WEB 2.0
As the development and expansion of the world wide Internet network absorbed all new users. Educated professionals, the so-called creative class, were among the first to enter the network. They began to create communities of interest - the community that formed around web-forums. These active groups could not put up with the fate of passive content consumers for a long time and made a revolution - they created WEB 2.0.

The key difference between the new version of the Web was the principle of creating content, instead of the tyrannical Editor-in-Chief - the inconspicuous Moderator. In the best projects, the Moderator became as invisible as the UFO.
Successful examples of webdwanol projects include LiveJournal, Wikipedia, and of course, the much-loved Habrahabr. Social networks became the quintessential idea of the community.
WEB 3.0
The existing growth of the global Internet is fueled by two factors:
- Outpacing growth in the number of mobile devices for network access
- Outstripping growth of subscribers in developing and underdeveloped countries, with strong cultural differences.
The first trend objectively dictates the need to create personalized versions of the display of various sites. This task even gave rise to the term content adaptation , which is defined as a way of transforming content to adapt to the technical capabilities of the reproducing device .
The second trend leads to the emergence of "cultural adaptation", the most obvious version of which is a translation into a foreign language. However, there are other adaptation options, such as filtering obscene content. The most famous example of such an adaptation is the great Chinese firewall .
What should technology look like that meets WEB 3.0 challenges?
A short commentary on pseudo-liberals who were certainly excited to mention Chinese censorship. In my interpretation, WEB3.0 does not cut or filter any source information; instead, a new projection is created - a new site with adapted content. Thus, instead of restricting or sharing the Internet, another degree of freedom is created - for example, the freedom to receive and read information in the language that is available to the reader, and with those restrictions that he considers acceptable. The new projection honestly and openly competes with the original and other interpretations.
I would venture to depict this in the diagram:

In full accordance with the complexity of the simulated reality in the new scheme, an intermediate layer appears, which I called the term Mediation. This term has extensive experience in the field of telecommunications and law and fully discloses the essence of the action. Mediation server based on the source content (text) forms a different projection of reality . This can be either a translation of a journal article from English into Chinese, or a correction of the obscene blog of Theme Lebedev into Russian literary, or the language is accessible to younger students.
Mediation server can be controlled through the influence of machine intelligence, for example using Summly(an innovative startup for web-text processing created by the 15-year-old British child prodigy that the 89-year-old Chinese billionaire invested in) or Abby Compreno .
An alternative way to form Mediation using mediators, whose work is based on crowdsourcing and scoring Web2.0.
Brains are boiling? No problem! Leave Hi-tech slang and try to draw Wikipedia 3.0 with your finger.
Wikipedia 3.0 - what could it be?
- The new Wikipedia no longer needs separate national sites. The unified structure of the encyclopedia is translated with varying degrees into other languages. Missing translations are created by machine intelligence. Machine translation is corrected by native speakers as a result of which the algorithm is trained.
- Lurk is no longer a separate encyclopedia, its projection inside. And also many other new projections.
- Wikipedia projections are available for any device group - for cell phones with an 80-character screen or for twitter readers.
- Any visitor can either read the selected projection, or turn on the projection / article / paragraph crowd-editing mode and vote for someone else's proofreading. Or he can become an editor and make his own changes.
- Projections are formed from the most popular edits based on the rating of their author and the vote of crowd editors.
- Projections are formed on the fly by interpolating edits for a different period of time - if you want to have the most relevant, you want to - get the most approved for the last year.
- There are no more editors' wars - any projection has the right to life if it is read and voted for. Old projections disappear according to the least used principle.
The one who read the article to this place is a hero who deserves a reward!
Dear Habrauser! Imagine that a good genie will fulfill one of your wishes - he will launch the Web 3.0 service, but with the condition! It should be an amazing, vibrant and cool project. So that anyone who went to the project page immediately exclaimed “Wow, cool!” and sent the link to his 33 friends.
Below is an incomplete list of ideas, with a commentary of a grouchy genie.
- Make LJ karma for the authors, as on Habré (there is not enough money for the project server for hosting)
- Make an automated translation of the LJ blog of Artemy Lebedev into the literary language (LJ Boris Akunin will be obtained)
- Translate Habrahabr into English (digg is still shorter)
- Enable anonymus to vote for karma on Habré (the world is not ready for this yet)
- Take some kind of job site, and fasten the comment and rating tape to it so that you can cut the whole truth of the uterus (hantim.ru - simple and tasteful, I like the genie!)
When the genie disappeared, some obscure entries were found: Nginx, Lua, PCRE, Redis NoSQL, persistent cache, hash map, key-value, 10K requests. Looks like some kind of weird spell!