Audio Digest: 17 materials and practical guides on professional acoustics

    Today we are sharing materials from the “ World Hi-Fi ” dedicated to professional audio equipment and musical instruments. These articles and practical guides will help to understand the nuances of this topic and clarify issues related to specialized equipment.

    Photo by Jaro Larnos / CC BY

    For musicians

    • How musicians choose headphones: do not believe advertising, believe your ears . In this article, we give advice to those who want to buy high-quality headphones. We will tell you how to choose music for testing, why it is important to monitor the volume when comparing models, and what to look for while listening to music on a laptop. We will also explain why the main thing is to believe in your ears, and not in advertising.

    • Sergey Voronov: “Dramatically - we love it!” . Thirty years ago, bluesman Sergei Voronov participated in the recording of Keith Richards' solo album and received a gift from the 1957 British from Stratocaster. This tool marked the beginning of a unique collection of guitars, which will be discussed in this interview. Sergey also explains how to write a guitar in the studio, for which the musicians appreciate the Shure 57 microphone and tells interesting stories from the life of the Rolling Stones.

    • How Kurt Cobain modified his guitar . This article is a story about Kurt Cobain’s guitars and their unusual sound. DIY modifications of musical equipment allowed Kurt to achieve greater expressiveness. Let's talk about this and other factors that formed the unique catchy sound of the band Nirvana.

    For restaurants, bars and cafes

    • Audio equipment for events . This is the release of the podcast “Sound” in which Timofey Shikolenkov answers the questions of students about professional and home audio equipment. After reading, you will learn what to focus on when buying equipment (price, brand, specifications), why even frequency response does not guarantee perfect sound and what is the difference between acoustics for the hall and the house.

    Pexels / PD Photos

    • How to sound the bar, restaurant or cafe, as well as a shop or office . In this video, we have collected practical tips on choosing professional acoustics. Consider how the stated use of the model (for events or background music) affects its characteristics, tell you about the proven budget solutions. We give tips on choosing professional players and mixers.

    • How to choose a professional acoustics . The problem of choosing professional acoustics faces many restaurateurs. Poor sounding of the room can negatively affect the impression of customers. We give advice on the selection of columns. Is it possible to evaluate the performance of the speaker system "by eye"? Which equipment is better to give preference? Is it worth it to immediately dismiss the equipment of Chinese manufacturers? Read the answers to these questions in the article.

    For cinema

    • Review: Immersive Cinema Experience . A complete overview of ICE acoustics designed for home theaters of any configuration. Let's tell why these products will be interesting not only to professionals, but also to amateurs. Let's look at the details and test the ICE audio kit in action.

    • Dolby Atmos: The future of cinemas . Dolby Atmos is a surround sound technology released by Dolby Laboratories in June 2012. Let us tell you what are its advantages and how it differs from existing multichannel standards. You will also learn how to set up such systems.

    • Test acoustics for home cinema ICE S8.1, S8.2, 12.1P, 15.2P: to recoup the full . In this article, you will find even more information about the ICE technique: what emitters and tweeters it uses, what the cases are made of and why the speakers have soft touch. We tested the acoustics on the scenes from Game of Thrones and Mad Max to share our impressions. Also talk about the characteristics and principles of the location of the acoustics.

    • Ceratec Cerasonar built-in speakers: and the walls will sing . Ceratec is known for its built-in acoustics. Their original solutions allow you to hide the speakers under a layer of wallpaper or paint. We will tell about the features of the installation of such systems and analyze in detail the principle of operation of models of the Cerasonar line. We show how you can create an individual sound interior by integrating speakers into walls, ceilings, surfaces and furniture.


    • Kremlin amplifiers. 236 000 Soviet rubles per set . A small excursion into the Soviet High End. We offer you to get acquainted with the Lomo amplifiers, which are voiced by the Kremlin Palace. We will tell about their characteristics and features. You will also learn what engineering solution was used to protect party meetings from wiretapping.

    • 10 speakers that changed the world . This compilation is dedicated to acoustic systems that have changed the industry forever. Let's talk about the JBL 43 series, Altec A7, Yamaha NS-1000 and other legendary monitors. We study the distinctive features of each model, including the design, materials and appearance.

    • Background sound of the premises . In the 15th edition of the podcast “Sound” we destroy the myths associated with the theme of the background sound of the premises. Powerful, professional equipment designed for round-the-clock work does not have to be expensive. We give a case of a small cafe and give recommendations on acoustics for this type of room.

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