How to connect the entire team to support

    If for the most part the sales department is responsible for attracting the client, then in order to retain the client, the efforts of the whole team will be required. Support remains the only point of contact with the client and the result will depend on how it interacts with other departments. Either the client’s problem will remain a cart from Krylov’s fable, or a turnip, which together the friendly family pulled together.

    Here is a simple case in ideal conditions.

    In the online store, the client saw a backpack with a 10% discount, was delighted, paid with a card, looked, and the discount was 5% in total. Vasya’s support agent has two tasks:

    Find the source of the error.
    Resolve the claim.

    You can’t do without help here. To find a mistake, you need to write: to developers, to accounting, to marketing. Wait for all the answer. Depending on the nature of the problem, offer a solution: arrange a refund or give another discount on 2 products - and coordinate these solutions with colleagues.

    Now imagine that the company does not have a regulation on interaction. As I could, I contacted my colleagues: skype, mail, fb. You can still go to each neighboring department, ask: "And check and then write me the result." Attention, a question. How many problems a day in this way Vasya will be able to resolve? Not to lose info one by one and get feedback from colleagues as quickly as possible?

    It is obvious that Vasya is difficult to control the course of solving the problem in different channels. Maybe Vasya use only outlook? But then he will encounter forwarding, which will turn the client’s letter into an unrecognizable monster and save the logical chain will not succeed anyway. How does this threaten Vasya? He will hate work and howl like a wolf when everything falls out of his hands. How does this threaten the client? At best, his question will be answered later than he expected, in the worst the problem will not be resolved and the customer will be sworn to buy in this store.

    It’s difficult to set up the process around the client - not in words, but in practice. Corporate culture rules and team building trainings will not help if you don’t have the right tool in your hands. At Usedesk, we suggest communicating between departments using comments. Comments are not visible to the client. These are internal notes by employees regarding customer contact. No shipments and lost letters, no deaf phone. Vasya needs to ask the developer a question - he assigns a request to him and writes an internal comment.

    Now literally: at the center of the processes is the client’s appeal. For the operator or IT specialist, the client is no longer an abstract god, whom they heard about on the meeting. Here he himself formulated the problem, here is his spelling and mood. When the whole team encounters a “living” client, this helps everyone to see and quickly patch up the “holes” in their direction. Fix a bug on the site, change the order of processing the return, dismiss the rude courier. Another important point: the history of solving the problem is preserved. That who told whom and who is to blame - the weak link is (and is repaired) without difficulty.

    We at Usedesk came up with the role of “internal employee” specifically for non-client departments. The good news is: you can add as many employees as you like :) They only write comments and help support agents with difficult questions. Pulling turnips, feeling each other, is much easier)

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