.NEXT 2014 Moscow: Final schedule, sponsors, stands and a pair of spoilers


    Winter has come, and in a week after it, the .NEXT conference will come - without false modesty, the main .NET event of the year in Russia.

    A few days ago, we held a vote on Habré over which of the reports are most popular. Here are the most popular ones:
    1. 68% - Timur timyrik20 Guev - C # 6.0: Roslyn and other innovations
    2. 59% - Andrey andreycha Chasovskikh - Async / await: collecting a rake
    3. 52% - Mikhail Shcherbakov - What and how to protect in a .NET application
    4. 52% - Dino Esposito - ASP.NET vNext: What it means to you and what it means to Microsoft
    5. 49% - Roman Belov - Memory & Performance. Tips & Tricks
    6. 48% - Dmitry Ivanov - Principles for building multi-threaded desktop .NET applications using the example of ReSharper
    7. 44% - Kirill Skrygan - Difficulties of creating large applications and ways to solve them using ReSharper as an example
    8. 44% - Stanislav sidristij Sidristy - How the CLR works and how to make it work differently
    9. 43% - Andrey DreamWalker Akinshin - Let's talk about different versions of .NET
    10. 42% - Nikita kekekeks Tsukanov - Using Linux as a platform for server-side .NET applications
    11. 41% - Igor SychevIgor Sychev - Entity Framework 7 + Redis / AzureTableStore

    We conducted a number of trainings (both on Skype and live). If it can be seen from the vote that not all the topics announced are popular, then the training showed that not all of the speakers on popular topics are fully prepared.

    That is why in the final schedule, some popular voting reports fall into the second and third halls, and others replace them. Well, there is no escape from the restrictions: we have only 7 slots in the main hall (not counting the keyote from Dino Esposito).

    For example, at the Go # conference held two weeks ago in Moscow, a report by Dmitry mezastel was of great interest Nesteruka. After the report, the people did not let him go for an hour and a half. That is why we put the extended version of this report in the main hall - Go # showed that people are interested in hearing about ReSharper.

    Reports from our sponsors (from Mikhail Samarin from Futurice and Roman Ageev from DevExpress) we put in the morning, in the first slot immediately after keynote. After this slot, we will have a big half-hour break, which means a great opportunity to talk with Mikhail about the work of a .NET programmer in Helsinki and with the guys from DevExpress about the tools they develop.

    Well, reports from JetBrains are generally spaced so that they do not overlap with each other. As a result, they are not present in only one slot, the first.

    Small spoiler from sponsors
    From day to day, two curious hub hubs will be released in the .NET hub. In the first, Roman Ageev and his colleagues will review the dashboards. The second post is a large interview with Mikhail Samarin, in which we will talk about a million things - from developing neural networks in Taganrog to speaking at JavaOne (!) In San Francisco

    All three sponsors will be presented at the exhibition. In addition to them, Nikolay nickevdokimov Evdokimov will put up a stand about the Go # conference, Andrey VioletTape Gordienkov will post about PostSharp, and the guys from Luxoft Training will put up a stand telling about their training.

    But there will be no stand from Microsoft. Apparently, development conferences in Russia today are not particularly interesting to them.

    Actually, here it is, the schedule. Three tracks, 21 reports + keynote, 10 hours.

    TimeHall 1 (Conference Hall)Hall 2 (Tolstoy Hall)Hall 3 (Pushkin Hall)
    9 00 - 10 00registration
    10 00 - 10 30Conference opening
    10 30 - 11 20Challenges, Pains and Points of Software Development Today , Dino Esposito
    11 30 - 12 20What and how to protect in a  .NET application , Mikhail ShcherbakovHow to work with external devices and smartphone hardware on Windows Phone ,
    Mikhail Samarin
    Fast Business Intelligence with DevExpress Dashboard , Roman Ageev
    12 20 - 12 50Coffee break
    12 50 - 13 40How to use and most effectively apply the new features of ReSharper ,
    Dmitry Nesteruk
    Functional reactive programming in F # , Dmitry SoshnikovFitNesse in development , Igor Manushin
    13 50 - 14 40The difficulties of creating large applications and ways to solve them using the example of ReSharper ,
    Kirill Skrygan
    Using Linux as a platform for server-side .NET applications ,
    Nikita Tsukanov
    Entity Framework 7 + Redis / AzureTableStore , Igor Sychev
    14 40 - 15 30Dinner
    15 30 - 16 20C # 6.0: Roslyn and other innovations , Timur GuevThe principles of building multi-threaded desktop .NET applications
    using the example of ReSharpe
    r, Dmitry Ivanov
    Code refactoring using PostSharp , Andrey Gordienkov
    16 30 - 17 20Let's talk about different versions of .NET , Andrey AkinshinWhat are the disadvantages of DSL, and how to solve the same problems with
    C # metaprogramming
    , Sergey Shkredov
    The True Story of Using SQL Server Change Data Capture , by
    Sergei Mikhalev
    17 20 - 17 50Coffee break
    17 50 - 18 40ASP.NET vNext: What it means to you and what it means to Microsoft ,
    Dino Esposito
    How the CLR works and how to make it work differently ,
    Stanislav Sidristy
    Mocks, Stubs & Rock'n'roll: supported tests with AutoFixture ,
    Vladimir Almaev
    18 50 - 19 40Memory & Performance. Tips & Tricks , Roman BelovAsync / await: collecting a rake , Andrey ChasovskikhEffective use of DLR , Karlen Simonyan
    19 50 - 20 00Conference closing

    Program Change

    As you can see, our program has one important change compared with the announcement of a week ago. Unfortunately, Baruch jbaruch Sadogursky due to high employment will not be able to speak with us about NuGet. As the people complained that there was nothing about the DBMS, we called the MS SQL guru of performance Sergei Mikhalev to talk about using SQL Server Change Data Capture.


    Once again about the conference:
    • Moscow, December 8, Radisson Slavyanskaya Hotel
    • 3 halls
    • 21 technical report + keynot from ASP.NET legend Dino Esposito
    • The leaders of the .NET hub are also with us
    • A bunch of people, the opportunity to chat with colleagues from other companies, fellow students, sponsors and, of course, our wonderful speakers.

    Details are on the conference website: dotnext.ru

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