How to change the acceleration parameters of the mouse cursor in the Mac OS
Those who tried to play games using the mouse on the Mac probably noticed the “wonderful” effect that they once came up with in the bowels of Apple for slow computers - namely, a dynamic change in the acceleration of the mouse cursor.
What this leads to - if you move the mouse slightly - then everything works as usual. But, as soon as you move the mouse 1-1.5 cm and miracles begin - instead of the expected linear movement - we observe a sharp jump.
For example, in the game Counter Strike, this leads to the fact that instead of aiming, you rotate 180 degrees.
I studied this issue for a long time. There are many pages on the Internet where this effect is described, but there is no simple solution to the problem. It is proposed to use various paid and not so utilities.
Apple company unsubscribes to this question in its own style, i.e. the problem is far-fetched and does not exist.
However, everything can be solved much easier. Updating the only parameter in the list using the command line.
I have not seen a single description of the correct solution to the problem in Russian, so I decided to write this article.
It took the community several years to solve the problem.
The solution works on the latest Yosemite OS.
Verified by me.
Run the following command in the Mac OS terminal:
defaults write .GlobalPreferences com.apple.mouse.scaling -1
That's it, congratulations. Finally, you can safely work and play.
In order not to be unfounded - here are links to a description of the problem and a proposal for its solution.
Source 1
Source 2
Description of the problem and worthless answers on the Apple website
What this leads to - if you move the mouse slightly - then everything works as usual. But, as soon as you move the mouse 1-1.5 cm and miracles begin - instead of the expected linear movement - we observe a sharp jump.
For example, in the game Counter Strike, this leads to the fact that instead of aiming, you rotate 180 degrees.
I studied this issue for a long time. There are many pages on the Internet where this effect is described, but there is no simple solution to the problem. It is proposed to use various paid and not so utilities.
Apple company unsubscribes to this question in its own style, i.e. the problem is far-fetched and does not exist.
However, everything can be solved much easier. Updating the only parameter in the list using the command line.
I have not seen a single description of the correct solution to the problem in Russian, so I decided to write this article.
It took the community several years to solve the problem.
The solution works on the latest Yosemite OS.
Verified by me.
Run the following command in the Mac OS terminal:
defaults write .GlobalPreferences com.apple.mouse.scaling -1
That's it, congratulations. Finally, you can safely work and play.
In order not to be unfounded - here are links to a description of the problem and a proposal for its solution.
Source 1
Source 2
Description of the problem and worthless answers on the Apple website