Video reports from FrontTalks

On September 19, a conference of the community of front-end developers was held in Yekaterinburg.

Below are video recordings of reports.

How to make Instagram in a browser (Dmitry Dudin, xbSoftware)

  • advantages and disadvantages of Canvas, WebGl, SVG and CSS filters and shaders;
  • the unknown world of SVG filters, its well-thought-out foundations, syntax and rules;
  • image processing capabilities - from simple black and white images to non-linear distortions and gradient maps.

Wap. Building in. Mobile development (Alexey Bakhirev, i-Free)

  • Who writes why for J2ME phones. Why WAP is not the same.
  • Limitation of functionality and traffic. Refusal of third-party libraries.
  • Problems building web applications for Android. Problems and their solution.
  • Televisions and difficulties interacting with the remote control.
  • Substitution of input devices.

Why postprocessors are needed with live preprocessors (Alexey Ivanov, JetStyle)

You will not surprise anyone with a preprocessor now. With their help, the syntax of css is simplified, variables, conditions and loops are added. All this is good and wonderful, but often not enough. Preprocessors will not allow you to change the existing css that you receive from external sources, will not rewrite links to pictures and fonts when moving files to a new folder, will not sort the css properties in the order you need, and will not remove unnecessary rules from the files. In all these cases, as well as in many others, postprocessors will help you.

Flexible boxes in practice (Arseny Forshtter, Yandex)

Flexbox is a wonderful technology with one significant drawback: for some reason, no one is using it. I will try to break the conventional stereotypes about flexboxes and share the experience of their use in a real project. There will be some interesting examples, a story about the features of working in different browsers, fallbacks for old IE and the peculiarities of interaction with other CSS properties.

I love SVG (Vladimir Kuznetsov, Engine6)

The abundance of devices with high resolution screens encourages developers to use icons in vector formats. Font icons have not become a universal tool due to display problems. In the report, Vladimir will talk about using SVG for icons: how to assemble a file with paths, how to add them to a page, and how to avoid common problems.

Super powers Chrome DevTools (Roman Salnikov, 2GIS)

In our work, we constantly use tools designed to make our lives easier. But how well do we actually own them? And why do we neglect their superpowers? For example, Chrome DevTools is not only a debugger and inspector of HTML. But when we have a hammer in our hands, nails seem to be around. Tens of megabytes and percent of processor load on the browser tab is a sure sign that it is time to learn how to use a microscope.

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