42nd Protocol of life, the universe and all of this: "parting words"

    In light of the approaching end, I was advised to write a few words .

    You have never seen.  (Limbo & Doctor Who)

    To understand them - I will tell a little story about the life of one person.


    Memories from the "hate" section

    Imagine that you are now 2.5-4.9 years old. You spend most of your time in your grandparents 'apartment (on the father’s line; the parents' apartment is in the same house, but on a different floor). You love to explore everything around, and especially love to study the work of complex devices: electronic devices (radio, cassette players), mechanisms (watches), ... Like to repair them when they break, or repair them when you break them yourself during the next disassembly assembly. [perhaps this was the result of one event in life — I’ll tell you about it below]. And even more love from several devices to collect one thing that you need, or to improve one by disassembling the parts for another.

    And while you "stuffed" with books such as "stories of Hercules" and other children's / non-children's books that you begin to hate . Hate because all the information contained in these books is useless for you, and at the same time you are forced to “absorb” it in large quantities. And there are no other books in your environment, and you start to consider that all existing books are filled with only useless information. And when you ask “What is a library?” For the first time in your life, and you are answered “the place where books are stored” ... (imagine the “firemen” from “451 degrees Fahrenheit”)

    Positive side

    And now the question is : how did you manage to understand complex devices, repair them, reassemble them - without reading “technical literature”? The only thing that was available to you was a circuit of printed circuit boards. It was not necessary to count on “closest people”, their specialties: “ cook ”, “ fashion designer ” + economic education.And the only time they started repairing a toy (a robo-dog - walks in a circle, sits down, barks; got it for free - from the "defective" lot) - it ended up with its full "preparation" and sending it to the trash can. At the same time, he was in a non-working state for some time (before the “repair”) (he was on the shelf), and somehow you managed to start it :) [this is the event of life I mentioned above]

    The answer is intuitive. And you did not have a volt-meter (or multi-meter), but there were light bulbs, many small light bulbs! The "power unit" was also :) About Ohm's Law, you also did not hear anything - you had your own . You did not give the names / definitions to the phenomena / effects - you just understood that they exist, and used them without names. You understood the essence of things - without labeling them.

    And this skill is very useful to you in the future - when you complete the work on the next "cool thing" and demonstrate it - in addition to positive feedback, you also get the questions: "And on the basis of what template did you do (a) this?", "What step-by-step guide did you use when creating this? ", ... The answer to all these questions will be simple:" there was no ready-made guide / template "- you learned how to do without them (and even you yourself wrote some of them).

    What is the positive side to this?

    You are not fans of something concrete - you estimate all (or most of the things) in terms of usefulness (but you still try to avoid information submitted in the form of a paper book - memories from childhood are strong ). As an example of "alternate reality": if I had technical literature at that time, then I would probably become a fan of GOST, the Russian language, and books.

    You have never had a "tamogochi" Seeing for the first time in the hands of other children a new toy “tamogochi” - you immediately wrote it into the category uselessdistractingdangerous things. When they presented it to you for a holiday, he lived in the original form for several days, the rest of the week cheats / hacks were found in it, and in the second week useful parts were found for other devices (it was disassembled for parts).

    You do not have a smartphone, because after half a year of use, OnePlus One began to remind you of Tamoguchi (installation of updates, ...), and practically repeated its fate. But then you have a modified ASUS Eee Slate EP121;)

    Continuation of a story

    Together with the "training" in high school, you have already started working - helping parents with orders - making advertising posters and videos for TV. These events were preceded by the appearance in the house of your first computer, to the insides of which you were not allowed, and it could only be turned on by permission. Games did not interest you (some were even afraid of you), but you liked the visualization of virtual 3D worlds. Internet connection was not there at first, but there were CDs with programs. So what was left to do at the computer, except for how to work?

    And then the real gold rush began . In high school, you already knew C (the first language was Visual Basic, but you pushed one Java applet {3d effect / scene} to programming, and HTML was not your language — just markup), GDI, OpenGL, and learned how to program sockets . You had a ROL20 (at night for free). At that time, "fake earnings" were spread on the network through clicks on sites, and earnings by creating a "fake search engine" with paid search results. Now I understand why they learned to program sockets ;) - it was inefficient to do everything manually. And so you wrote your first web-spider / www-bot from scratch (without third-party libraries; there was an automatic machine (s) insidethat parses http and html), which for the last hour of free Internet (on dial-up) brought $ 10 every day :) (modern equivalent - mining cryptocurrency)

    But after a month you stop doing this crap - it became annoying to get up every day in the morning (there were summer holidays) and turn on the noisy PC.
    Later you decided to remake the program for automatically downloading new articles from the network - at night they are loaded, and in the afternoon you can read them without haste.

    That's what you have to do in front of the university - to work already, to communicate with customers, to drink "cones" and to be in a state of "gold rush" to realize what kind of crap it was , and that you did not create the best things something paid for it (no one simply had such "exalted wantlings"), and then, when you needed this thing.
    + when the university tells the theory - you already know where to apply it.

    Note : all of the following, in fact, comes very close to the things from these articles:


    Now, for 27 years, you have your own autonomous house with a laboratory, there are the best "helpers" in the world - manipulators with a large number of degrees of freedom on a mobile platform. Nearby there is a source of fresh water, there are several greenhouses, but if meals are too distracting from the business, then you can not eat at all;) (still several times a week you need to eat in the "traditional way", otherwise the organs will start to atrophy). There is a stock of ore, but it is better to reuse raw materials (recyclables). There are shared (common between several houses) energy sources - in case the experiment requires more energy than the house can provide. Also nearby (at a distance of no closer than 200 meters) are the houses of other colonists. All systems operate automatically, and the houses (and office facilities) are designed to in order to automatically repair a breakdown (or replace / regenerate the "spent life" parts) in all places except the laboratory (since its configuration can often and greatly change + the main actions in it are performed by hands / manipulators). And while any house can be redesigned (if desired).

    When everything around works automatically, and you do not need to engage in maintenance, then you can safely do research and create new things (or improve existing ones). Imagine “multidimensional space of various configurations of everything” - you explore this space (by a given criterion) in search of extremes (resonances). While reading this phrase, my mind draws such things as the appearance of a supernova, or "collapsing into a black hole," or other more subtle, but equally interesting things :)

    And to imagine how collaboration works, you need to remember how you work with the repository (for example, on GitHub) now: there is a main repository (the project creator), there are forks (when the project came in handy for you, but you want something in it to improve - you make fork, you make changes, and through the Pull Request you propose your changes to the creator of the project, and he, in turn, can accept / ask the changes / reject) - and so the joint work is going wrong. It is, in fact, absent (in the classical sense). Everyone does his own project / research himself (in his "parallel universe"), while you can "look into another parallel universe," and see "what is useful there." Moreover, if the project was copied from one "universe" to another, and changed there, then it will be visible in the system, and the creator of the original project can transfer the changes to himself (if he wants). However, other participants also see all changes / connections. The main point: here you do not need to try to keep the original structure of the project when it changes, and you do not have to worry about whether the creator of the original project approves your changes. You have complete freedom of action - you can completely transform the structure of the project, you can include a part of it in your project, you can throw out "all unnecessary" from it and create a "light version" - only links between projects are stored in the system (who used / changed where ). here you do not need to try to keep the original structure of the project when it is changed, and you do not have to worry about whether the creator of the original project approves your changes. You have complete freedom of action - you can completely transform the structure of the project, you can include a part of it in your project, you can throw out "all unnecessary" from it and create a "light version" - only links between projects are stored in the system (who used / changed where ). here you do not need to try to keep the original structure of the project when it is changed, and you do not have to worry about whether the creator of the original project approves your changes. You have complete freedom of action - you can completely transform the structure of the project, you can include a part of it in your project, you can throw out "all unnecessary" from it and create a "light version" - only links between projects are stored in the system (who used / changed where ).

    All buildings / structures are also projects, and they can also be changed / improved. For example, if you increased the efficiency of the energy source, then you can easily make a new version and update the current sources to new ones - everyone will be only happy about it (since each project has a list of features / scenarios for its use - it is enough to follow them { when you create a modification} and update {when you need to use the installation for a specific script, this script is not listed, and the current installation option allows you to use it in a similar script}).

    There is fresh air around, trees, no dust, no “cars”, and the main means of transportation are legs and bicycles.

    No money either. And why are they needed? ;) I had a few paper bills, so I just watched them burn :)

    Note : I’m probably going to stop here, if even for a series of articles on LLTR I received such a comment (from Cerium ):

    Honestly, I heard a lot of things for the first time in my life and generally seem to read about the future.
    ... although they didn’t use new technologies / tools: the first version of OMNeT ++ was released a long time ago , and instead of pneumatic transport it is sometimes more convenient to use a hanger not a rail ...

    Six months before

    But this was not always the case; literally six months ago, you were in a place that was slowly killing you .

    Note: I really like what I do (the process itself and the result), and during this the brain is actively working. And it just so happened that my brain consumes more glucose and oxygen from the blood, compared to the average consumption in humans. There are several more features: I never lost consciousness (somehow I stopped seeing an idea down the street for ~ 30 seconds, stopped, sat down, my eyesight was restored, and all this time I was conscious; somehow, during the flu, when still too weak to walk long distances, I had to get up and walk, on the way back, I felt the strength run out, and that I wouldn’t get there, and “gently fell to the floor,” I could not move, and, like, I could not call for help {to speak}, but at the same time I was conscious; I can also resist the usual doses of sleeping pills Xia); I hate caffeine (after taking a small cup of coffee - it becomes very bad very quickly, fatigue and nausea appear); the more I load the brain, the weaker the immune system becomes (in general).

    And so, you are in a place where:

    • there is a lot of dust (the building was designed and built a long time ago, this is a state institution → there is a "European-quality repair", but there is no climate system , except centralized heating by supplying heated air through the mines that nobody has cleaned for a long time, and there are no output filters either) 2 (and less in winter than in summer - in the winter “fresh” air comes from the cracks in the metal frames of the windows, but this is before the “shafts” are turned on; in summer, the windows and doors are closed and the air conditioner switches on the cooled CO 2 around the room + for groin wetrags dust);
    • There are practically no working vacuum cleaners (there are dust diffusers - vacuum cleaners with a torn bag);
    • there is no "grounding" (in any form);
    • there are many people, even if they are sick, and it is not customary to use a medical mask.
    • completely different people are mixed: what will happen if you mix people who have to do “meaningless work” with people involved in useful work? In one of the scenarios, the second will start helping the first ...;
    • ... (the list is long) ...

    And so you are arranged to solve the problems of everything that surrounds you (improve what surrounds you). Solving problems (especially those that cannot be changed without changing the context) increases the burden on the brain → immunity "weakens" + CO 2 + sick people + server room is combined with the storage room and the smoking room + dust + you can not do something when there is dust around (first you start to get out) + you need to do an X-ray fluorography at the wrong time → chronic diseases → ...

    But how did you find yourself in a place that should not exist in the modern world? It's simple - it was a university.

    And on courses that interest me - he was second in the city (the university, which was in the first place, was located too far from home - every day it would be ineffective to go to it), but the lag from the first place was insignificant, given that I am used to improving tasks - to make them more useful / interesting, complicating them.

    In the end, I was pushed to a better life. True, I did not agree immediately - I moved only a year later (a year I left to complete all the cases) - and this delay was my biggest mistake in my life. She also became the last mistake in life. If he moved immediately, then after several procedures, he would have started complete remission.

    The End.

    The story ends here, and I have only a few words left.

    Imagine that you were the last person on earth (the last representative of the only reasonable species (Homo sapiens) on the planet), and you got 100 people to live - you would continue doing what you are doing now and doing what you are doing now (in particular - read this text)?

    Would you like to be (born) using better genetic material (fewer diseases, more analytical and creative abilities)?

    Occam's razor calls for "not to produce entities" - [paraphrasing a little] → otherwise, you may encounter difficulties in working together with a large number of people (the above-described style of "working together" allows you to effectively work create a large number of people, but it has a limit - the ability of a person to assimilate and analyze new information), to the extent that new people will simply have nothing to do, or the effect of their activities will be negative (processes will slow down).

    Imagine that you are writing a program every newobject you create ( ) - was created with a specific purpose. You are unlikely to create 100 objects for nothing ( //just for fun). Any of the objects created will have to be deleted sometime ( delete). If not removed, a memory leak will occur, which is bad. In the end, if you create 100 objects "just because", then ... it will be meaningless? ( and that's what will happen if each of these objects is endowed with consciousness, and say - you have to do nothing )

    Before the mass transition to a similar way of life is still very far away, so my parting words will be short: starting from the very first salary - seek autonomy, and when you become completely autonomous - then you can take up the “real deal” .

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