Best Plugins for Sublime Text


    Powerful JavaScript debugging tool, complete code inspector for Sublime. Features: setting breakpoints directly in the editor, showing an interactive console with clickable objects, stopping with showing the trace stack and managing debugger steps. All this works with a bang! And there is Mozilla's Fireplay , which allows you to connect to Firefox Developer tools and the simplest JSHint debugger .


    One of the most popular plugins for editors. Emmet, a former Zen Coding, is also one of the most significant methods for increasing the productivity of web developers. After clicking on the tab, Emmet converts simple abbreviations into bulk code snippets for HTML and CSS. I would also like to share the Hayaku plugin - a collection of convenient abbreviations for cascading styles.

    Video with the best techniques from the author of the project:


    The essence of this plugin is clear from the name - the ability to work with Git directly in your favorite editor. This way of working with Git will save you a lot of time. First: you don’t have to constantly switch between Sublime and terminal windows. Secondly: there is a competent autocomplete and instead of git add -A , it is enough to write add . Thirdly: there are such trifles as Quick commit, which with a single quick command adds all the changes and commits them.

    If from Git you need the ability to only pick up content from remote repositories, then Fetch does just fine with this task .

    There is still Glue, which displays a small window below where you can write on Shell. Thanks to this, not only Git will be available from the editor ...

    GitGutter and Modific

    These plugins highlight lines modified by the last commit, in other words diff tools in real time.


    Mega cool! Opening and closing any fragment in the code should look that way.


    The essence of this plugin is to provide the developer with the opportunity to have a single settings format for all editors / IDEs and all programming languages. The .editorconfig files store information about tabs, indentation width, encoding, and other configurations.

    File example
    # Корневой файл EditorConfig
    root = true
    # Для всех файлов используем unix-совместимые переносы строк
    end_of_line = lf
    insert_final_newline = true
    # отступы в 4 пробела
    indent_style = space
    indent_size = 4
    # Используем табы для отступов (Не указываем размер)
    indent_style = tab
    # Перезависываем настройку отступов для js файлов в папке lib
    indent_style = space
    indent_size = 2
    # Только для файлов package.json or .travis.yml
    indent_style = space
    indent_size = 2


    A wonderful plugin that synchronizes all configurations (settings, plugins, work files) between your Sublime Text editors. Everything is absolutely free, you only need to create an account. A simpler alternative is BufferScroll .


    Classic auto-completion in Sublime Text only works with the current file. AllAutocomplete searches all files open in the current window, which greatly simplifies the development process. There is also a CodeIntel plugin that embodies the capabilities of the IDE and, in addition to a smart autocomplete, introduces Code Intelligence into Sublime for a number of languages: JavaScript, Mason, XBL, XUL, RHTML, SCSS, Python, HTML, Ruby, Python3, XML, Sass, XSLT, Django, HTML5, Perl, CSS, Twig, Less, Smarty, Node.js, Tcl, TemplateToolkit, PHP.


    Probably one of the most useful plugins for developers. SublimeREPL allows you to directly interpret a variety of languages ​​directly in the editor: Clojure, CoffeeScript, F #, Groovy, Haskell, Lua, MozRepl, NodeJS, Python, R, Ruby, Scala, shell.


    DocBlockr will become an effective assistant for documenting your code. After entering / ** and pressing the Tab key, the plugin will automatically parse any function and prepare the corresponding template.


    Awesome extension for SublimeText, Vim, Emacs, IntelliJ IDEA, which allows developers to work together on code from various editors.


    Autocomplete paths to include files - very convenient. Without many words.


    Usually, when we need a color palette, we are used to using Photoshop or Gimp. But full color picker can be right in your editor - the Ctrl / Cmd + the C + the Shift . And there are wonderful GutterColor and ColorHighlighter that simplify orientation in color codes: Colorcoder Colorizes all variables, thereby greatly simplifying orientation in the code. Especially useful for developers with dyslexia.


    Great task book! All tasks are stored in files, so it is very convenient to compare them with projects. Ability to create projects, specify tags, set dates. Competent interface and shortcuts.

    Markdown editing

    Probably the best plug-in for working with Markdown: highlighting, reduction, auto-completion, color schemes, etc. As an alternative solution, you can try MarkdownPreview .


    * Some repositories indicate that the plugin is written under ST2, but I checked everything and use a lot under ST3 myself.
    * I did not describe a number of plugins that perform actions on formatting, compilation, optimization, because I sincerely believe that these are tasks for Grunt, Gulp, Prepros or CodeKit.

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