Workshop and mini-hackathon on updating applications to Windows Phone 8.1 at Microsoft office


    The Microsoft team is pleased to invite you to a unique seminar and mini-hackathon dedicated to updating your applications to Windows Phone 8.1 and creating universal applications!

    At the seminar, you can get acquainted with the new Windows Phone 8.1, find out what universal applications are, what scenarios exist for updating applications, and also start updating your existing applications to version 8.1 under the guidance of our experts.

    The seminar will be held on August 29 from 16:00 to 21:00 at the Microsoft office, at Moscow, st. Krylatskaya, d.17, building 1.

    Pre-registration participation is absolutely free!


    16.00 - 16.30 - Modern Windows 8.1 platform and universal applications, Dima Soshnikov
    16.45 - 17.15 - Porting applications from Windows 8 to Windows Phone 8.1, Sergey Pugachev
    17.30 - 18.00 - Update from Windows Phone 8.0 (Silverlight) to Windows Phone 8.1 (Silverlight), Masha Gorelkina
    18.15 - 18.45 - Update from Windows Phone 8.0 (Silverlight) to Windows Phone 8.1 (XAML), Tanya Smetanina
    19.00 - 21.00 - Mini-hackathon. Application updates, expert assistance, pizza
    21.00 - 22.00 - End of the event. Transfer to the metro.

    To register for the seminar, you must write to this address or event on facebook , indicating:

    • Name *:
    • E-mail *:
    • Link to the application in Windows or Phone Store *: The

    number of places is limited.

    The presence of the application is a mandatory criterion for participation. Be sure to bring a laptop, good mood and members of your team with you;)

    For those who can’t attend the seminar in person, a little later, we plan to create an online course and post materials in the Microsoft virtual academy .

    Best regards,
    Microsoft Team.


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