International Astronautical Congress - as it was in Australia

    From 1 to 5 October 2018, the 69th International Astronautical Congress, the largest event of the year in the aerospace industry, will be held in Bremen, Germany, bringing together scientists, engineers and specialists from aerospace agencies around the world.

    Recall where and how this event took place in the past, in 2017.

     The 68th International Astronautical Congress was held September 25-29, 2017 in Adelaide, the capital of the state of South Australia. More than 4,470 registered delegates from 71 countries, more than 700 students and 300 volunteers took part in the work of the congress, making the event one of the largest in history.

    Congress was the first event held in the newly built in the northern part of the city center conference center area of ​​20 thousand square meters. meters

    In addition to technical sessions (more than 200), as well as plenary sessions and public lectures, an exhibition was held in the center (6,000 square meters), in which 16 countries participated.

    Upon registration, all delegates were given bags with a drawing by the artist - an indigenous resident of Australia, and the opening of the congress began with the traditional dances of representatives of local tribes.

    The highlights of the congress, of course, were Ilona Mask's speech, where he presented the project to SpaseX - a giant BFR rocket and described the plan of the Martian city, the presentation of Lockheed Martin of the plan of the Martian orbital station and the descent module. Many reports were devoted to the development of deep space, improving the delivery and service of near-Earth satellites, the development of policies and laws on the sharing of near-Earth space by governments and private organizations.

    Congress program can be found here.

    Various excursions to local sights, including museums, wildlife parks, wineries and a cheese factory, were available to everyone. You could take part in a river or sea cruise, or just stroll through the numerous parks. The center of Adelaide is about 15 km from the sea, the weather was cool but comfortable, around 15-20 C. The

    representatives of Defense Science and Technology Group organized an excursion to the Edinburgh military base (Woomera test site). Australia was the third country after the USSR and the USA, which launched a satellite from its territory (though not without the help of Americans and British), the Woomera test site with a length of more than 3 thousand km is one of the largest in the world, and the horizontal radar located in Australiais the largest and most accurate. The control station in Edinburgh provided radar data to assist in the search for the missing Malaysian Boeing MH370 in 2014.

    At the military base, participants of the excursion were shown modern research and development directions of the Australian Ministry of Defense in the field of trusted autonomous systems ( Trusted Autonomous Systems ), materials science, psychology and medicine, etc.

    In the city you could visit restaurants and cafes with various cuisines of the world, or try barbecue and street food from tents along the river.

    The congress turned out to be a catalyst for the Australian government to decide on organizing its own space agency .

    I hope that the upcoming congress in Germany will be even more successful and interesting.

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