Five years later, the next version of DOSBox numbered 0.74-2

If by some miracle you missed this epoch, then I remind you that DOSBox is a PC emulator that creates the DOS environment required to run old games and programs (with certain restrictions) under MS-DOS. This allows you to play such games in a variety of operating systems that do not fully support or support DOS programs, and on modern computers on which old programs may not work or work with problems.
Indifference of people can be understood, because there is only a minor release with bug-fixes, and in the neighborhood of the wholeThree variants of the newest iPhone will be presented . However, we should not forget that this minor release was prepared for five years, and the ports of the emulator exist for about a dozen operating systems , among which are MacOS and iOS . And what other program, if not DOSBox, will allow you to fully enjoy the whole variety of classic hits of the silver age of the gaming industry?
In the new version of DOSBox there are quite a few changes that relate to correcting the stuttering sound in games and adding support for 64-bit emulator itself:
Windows: Fix auto / max cycles algorithm for Windows 7, which helps with stuttering audio.Full list of changes in DOSBox 0.74-2.
Mac OS X: Bring a 64 bit version and improve performance.
Linux: Fix the 64bit dynrec cpu core and a lot of compilation problems. Add patches for the WINE Team.
What's more interesting, the author reported on the upcoming version of the 0.75 emulator with a lot of fixes affecting compatibility with games. Testing 0.7 5 to search for regressions is about to begin, while version 0.7 4 -2 is designed to allow rollback without significant loss of functionality:
For the upcoming 0.75 release, which will enter regression testing soon. This has been created so that you can go back to 0.74-2.
Download page for DOSBox distributions.
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Do you use DOSBox?
- 6% hear for the first time 35
- 16.3% read many times about him, but did not try 94
- 28.6% used to use 165
- 35.3% rarely run, occasionally 203
- 9.7% use regularly for games 56
- 3.6% use regular startup programs 21
- I use 0.1% regularly on a gaming console or a rare OS (not Windows and not Linux) 1